#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" typedef struct node { char name[10]; /*进程标识符*/ int prio; /*进程优先数*/ int round; /*进程时间轮转时间片*/ int cputime; /*进程占用CPU时间*/ int needtime; /*进程到完成还要的时间*/ int count; /*计数器*/ char state; /*进程的状态*/ struct node *next; /*链指针*/ }PCB; PCB *finish,*ready,*tail,*run; /*队列指针*/ int N; /*进程数*/ /*将就绪队列中的第一个进程投入运行*/ firstin() { run=ready; /*就绪队列头指针赋值给运行头指针*/ run->state='R'; /*进程状态变为运行态*/ ready=ready->next; /*就绪对列头指针后移到下一进程*/ } /*标题输出函数*/ void prt1(char a) { if(toupper(a)=='P') /*优先数法*/ printf(" name cputime needtime priority state "); else printf(" name cputime needtime count round state "); } /*进程PCB输出*/ void prt2(char a,PCB *q) { if(toupper(a)=='P') /*优先数法的输出*/ printf(" %-10s%-10d%-10d%-10d %c ",q->name, q->cputime,q->needtime,q->prio,q->state); else/*轮转法的输出*/ printf(" %-10s%-10d%-10d%-10d%-10d %-c ",q->name, q->cputime,q->needtime,q->count,q->round,q->state); } /*输出函数*/ void prt(char algo) { PCB *p; prt1(algo); /*输出标题*/ if(run!=NULL) /*如果运行指针不空*/ prt2(algo,run); /*输出当前正在运行的PCB*/ p=ready; /*输出就绪队列PCB*/ while(p!=NULL) { prt2(algo,p); p=p->next; } p=finish; /*输出完成队列的PCB*/ while(p!=NULL) { prt2(algo,p); p=p->next; } getch(); /*压任意键继续*/ } /*优先数的插入算法*/ insert1(PCB *q) { PCB *p1,*s,*r; int b; s=q; /*待插入的PCB指针*/ p1=ready; /*就绪队列头指针*/ r=p1; /*r做p1的前驱指针*/ b=1; while((p1!=NULL)&&b) /*根据优先数确定插入位置*/ if(p1->prio>=s->prio) { r=p1; p1=p1->next; } else b=0; if(r!=p1) /*如果条件成立说明插入在r与p1之间*/ { r->next=s; s->next=p1; } else { s->next=p1; /*否则插入在就绪队列的头*/ ready=s; } } /*轮转法插入函数*/ insert2(PCB *p2) { tail->next=p2; /*将新的PCB插入在当前就绪队列的尾*/ tail=p2; p2->next=NULL; } /*优先数创建初始PCB信息*/ void create1(char alg) { PCB *p; int i,time; char na[10]; ready=NULL; /*就绪队列头指针*/ finish=NULL; /*完成队列头指针*/ run=NULL; /*运行队列指针*/ printf("Enter name and time of process "); /*输入进程标识和所需时间创建PCB*/ for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { p=malloc(sizeof(PCB)); scanf("%s",na); scanf("%d",&time); strcpy(p->name,na); p->cputime=0; p->needtime=time; p->state='w'; p->prio=50-time; if(ready!=NULL) /*就绪队列不空调用插入函数插入*/ insert1(p); else { p->next=ready; /*创建就绪队列的第一个PCB*/ ready=p; } } clrscr(); printf(" output of priority: "); printf("************************************************ "); prt(alg); /*输出进程PCB信息*/ run=ready; /*将就绪队列的第一个进程投入运行*/ ready=ready->next; run->state='R'; } /*轮转法创建进程PCB*/ void create2(char alg) { PCB *p; int i,time; char na[10]; ready=NULL; finish=NULL; run=NULL; printf("Enter name and time of round process "); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { p=malloc(sizeof(PCB)); scanf("%s",na); scanf("%d",&time); strcpy(p->name,na); p->cputime=0; p->needtime=time; p->count=0; /*计数器*/ p->state='w'; p->round=2; /*时间片*/ if(ready!=NULL) insert2(p); else { p->next=ready; ready=p; tail=p; } } clrscr(); printf(" output of round "); printf("************************************************ "); prt(alg); /*输出进程PCB信息*/ run=ready; /*将就绪队列的第一个进程投入运行*/ ready=ready->next; run->state='R'; } /*优先数调度算法*/ priority(char alg) { while(run!=NULL) /*当运行队列不空时,有进程正在运行*/ { run->cputime=run->cputime+1; run->needtime=run->needtime-1; run->prio=run->prio-3; /*每运行一次优先数降低3个单位*/ if(run->needtime==0) /*如所需时间为0将其插入完成队列*/ { run->next=finish; finish=run; run->state='F'; /*置状态为完成态*/ run=NULL; /*运行队列头指针为空*/ if(ready!=NULL) /*如就绪队列不空*/ firstin(); /*将就绪对列的第一个进程投入运行*/ } else /*没有运行完同时优先数不是最大,则将其变为就绪态插入到就绪队列*/ if((ready!=NULL)&&(run->prio<ready->prio)) { run->state='W'; insert1(run); firstin(); /*将就绪队列的第一个进程投入运行*/ } prt(alg); /*输出进程PCB信息*/ } } /*时间片轮转法*/ roundrun(char alg) { while(run!=NULL) { run->cputime=run->cputime+1; run->needtime=run->needtime-1; run->count=run->count+1; if(run->needtime==0)/*运行完将其变为完成态,插入完成队列*/ { run->next=finish; finish=run; run->state='F'; run=NULL; if(ready!=NULL) firstin(); /*就绪对列不空,将第一个进程投入运行*/ } else if(run->count==run->round) /*如果时间片到*/ { run->count=0; /*计数器置0*/ if(ready!=NULL) /*如就绪队列不空*/ { run->state='W'; /*将进程插入到就绪队列中等待轮转*/ insert2(run); firstin(); /*将就绪对列的第一个进程投入运行*/ } } prt(alg); /*输出进程信息*/ } } /*主函数*/ main() { char algo; /*算法标记*/ clrscr(); printf("type the algorithm:P/R(priority/roundrobin) "); scanf("%c",&algo); /*输入字符确定算法*/ printf("Enter process number "); scanf("%d",&N); /*输入进程数*/ if(algo=='P'||algo=='p') { create1(algo); /*优先数法*/ priority(algo); } else if(algo=='R'||algo=='r') { create2(algo); /*轮转法*/ roundrun(algo); } }