• [模仿]html5游戏_兔子踩铃铛





     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
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     5         <meta name="description" content="An HTML5 canvas game.">
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    16         <title>[WXS]兔子跳铃铛</title>
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      1 ;
      2 var gameWorld = new function () {
      3     function doSize() {
      4         caW = window.innerWidth;
      5         caH = window.innerHeight;
      6         caObj.width = caW;
      7         caObj.height = caH;
      8         caObj.style.width = caW + "px";
      9         caObj.style.height = caH + "px";
     10         bellLst = [];
     11         birdLst = [];
     12         explLst = [];
     13         snowLst=[];
     14         rabit = null;
     15         birdGenTime = 20; // 每几个生成一个bird
     16         genBellCount = 0;
     17         bellW = 20;//caH * 0.06;
     18         bellH = bellW;
     19         bellGap = caH * 0.05;
     20         rabitH = 20;
     21         rabitW = rabitH;
     22         bellDownSpeed = bellH * 0.15;
     23         genTop = caH * 0.9;
     24         bellOutScreenTop = genTop;
     25         birdSpeed = bellW * 0.3;
     26         rabitSpeed = 0;
     27         rabitA = 0;
     28         rabitD = -1; //-1:left,1:right
     29         mouseTObj = {x:null,y:null};
     30         rabitOnAirFlg = false;
     31         lastFpsUpdateTime = new Date;
     32         scoreB = 1;
     33         score = 0;
     34         scoreOne = 10;
     35         flyFlg = false;
     36     }
     37     function gen(name) {
     38         switch(name){
     39             case "bell":
     40                 while(genTop>=-caH){
     41                     if(genBellCount>=birdGenTime){
     42                         gen("bird");
     43                     }
     44                     bellLst.push(new bell(genTop, Math.random()*(caW-bellW), bellW, bellH, 0, bellPicLst.length));
     45                     genTop -= (bellGap + bellH);
     46                     genBellCount++;
     47                     if(genBellCount>=birdGenTime)
     48                         genTop += bellGap - bellH * 0.5;
     49                 }
     50                 break;
     51             case "rabit":
     52                 rabit = new rabitObj(caH - rabitH,caW * 0.5 - rabitW * 0.5,rabitW,rabitH,0,caH);
     53                 break;
     54             case "bird":
     55                 birdLst.push(new bird(genTop, Math.random()*(caW-bellW), bellW, bellH, 0, birdPicLst.length * 0.5,-1));
     56                 genTop -= (bellGap + bellH);
     57                 genBellCount=0;
     58                 break;
     59             case "snow":
     60                 for(var i = 0;i<=120;i++){
     61                     snowLst.push({x:Math.random()*caW,y:Math.random()*(caH*0.8),r:Math.random()*1.5});
     62                 }
     63                 break;
     64         }
     65     }
     66     function picIsLoaded() {
     67         return toLoadPicCount <= loadPicCount ? true : false;
     68     }
     69     function loadPics() {
     70         for (var i = 0; i < rabitPicLst.length; i++) {
     71             var imgTmp = new Image();
     72             imgTmp.src = rabitPicLst[i];
     73             imgTmp.onload = loadedImg;
     74             rabitPicOLst.push(imgTmp);
     75         }
     76         for (var i = 0; i < birdPicLst.length; i++) {
     77             var imgTmp = new Image();
     78             imgTmp.src = birdPicLst[i];
     79             imgTmp.onload = loadedImg;
     80             birdPicOLst.push(imgTmp);
     81         }
     82         for (var i = 0; i < bellPicLst.length; i++) {
     83             var imgTmp = new Image();
     84             imgTmp.src = bellPicLst[i];
     85             imgTmp.onload = loadedImg;
     86             bellPicOLst.push(imgTmp);
     87         }
     88         for (var i = 0; i < explPicLst.length; i++) {
     89             var imgTmp = new Image();
     90             imgTmp.src = explPicLst[i];
     91             imgTmp.onload = loadedImg;
     92             explPicOLst.push(imgTmp);
     93         }
     94     }
     95     function loadedImg() {
     96         //console.log(loadPicCount, toLoadPicCount);
     97         return ++loadPicCount;
     98     }
     99     function drawObject(name){
    100         switch(name){
    101             case "bell":
