22.1 存储方式:SQLite,文件,Shared Preferences,Content Providers,网络
22.2 sqlite资料:http://www.sqlite.com.cn
22.3 基本SQL命令 create,insert,select,delete,order by ,limit,group by ,having
23.1 一个DbHelper对象:
//继承自SQLiteOpenHelper public class DBOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { // 数据库的版本 private static final int VERSION = 1; // 数据库的名字 private static final String dbname = "data.db"; /** * * @param context * to use to open or create the database * @param name * of the database file, or null for an in-memory database * @param factory * 用来创建 cursor 对象, or null for the default * @param version * number of the database (starting at 1); if the database is * older, onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase, int, int) will be used to * upgrade the database; if the database is newer, * onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase, int, int) will be used to * downgrade the database */ public DBOpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) { super(context, name, factory, version); } // 安装后要在用户手机中创建表,在这里放一些表的创建,如果有表就不创建, @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { } // 在数据库版本更新的时候调用。 @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { } }
23.2 getRandableDatabase() 获得只读数据库
同样 getWritableDatabase() 可写不可读。
23.3 db.execSql("insert into tt values('xx','xx','xx')",null)
db.execSql("insert into tt values(?,?,?)", new Object[]{'xx','xx','xx'})
23.4 Curosr的使用
ind = cursor.getColumIndex("sid");//这个获取这个字段的index位置。