• signed distance field 算法

    将二值图转化成signed distance field后,可以在双线性插值下实现平滑放大。


    到前景的distance field:各点到最近前景点的距离。

    到背景的distance field:各点到最近背景景点的距离。

    则: signed distance field = 到背景的distance field - 到前景的distance field。

    注:最好严格按上面定义计算signed distance field。看到有的博文中说先提取轮廓点,然后计算各点到最近轮廓点的距离,并且如果此点是前景点就将计算出的距离加+号,如果此点是背景点就将计算出的距离加-号。这样确实也得到一个signed distance field,但显然这样计算出来的signed distance field跟严格按照上面定义计算出来的结果是不一样的,对结果准确性是否造成影响不太清楚。

    若按前面标准定义计算出signed distance field后,轮廓阈值应取为0,即signed distance field中大于等于0的像素复原为前景。

    实际存储的时候我是求了一下signed distance field中的最大值max和最小值min,然后通过(signedDis-min)/(max-min)将signedDis映射到[0,1],并且将轮廓阈值0映射为(0-min)/(max-min),即得到了一个取值在[0,1]间的signed distance field,其轮廓阈值为(0-min)/(max-min)。

    生成signed distance field的算法,开始我在这个博文(http://blog.csdn.net/tianwaifeimao/article/details/45078661)中找到一个Saito算法,它利用距离平方在x和y上可分开处理的性质提高了计算效率,虽然没有完全达到线性复杂度,但也比暴力算法快得多。算法的正确性很容易看出来,实现出来实测了一下,也没问题。



    #include "SDL/sdl.h"
    #include <math.h>
    #define WIDTH  256
    #define HEIGHT 256
    struct Point
    	int dx, dy;
    	int DistSq() const { return dx*dx + dy*dy; }
    struct Grid
    	Point grid[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
    Point inside = { 0, 0 };
    Point empty = { 9999, 9999 };
    Grid grid1, grid2;
    Point Get( Grid &g, int x, int y )
    	// OPTIMIZATION: you can skip the edge check code if you make your grid 
    	// have a 1-pixel gutter.
    	if ( x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < WIDTH && y < HEIGHT )
    		return g.grid[y][x];
    		return empty;
    void Put( Grid &g, int x, int y, const Point &p )
    	g.grid[y][x] = p;
    void Compare( Grid &g, Point &p, int x, int y, int offsetx, int offsety )
    	Point other = Get( g, x+offsetx, y+offsety );
    	other.dx += offsetx;
    	other.dy += offsety;
    	if (other.DistSq() < p.DistSq())
    		p = other;
    void GenerateSDF( Grid &g )
    	// Pass 0
    	for (int y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++)
    		for (int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++)
    			Point p = Get( g, x, y );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y, -1,  0 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y,  0, -1 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y, -1, -1 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y,  1, -1 );
    			Put( g, x, y, p );
    		for (int x=WIDTH-1;x>=0;x--)
    			Point p = Get( g, x, y );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y, 1, 0 );
    			Put( g, x, y, p );
    	// Pass 1
    	for (int y=HEIGHT-1;y>=0;y--)
    		for (int x=WIDTH-1;x>=0;x--)
    			Point p = Get( g, x, y );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y,  1,  0 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y,  0,  1 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y, -1,  1 );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y,  1,  1 );
    			Put( g, x, y, p );
    		for (int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++)
    			Point p = Get( g, x, y );
    			Compare( g, p, x, y, -1, 0 );
    			Put( g, x, y, p );
    int main( int argc, char* args[] )
        if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) == -1 )
            return 1;
        SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( WIDTH, HEIGHT, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
        if ( !screen )
            return 1;
    	// Initialize the grid from the BMP file.
        SDL_Surface *temp = SDL_LoadBMP( "test.bmp" );
    	temp = SDL_ConvertSurface( temp, screen->format, SDL_SWSURFACE ); 
    	SDL_LockSurface( temp );
    	for( int y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++ )
    		for ( int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++ )
    			Uint8 r,g,b;
    			Uint32 *src = ( (Uint32 *)( (Uint8 *)temp->pixels + y*temp->pitch ) ) + x;
    			SDL_GetRGB( *src, temp->format, &r, &g, &b );
    			// Points inside get marked with a dx/dy of zero.
    			// Points outside get marked with an infinitely large distance.
    			if ( g < 128 )
    				Put( grid1, x, y, inside );
    				Put( grid2, x, y, empty );
    			} else {
    				Put( grid2, x, y, inside );
    				Put( grid1, x, y, empty );
    	SDL_UnlockSurface( temp );
    	// Generate the SDF.
    	GenerateSDF( grid1 );
    	GenerateSDF( grid2 );
    	// Render out the results.
    	SDL_LockSurface( screen );
    	for( int y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++ )
    		for ( int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++ )
    			// Calculate the actual distance from the dx/dy
    			int dist1 = (int)( sqrt( (double)Get( grid1, x, y ).DistSq() ) );
    			int dist2 = (int)( sqrt( (double)Get( grid2, x, y ).DistSq() ) );
    			int dist = dist1 - dist2;
    			// Clamp and scale it, just for display purposes.
    			int c = dist*3 + 128;
    			if ( c < 0 ) c = 0;
    			if ( c > 255 ) c = 255;
    			Uint32 *dest = ( (Uint32 *)( (Uint8 *)screen->pixels + y*screen->pitch ) ) + x;
    			*dest = SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, c, c, c );
    	SDL_UnlockSurface( screen );
    	SDL_Flip( screen );
    	// Wait for a keypress
    	SDL_Event event;
    	while( true )
    		if ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) 
    		switch( event.type )
    		case SDL_QUIT:
    		case SDL_KEYDOWN:
    			return true;
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wantnon/p/4947067.html
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