    102                 caCt.save();
    103                 for (var i=0;i<bellLst.length ;i++ )
    104                 {
    105                     caCt.globalAlpha = bellLst[i].a;
    106                     caCt.drawImage(bellPicOLst[bellLst[i].si],bellLst[i].l,bellLst[i].t,bellLst[i].w,bellLst[i].h);
    107                 }
    108                 caCt.restore();
    109                 break;
    110             case "rabit":
    111                 //caCt.save();
    112                 caCt.drawImage(rabitPicOLst[rabit.si],rabit.l,rabit.t,rabit.w,rabit.h);
    113                 //caCt.restore();
    114                 //caCt.drawImage(rabitPicOLst[rabit.si],rabit.l,rabit.t-jumpH,rabit.w,rabit.h);
    115                 break;
    116             case "bird":
    117                 caCt.save();
    118                 for (var i=0;i<birdLst.length ;i++ )
    119                 {
    120                     caCt.globalAlpha = birdLst[i].a;
    121                     caCt.drawImage(birdPicOLst[birdLst[i].si],birdLst[i].l,birdLst[i].t,birdLst[i].w,birdLst[i].h);
    122                 }
    123                 caCt.restore();
    124                 break;
    125             case "expl":
    126                 caCt.save();
    127                 for (var i=0;i<explLst.length ;i++ )
    128                 {
    129                     caCt.drawImage(explPicOLst[bellLst[i].si],explLst[i].l,explLst[i].t,explLst[i].w,explLst[i].h);
    130                     caCt.fillStyle = "white";
    131                     caCt.font="20px Arial";
    132                     caCt.textAlign="center";
    133                     caCt.textBaseline="middle";
    134                     caCt.fillText(explLst[i].s,explLst[i].l+explLst[i].w*0.5,explLst[i].t+explLst[i].h*0.5);
    135                 }
    136                 caCt.restore();
    137                 break;
    138             case "words":
    139                 caCt.save();
    140                 caCt.fillStyle = "white";
    141                 caCt.font="20px Arial";
    142                 caCt.textAlign="left";
    143                 caCt.textBaseline="top";
    144                 caCt.fillText("得分: "+score,0,0);
    145                 caCt.fillText("倍数: X"+scoreB,0,25);
    146                 caCt.font="13px Arial";
    147                 caCt.textAlign="right";
    148                 caCt.textBaseline="bottom";
    149                 caCt.fillText("Powered by Wang Xinsheng",caW,caH);
    150                 caCt.restore();
    151                 break;
    152             case "snow":
    153                 caCt.save();
    154                 caCt.fillStyle = "gray";
    155                 for (var i=0;i<snowLst.length ;i++ )
    156                 {
    157                     caCt.beginPath();
    158                     caCt.arc(snowLst[i].x, snowLst[i].y, snowLst[i].r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
    159                     caCt.closePath();
    160                     caCt.fill();
    161                 }
    162                 caCt.restore();
    163                 break;
    164         }
    165     }
    166     function birdFly(){
    167         for (var i=0;i<birdLst.length ;i++ )
    168         {
    169             birdLst[i].fly(birdSpeed, birdLst[i].d, 0, caW);
    170             birdLst[i].change();
    171         }
    172     }
    173     function rabitRun(){
    174         if(this.l!=mouseTObj.x && !rabitOnAirFlg){
    175             rabit.run(rabit.w*0.5,mouseTObj);
    176         }
    177     }
    178     function isTouchBell(){
    179         var touchBellFlg = false;
    180         var tBellIndex = 0;
    181         var touchBirdFlg = false;
    182         var tBirdIndex = 0;
    183         for (var i=0;i<bellLst.length ;i++ )
    184         {
    185             touchBellFlg = bellLst[i].isTouch(rabit);
    186             if(touchBellFlg){
    187                 tBellIndex = i;
    188                 break;
    189             }
    190         }
    191         for (var i=0;i<birdLst.length ;i++ )
    192         {
    193             touchBirdFlg = birdLst[i].isTouch(rabit);
    194             if(touchBirdFlg){
    195                 tBirdIndex = i;
    196                 break;
    197             }
    198         }
    199         if(touchBellFlg || touchBirdFlg){
    200             flyFlg = true;
    201             rabit.upAcc = bellW * 1.5;
    202             if(touchBellFlg){
    203                 bellLst[tBellIndex].aSpeed = 0.4;
