• 统计学_样本量估计_python代码实现




    根据power,effect size,a,决定样本量

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    sample size VS effect size VS power
    Created on Fri Apr 28 11:00:22 2017
    @author: toby
    from statsmodels.stats import power
    nobs = power.tt_ind_solve_power(effect_size = 0.5, alpha =0.05, power=0.8 )
    print (nobs)
    effect_size = power.tt_ind_solve_power(alpha =0.05, power=0.8, nobs1=25 )

    t独立检验中,敏感性(power功效)越高,要求的样本量越大,effect size效应量0.5表示中等效应,如果效应太低,即使显著性<0.05,实验无意义



    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Created on Fri Apr 28 11:12:01 2017
    @author: toby
    '''Calculate the sample size for experiments, for normally distributed groups, for:
    - Experiments with one single group
    - Comparing two groups
    # Copyright(c) 2015, Thomas Haslwanter. All rights reserved, under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International License
    # Import standard packages
    import numpy as np
    # additional packages
    from scipy.stats import norm
    def sampleSize_oneGroup(d, alpha=0.05, beta=0.2, sigma=1):
        '''Sample size for a single group. The formula corresponds to Eq 6.2 in the book.'''
        n = np.round((norm.ppf(1-alpha/2.) + norm.ppf(1-beta))**2 * sigma**2 / d**2)
        print(('In order to detect a change of {0} in a group with an SD of {1},'.format(d, sigma)))
        print(('with significance {0} and test-power {1}, you need at least {2:d} subjects.'.format(alpha, 100*(1-beta), int(n))))
        return n
    def sampleSize_twoGroups(D, alpha=0.05, beta=0.2, sigma1=1, sigma2=1):
        '''Sample size for two groups. The formula corresponds to Eq 6.4 in the book.'''
        n = np.round((norm.ppf(1-alpha/2.) + norm.ppf(1-beta))**2 * (sigma1**2 + sigma2**2) / D**2)
        print(('In order to detect a change of {0} between groups with an SD of {1} and {2},'.format(D, sigma1, sigma2)))
        print(('with significance {0} and test-power {1}, you need in each group at least {2:d} subjects.'.format(alpha, 100*(1-beta), int(n))))
        return n
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        sampleSize_twoGroups(0.4, sigma1=0.6, sigma2=0.6)


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