• 565. Array Nesting

    Given an array A of positive integers (not necessarily distinct), return the lexicographically largest permutation that is smaller than A, that can be made with one swap (A swap exchanges the positions of two numbers A[i] and A[j]).  If it cannot be done, then return the same array.

    Example 1:

    Input: [3,2,1]
    Output: [3,1,2]
    Explanation: Swapping 2 and 1.

    Example 2:

    Input: [1,1,5]
    Output: [1,1,5]
    Explanation: This is already the smallest permutation.

    Example 3:

    Input: [1,9,4,6,7]
    Output: [1,7,4,6,9]
    Explanation: Swapping 9 and 7.

    Example 4:

    Input: [3,1,1,3]
    Output: [1,3,1,3]
    Explanation: Swapping 1 and 3.


    1. 1 <= A.length <= 10000
    2. 1 <= A[i] <= 10000
    class Solution {
        public int arrayNesting(int[] nums) {
            int res = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
                Set<Integer> set = new HashSet();
                int cur = nums[i];
                while(!set.contains(cur)) {
                    cur = nums[cur];
                res = Math.max(res, set.size());
            return res;

    brute force, 差点过,TLE了 O(n^2)

    class Solution {
        public int arrayNesting(int[] nums) {
            int res = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
                int cur = 0;
                for(int j = i; nums[j] >= 0; cur++) {
                    int tmp = nums[j];
                    nums[j] = -1;
                    j = tmp;
                res = Math.max(res, cur);
            return res;


    class Solution {
        public int arrayNesting(int[] nums) {
            int res = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
                int cur = 0;
                int j = i;
                while(nums[j] >= 0) {
                    int tmp = nums[j];
                    nums[j] = -1;
                    j = tmp;
                res = Math.max(res, cur);
            return res;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wentiliangkaihua/p/13494215.html
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