• windows 下文件上传到fastdfs

    php.ini 配置

    ; the base path
    fastdfs_client.base_path = D:/tmp

    ; connect timeout in seconds
    ; default value is 30s
    fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 2

    ; network timeout in seconds
    ; default value is 30s
    fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 60
    ; standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
    ;;; emerg for emergency
    ;;; alert
    ;;; crit for critical
    ;;; error
    ;;; warn for warning
    ;;; notice
    ;;; info
    ;;; debug
    fastdfs_client.log_level = info
    ; set the log filename, such as /usr/local/fastdfs/logs/fastdfs_client.log
    ; empty for output to stderr
    fastdfs_client.log_filename = D:/tmp/fastdfs_client.log
    ; secret key to generate anti-steal token
    ; this parameter must be set when http.anti_steal.check_token set to true
    ; the length of the secret key should not exceed 128 bytes
    fastdfs_client.http.anti_steal_secret_key =
    ; FastDFS cluster count, default value is 1
    fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count = 1

    ; config file of FastDFS cluster ;, based 0
    ; must include absolute path, such as fastdfs_client.tracker_group0
    ; the config file is same as conf/client.conf
    ; 这是你fastdfs的tracker的配置文件的路径,必须使用绝对路径,请换成你自己的路径,附件是我们开发环境和测试环境的client.conf配置
    ; 测试环境已经配置过,你自己的开发环境需要配置一下
    fastdfs_client.tracker_group0 = "D:\tmp\client\client.conf"
    ; if use connection pool
    ; default value is false
    ; since V4.05
    fastdfs_client.use_connection_pool = false
    ; connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
    ; unit: second
    ; default value is 3600
    ; since V4.05
    fastdfs_client.connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600
    ; the base path
    fastdfs_client.base_path = D:/tmp
    ; connect timeout in seconds
    ; default value is 30s
    fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 2
    ; network timeout in seconds
    ; default value is 30s
     fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 60

    php 相关文件请到 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ0PZn1 下载

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/weipeng/p/3701690.html
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