• [Intel XDK]在线跨平台模拟器-安装方法

    Installation of the Intel® XDK on Apple* OS X* involves all or some of the following steps:

    • Install the Google* Chrome* browser
    • Update Java* on your Mac
    • Download and Install the Intel XDK app
    • Create an account with the Intel XDK (not described here)
    • Configure the Intel XDK proxy (if you are behind a firewall)

    Not all of the steps above may be required, depending on the current state of your development machine and whether or not you already have an Intel XDK account established.

    NOTE: These instructions were developed on version 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion) of OS X on a MacBook* Pro. If you have an older version of OS X you may have a different experience, especially regarding Java.

    Install the Google* Chrome* Browser

    The Intel® XDK requires the Chrome browser for installation and execution. You must install the Chrome browser before you begin installation of the Intel XDK. Note that It is not necessary to configure Chrome to be your default browser, only that it be installed and available on your system. You can install the Chrome browser by going here:http://www.google.com/chrome.

    Install the Latest Version of Java*

    The default copy of Java included by Apple on your Mac may work; however, success with the Intel XDK will be improved if you install the latest version of Java directly from Oracle, especially if you are working behind a corporate or university firewall. You can update your Java by downloading it directly from http://java.com.

    Locate the Java you downloaded above and install it on your Mac:

    Do not be alarmed if you see the following message from the Chrome browser. It is not necessary that the browser support the Java plugin. The Java runtime engine (JRE) simply needs to be present on your system to manage some service elements of the Intel XDK application.

    An Aside Regarding Java on the Mac

    After you install the Oracle JRE it will normally be used by the Intel XDK (which requires Java for file access and several other services internal to the XDK). Don't be surprised to see the java -version command report an old version of Java reported on your system…

    For more information about Java on OS X see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/mac/mac-preferences.html and http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/mac/mac-jdk.html.

    The screen shot above was taken from a machine that has Java 7 build 17 installed! Despite this incorrect version feedback, you can test which version of Java runtime is on your system by visiting  http://javatester.org/version.html. However, this test will not work under Chrome, it will work under Firefox and it might work under Safari. :-)

    If you have installed the latest Oracle Java and want to revert back to the Apple supplied Java, you might find this article useful: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5559.

    Download and Install the Intel XDK App

    From within the Chrome browser, visit http://xdk-software.intel.com. You will be taken to a download page that should automatically detect your system type as an OS X machine, and from where you will download the Intel_XDK.dmg file that will then install the Intel XDK onto your Mac (note, if your system is not correctly identified as a Mac when you visit this page, use the links at the bottom of the page to manually select the Mac instructions and download).

    Click the download button:

    If you see a warning like the following, do not discard the download file, keep the download:

    Following a successful download of the Intel_XDK.dmg file, you will need to open the file. You can open the file directly from the status bar at the bottom of the Chrome browser:

    or use Finder to open it:

    Open the Intel_XDK.dmg file and drag the XDK icon to the Applications folder.

    Locate the the Intel® XDK.app in your Applications folder and double-click it to start the Intel XDK installation.

    If you see a warning indicating that the Intel XDK app cannot be opened, it is due to the level of your System Preferences » Security & Privacy settings.

    In this case you need to Ctrl-click or right-click the Intel XDK app and choose Open to run it, in order to bypass that Security Preference for this specific application.

    NOTE: Each time you start the Intel XDK on your Mac you will do so by "opening" (double-clicking) the Intel XDK app. Every time this application starts it checks to see if an update is available for the Intel XDK and automatically downloads and installs that update. If no network connection is available when it starts the Intel XDK will run in a special "offline mode." However, to install the Intel XDK the first time you will need an Internet connection.

    Alternatively, if the blue XDK icon is present in your menu bar you can start the emulator from there, just select Show Emulator from the icon's dropdown menu.

    The very first time you run Intel XDK.app you should see a dialog like the following:

    When you are asked if you want to run this application, be sure to check the always trust box before selectingRun on the dialog:

    After you have passed the dialog box above (assuming you saw it) you should be presented with a dialog box that is asking you to log into the cloud component of the Intel XDK. If you already have an Intel XDK account, provide your userid and password to this dialog box.

    NOTE: If you do not have an Intel XDK account provide your email address and ignore the password field; additional signup dialogs will be presented to establish an Intel XDK account. Those additional steps are not shown here.

    If you have an old appMobi account, enter the email address and password associated with that old account here. You will then be directed to an additional signup dialog to establish a new account with the new Intel XDK. Those additional steps are not shown here.

    As part of the initial installation you will see a dialog box like the following on your screen. This will only happen during a new installation on that machine. After you have chosen the location of your XDK project files the installer will download a collection of sample applications.

    NOTE: If you previously have used the tool on another machine, or you converted an existing appMobi account into an Intel XDK account, you will also find any projects you previously "pushed to the cloud" (using either the build tool or the remote debug tool) will also be downloaded into your XDK project directory.

    Following the creation of the XDK project directory you should see the emulator screen inside the Chrome browser. If, for some reason, you do not see the emulator inside a Chrome browser window, locate the Intel XDK application and try starting the Intel XDK again.

    Configuring the Intel XDK Proxy

    If you see a screen like the following, or the dialog box below it, you may be working behind a firewall, in which case you may need to configure the Intel XDK proxy.

    To set the proxy locate the blue XDK icon in your status bar and select Proxy Settings.

    Select Manual Proxy Configuration and specify the proper name and port number for your proxy server. This information is specific to your site, you may need to consult with your local IT support personnel to get the information you need for this dialog box. The information shown below will not work, it is for illustration only.


    If you had the Intel XDK open and changed the proxy settings, you should see the XDK window change to a screen like the following. In that case, push the connect button so the Intel XDK re-establishes its connection to the Intel XDK servers.

    If you are still having connection problems refer to Solving Proxy Troubles with the Intel® XDK for addiitonal solutions.

    Using the Intel XDK

    Once installed, you may see a "Critical Alert" like the following. You can safely ignore this warning. It is simply telling you that the application that is being run inside the emulator does not contain a link to the appmobi.js script file that provides you with the Intel XDK device interface.

    The specific application you see in the emulator may vary from what is shown below, but if all is working your screen should look similar to what is shown below. You can change the specific emulator device skin by selecting devices in the Device Emulation box in the top right panel of the screen.

    You can also try alternate demo applications by selecting the green down arrow in the middle of the bar along the top of the tool.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/webapplee/p/3767396.html
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