• js实现卡号每四位空格分隔

    window.onload =function() {
            document.getElementById("input_num").oninput =function() {
                this.value =this.value.replace(/s/g,'').replace(/D/g,'').replace(/(d{4})(?=d)/g,"$1 ");;

     方案一: 缺点,光标不能定位

    handleKeyUp = () => {
        const target = document.getElementsByClassName('cardNumber')[0].firstChild
        target.onkeyup = e => {
          // 只对输入数字时进行处理
          if ((e.which >= 48 && e.which <= 57) ||
          (e.which >= 96 && e.which <= 105)) {
        // 获取当前光标的位置
            const caret = target.selectionStart
        // 获取当前的value
            const value = target.value
        // 从左边沿到坐标之间的空格数
            const sp = (value.slice(0, caret).match(/s/g) || []).length
        // 去掉所有空格
            const nospace = value.replace(/s/g, '')
        // 重新插入空格
            const curVal = target.value = nospace.replace(/(d{4})/g, '$1 ').trim()
        // 从左边沿到原坐标之间的空格数
            const curSp = (curVal.slice(0, caret).match(/s/g) || []).length
        // 修正光标位置
            target.selectionEnd = target.selectionStart = caret + curSp - sp

    方案二: 缺点(某些浏览器不工作,部分浏览器删除时光标跳动,如支付宝默认浏览器)

    let isDelete = false; // globle param
    // getCursortPosition
    const getCursortPosition = (textDom) => {
      let cursorPos = 0
      if (document.selection) { // ie 10 9 8 7 6 5
          // IE Support
        let selectRange = document.selection.createRange()
        selectRange.moveStart('character', -textDom.value.length)
        cursorPos = selectRange.text.length
      } else if (textDom.setSelectionRange) { // ie 11 10 9 ff safiri chrome
          // webkit support
        cursorPos = textDom.selectionStart
      return cursorPos
    // setCursorPosition
    const setCursorPosition = (textDom, pos) => {
      if (textDom.setSelectionRange) {
        textDom.setSelectionRange(pos, pos)
      } else if (textDom.createTextRange) {
        // IE Support
        const range = textDom.createTextRange()
        range.moveEnd('character', pos)
        range.moveStart('character', pos)
    export const handleKeyUp = target => {
      target.onkeyup = () => {
      const elem = target
      //for some andriod system keyboard can not input (eg: vivo)
      setTimeout(() => {
          const str = elem.value
          let currentPos = getCursortPosition(elem)
          let posAfterText = ''
          let posPreText = ''
          let isNextBlank = false//the next is blank or not
          let isPreBlank = false
          let isLastPos = true
          if (currentPos != str.length) { // not the last one
              posAfterText = str.substr(currentPos, 1)
              posPreText = str.substr(currentPos - 1, 1)
              isNextBlank = /^s+$/.test(posAfterText)
              isPreBlank = /^s+$/.test(posPreText)
              isLastPos = false
          if (elem.value.length <= 255) { // maxlength
            elem.value = elem.value.replace(/s/g, '').replace(/(w{4})(?=w)/g, '$1 ')
          if (isDelete) {
            if (isPreBlank) {
                setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos - 1)
              } else {
                setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos)
          } else if (!isLastPos) {
              if (isNextBlank) {
                      setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos + 1)
                    } else {
                      setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos)
            } else {
              setCursorPosition(elem, elem.value.length)
        }, 0)
    export const handleKeyDown = target => {
      target.onkeydown = () => {
        isDelete = window.event.keyCode == 8// the flag of delete

    方案三,比较完美的解决方案,支持各种终端浏览器输入, 任意位置删除输入且光标不会跳动。

    export const getCursorPosition = textDom => {
      let cursorPos = 0
      if (textDom.setSelectionRange) {
          // webkit support
        cursorPos = textDom.selectionStart
      return cursorPos
    export const setCursorPosition = (textDom, pos) => {
      if (textDom.setSelectionRange) {
        textDom.setSelectionRange(pos, pos)
    const handleKeyUp = e => {
      const { target } = e
      const elem = target
      // for some andriod system keyboard can not input (eg: vivo)
      setTimeout(() => {
        const str = elem.value
        const currentPos = getCursorPosition(elem)
        let posAfterText = ''
        let posPreText = ''
        let isNextBlank = false// the next is blank or not
        let isPreBlank = false
        let isLastPos = true
        if (currentPos !== str.length) { // not the last one
          posAfterText = str.substr(currentPos, 1)
          posPreText = str.substr(currentPos - 1, 1)
          isNextBlank = /^s+$/.test(posAfterText)
          isPreBlank = /^s+$/.test(posPreText)
          isLastPos = false
        if (elem.value.length <= 50) { // maxlength
          elem.value = elem.value.replace(/s/g, '').replace(/(w{4})(?=w)/g, '$1 ')
        if (e.keyCode === 8) { // delete key
          if (isPreBlank) {
            setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos - 1)
          } else {
            setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos)
        } else if (!isLastPos) {
          if (isNextBlank) {
            setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos + 1)
          } else {
            setCursorPosition(elem, currentPos)
        } else {
          setCursorPosition(elem, elem.value.length)
      }, 0)

    方案三(优化方案, 不支持低版本ie, 支持低版本ie见方案三)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/weilantiankong/p/8030249.html
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