    204                 explLst.push(new expl((bellLst[tBellIndex].t + bellLst[tBellIndex].h * 0.5)-135*0.5,(bellLst[tBellIndex].l + bellLst[tBellIndex].w * 0.5)-135*0.5,135,135,0,explPicLst.length,"+"+scoreOne));
    205                 score +=scoreOne * scoreB; 
    206             }
    207             if(touchBirdFlg){
    208                 birdLst[tBirdIndex].aSpeed = 0.4;
    209                 explLst.push(new expl((birdLst[tBirdIndex].t + birdLst[tBirdIndex].h * 0.5)-135*0.5,(birdLst[tBirdIndex].l + birdLst[tBirdIndex].w * 0.5)-135*0.5,135,135,0,explPicLst.length,"X"+(++scoreB)));
    210             }
    211             bellDownSpeed = ((caH-rabit.t)>(caH * 0.8)) ? (caH * 0.5) : (caH-rabit.t) * 0.1;
    212         }else if(rabit.upAcc<=0){
    213             if(rabit.upAcc<0 && rabit.t>caH * 0.5 && rabit.upAcc> -1*caH*1.5 && flyFlg ){
    214                 bellDownSpeed = rabit.upAcc;
    215             }else{
    216                 bellDownSpeed = bellH * 0.15;
    217             }
    218         }
    219     }
    220     function rabitJump(){
    221         if(rabitOnAirFlg){
    222             rabit.jump(Math.abs(mouseTObj.x-rabit.l)*0.2,mouseTObj);
    224             isTouchBell();
    226             if(rabit.t>=(caH-rabit.h))
    227             {
    228                 rabit.t = caH-rabit.h;
    229                 rabit.upAcc=0;
    230                 rabitOnAirFlg = false;
    231                 bellDownSpeed = bellH * 0.15;
    232                 flyFlg = false;
    233                 if(score!=0){
    234                     finScore = score;
    235                     bellLst = [];
    236                     birdLst = [];
    237                     explLst = [];
    238                     genBellCount = 0;
    239                     genTop = caH * 0.9;
    240                     bellOutScreenTop = genTop;
    241                     birdSpeed = bellW * 0.3;
    242                     rabitSpeed = 0;
    243                     mouseTObj = {x:null,y:null};
    244                     lastFpsUpdateTime = new Date;
    245                     scoreB = 1;
    246                     score = 0;
    247                     scoreOne = 10;
    248                     snowLst=[];
    249                     gen("snow");
    250                     gen("bell");
    251                     document.title = "我摘到了 " + finScore + " 个铃铛,你呢? —— 兔子踩铃铛[wxs]";
    252                     document.getElementById("btn_start").style.display="inline";
    253                     document.getElementById("btn_start").innerHTML = "<div style='margin:10px 0px;'>兔子踩铃铛<br />我摘到了<br /><br /><span style='color:#FFC549;'>" + finScore + "</span><br /><br />个铃铛<br /><br />右上方微信分享<br /><br />再玩一次</div>";
    254                 }
    255             }
    256         }
    257     }
    258     function bellFallDown(){
    259         var delFlg =false;
    260         genTop += bellDownSpeed;
    261         for (var i=0;i<bellLst.length ;i++ )
    262         {
    263             delFlg = bellLst[i].fallDown(bellDownSpeed, bellOutScreenTop);
    264             delFlg && bellLst.splice(i,1);
    265             if(!delFlg && bellLst[i].aSpeed!=0){
    266                 delFlg = bellLst[i].disappear(bellLst[i].aSpeed);
    267                 delFlg && bellLst.splice(i,1);
    268             }
    269             //delFlg && console.log("bell",bellLst);
    270         }
    271         delFlg =false;
    272         for (var i=0;i<birdLst.length ;i++ )
    273         {
    274             delFlg = birdLst[i].fallDown(bellDownSpeed, bellOutScreenTop);
    275             delFlg && birdLst.splice(i,1);
    276             if(!delFlg && birdLst[i].aSpeed!=0){
    277                 delFlg = birdLst[i].disappear(birdLst[i].aSpeed);
    278                 delFlg && birdLst.splice(i,1);
    279             }
    280             //delFlg && console.log("bird",birdLst);
    281             /*if(delFlg)
    282                 bellDownSpeed = (bellDownSpeed + 1)>=(bellH * 0.3)?(bellH * 0.3):(bellDownSpeed + 1);*/
    283         }
    284         if(rabitOnAirFlg && !(rabit.upAcc<0 && rabit.t>caH * 0.5 && rabit.upAcc> -1*caH*1.5 && flyFlg ))
    285             rabit.t += bellDownSpeed * 0.5;
    286     }
    287     function explChange(){
    288         for (var i=0;i<explLst.length ;i++ )
    289         {
    290             if(explLst[i].over){
    291                 explLst.splice(i,1);
    292             }else{
