- def call_filter(chain, index)
- return (performed? || perform_action_without_filters) if index >= chain.size
- filter = chain[index]
- return call_filter(chain, index.next) if self.class.filter_excluded_from_action?(filter,action_name)
- halted = false
- filter.call(self) do
- halted = call_filter(chain, index.next)
- end
- halt_filter_chain(filter.filter, :no_yield) if halted == false unless @before_filter_chain_aborted
- halted
- end
在control 的 around_filter的函数和代码块中,总是会需要yield, 那么这个yield
执行的参数是什么呢,就是上面的 call_filter(chain,index.next). 通过这几行代码,就可以解释如下代码的调用结果
"--------end of test_two-------"
"---------end of test_one------"
- around_filter :test_one
- around_filter :test_two
- def test_one
- p "---------test_one-------------"
- yield
- p "---------end of test_one------"
- end
- def test_two
- p "-----------test_two-----------"
- yield
- p "--------end of test_two-------"
- end