# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul 10 11:04:51 2017 @author: toby """ # Import standard packages import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats def fitLine(x, y, alpha=0.05, newx=[], plotFlag=1): ''' Fit a curve to the data using a least squares 1st order polynomial fit ''' # Summary data n = len(x) # number of samples Sxx = np.sum(x**2) - np.sum(x)**2/n # Syy = np.sum(y**2) - np.sum(y)**2/n # not needed here Sxy = np.sum(x*y) - np.sum(x)*np.sum(y)/n mean_x = np.mean(x) mean_y = np.mean(y) # Linefit b = Sxy/Sxx a = mean_y - b*mean_x # Residuals fit = lambda xx: a + b*xx residuals = y - fit(x) var_res = np.sum(residuals**2)/(n-2) sd_res = np.sqrt(var_res) # Confidence intervals se_b = sd_res/np.sqrt(Sxx) se_a = sd_res*np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2)/(n*Sxx)) df = n-2 # degrees of freedom tval = stats.t.isf(alpha/2., df) # appropriate t value ci_a = a + tval*se_a*np.array([-1,1]) ci_b = b + tval*se_b*np.array([-1,1]) # create series of new test x-values to predict for npts = 100 px = np.linspace(np.min(x),np.max(x),num=npts) se_fit = lambda x: sd_res * np.sqrt( 1./n + (x-mean_x)**2/Sxx) se_predict = lambda x: sd_res * np.sqrt(1+1./n + (x-mean_x)**2/Sxx) print(('Summary: a={0:5.4f}+/-{1:5.4f}, b={2:5.4f}+/-{3:5.4f}'.format(a,tval*se_a,b,tval*se_b))) print(('Confidence intervals: ci_a=({0:5.4f} - {1:5.4f}), ci_b=({2:5.4f} - {3:5.4f})'.format(ci_a[0], ci_a[1], ci_b[0], ci_b[1]))) print(('Residuals: variance = {0:5.4f}, standard deviation = {1:5.4f}'.format(var_res, sd_res))) print(('alpha = {0:.3f}, tval = {1:5.4f}, df={2:d}'.format(alpha, tval, df))) # Return info ri = {'residuals': residuals, 'var_res': var_res, 'sd_res': sd_res, 'alpha': alpha, 'tval': tval, 'df': df} if plotFlag == 1: # Plot the data plt.figure() plt.plot(px, fit(px),'k', label='Regression line') #plt.plot(x,y,'k.', label='Sample observations', ms=10) plt.plot(x,y,'k.') x.sort() limit = (1-alpha)*100 plt.plot(x, fit(x)+tval*se_fit(x), 'r--', lw=2, label='Confidence limit ({0:.1f}%)'.format(limit)) plt.plot(x, fit(x)-tval*se_fit(x), 'r--', lw=2 ) plt.plot(x, fit(x)+tval*se_predict(x), '--', lw=2, color=(0.2,1,0.2), label='Prediction limit ({0:.1f}%)'.format(limit)) plt.plot(x, fit(x)-tval*se_predict(x), '--', lw=2, color=(0.2,1,0.2)) plt.xlabel('X values') plt.ylabel('Y values') plt.title('Linear regression and confidence limits') # configure legend plt.legend(loc=0) leg = plt.gca().get_legend() ltext = leg.get_texts() plt.setp(ltext, fontsize=14) # show the plot outFile = 'regression_wLegend.png' plt.savefig(outFile, dpi=200) print('Image saved to {0}'.format(outFile)) if newx != []: try: newx.size except AttributeError: newx = np.array([newx]) print(('Example: x = {0}+/-{1} => se_fit = {2:5.4f}, se_predict = {3:6.5f}' .format(newx[0], tval*se_predict(newx[0]), se_fit(newx[0]), se_predict(newx[0])))) newy = (fit(newx), fit(newx)-se_predict(newx), fit(newx)+se_predict(newx)) return (a,b,(ci_a, ci_b), ri, newy) else: return (a,b,(ci_a, ci_b), ri) def Draw_confidenceInterval(x,y): x=np.array(x) y=np.array(y) goodIndex = np.invert(np.logical_or(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y))) (a,b,(ci_a, ci_b), ri,newy) = fitLine(x[goodIndex],y[goodIndex], alpha=0.01,newx=np.array([1,4.5])) y=[6.47,6.13,6.19,4.89,5.63,4.52,5.89,4.79,5.27,6.08] x=[4.03,3.76,3.77,3.34,3.47,2.92,3.20,2.71,3.53,4.51] Draw_confidenceInterval(x,y) 欢迎关注博主主页,学习python视频资源,还有大量免费python经典文章)