• angularjs 定时器 销毁

    angular.module('app', [])
      .controller('ItemController', function($scope, $interval) {
        // store the interval promise in this variable
        var promise;
        // simulated items array
        $scope.items = [];
        // starts the interval
        $scope.start = function() {
          // stops any running interval to avoid two intervals running at the same time
          // store the interval promise
          promise = $interval(setRandomizedCollection, 1000);
        // stops the interval
        $scope.stop = function() {
        // starting the interval by default
        // stops the interval when the scope is destroyed,
        // this usually happens when a route is changed and 
        // the ItemsController $scope gets destroyed. The
        // destruction of the ItemsController scope does not
        // guarantee the stopping of any intervals, you must
        // be responsible for stopping it when the scope is
        // is destroyed.
        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
        function setRandomizedCollection() {
          // items to randomize 1 - 11
          var randomItems = parseInt(Math.random() * 10 + 1); 
          // empties the items array
          $scope.items.length = 0; 
          // loop through random N times
          while(randomItems--) {
            // push random number from 1 - 10000 to $scope.items
            $scope.items.push(parseInt(Math.random() * 10000 + 1)); 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/web-fusheng/p/7464974.html
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