    293                 explLst[i].change();
    294             }
    295         }
    296     }
    297     function animate(time) {
    298         if (picIsLoaded()) {
    299             var now = (+new Date);
    300             if (now - lastFpsUpdateTime > 100) {
    301                 lastFpsUpdateTime = now;
    302                 if(rabitOnAirFlg){
    303                     //bellDownSpeed = 0;
    304                 }else if(bellDownSpeed == 0){
    305                     bellDownSpeed = bellH * 0.15;
    306                 }
    308                 caCt.save();
    309                 caCt.beginPath();
    310                 // 指定渐变区域
    311                 var grad  = caCt.createLinearGradient(0,0, 0,caH);
    312                 // 指定几个颜色
    313                 grad.addColorStop(0,'rgb(0, 0, 69)');
    314                 grad.addColorStop(1,'rgb(0, 0, 165)');
    315                 // 将这个渐变设置为fillStyle
    316                 caCt.fillStyle = grad;
    317                 // 绘制矩形
    318                 caCt.rect(0,0, caW,caH);
    319                 caCt.fill();
    320                 caCt.restore();
    321                 /*caCt.fillStyle = "#fff";
    322                 caCt.fillRect(0, 0, caW, caH);*/
    324                 birdFly();
    325                 rabitRun();
    326                 rabitJump();
    327                 explChange();
    329                 drawObject("snow");
    330                 drawObject("bell");
    331                 drawObject("bird");
    332                 drawObject("rabit");
    333                 drawObject("expl");
    334                 drawObject("words");
    336                 bellFallDown();
    338                 genTop>=-caH && gen("bell");
    339             }
    340         }else{
    341             caCt.save();
    342             caCt.fillStyle = "#fff";
    343                     caCt.fillRect(0, 0, caW, caH);
    344             caCt.fillStyle = "black";
    345             caCt.font="20px Arial";
    346             caCt.textAlign="left";
    347             caCt.textBaseline="top";
    348             caCt.fillText("正在加载游戏......",0,caH*0.5);
    349             caCt.restore();
    350         }
    351         window.requestNextAnimationFrame(animate);
    352     }
    353     function eventBund(){
    354         if(!v){
    355             document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, false);
    356             document.addEventListener("click", onMouseClick, false);
    357         }else{
    358             caObj.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart, false);
    359             caObj.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove, false);
    360             caObj.addEventListener("touchend", stopEvent, false);
    361             caObj.addEventListener("touchcancel", stopEvent, false);
    362             caObj.addEventListener("gesturestart", stopEvent, false);
    363             caObj.addEventListener("gesturechange", stopEvent, false);
    364             caObj.addEventListener("gestureend", stopEvent, false);
    365         }
    366         document.getElementById("btn_start").addEventListener("click", onStart, false);
    367     }
    368     function onStart(e){
    369         document.getElementById("btn_start").style.display="none";
    370     }
    371     function onMouseMove(e){
    372         mouseTObj.x = e.pageX;
    373         mouseTObj.y = e.pageY;
    374         if(mouseTObj.x<rabit.l){
    375             rabit.d = -1;
    376         }else{
    377             rabit.d = 1;
    378         }
    379     }
    380     function onTouchMove(e){
    381         e.preventDefault();
    382         var touch = e.touches[0];
    383         mouseTObj.x = touch.pageX;
    384         mouseTObj.y = touch.pageY;
    385         if(mouseTObj.x<rabit.l){
    386             rabit.d = -1;
    387         }else{
    388             rabit.d = 1;
    389         }
    390         return false;
    391     }
    392     function onTouchStart(e){
    393         e.preventDefault();
    394         var touch = e.touches[0];
    395         mouseTObj.x = touch.pageX;
    396         mouseTObj.y = touch.pageY;
    397         if(mouseTObj.x<rabit.l){
    398             rabit.d = -1;
    399         }else{
    400             rabit.d = 1;
    401         }
    402         if(!rabitOnAirFlg){
    403             rabitOnAirFlg = true;
    404             //console.log(rabitOnAirFlg);
    405             bellOutScreenTop = caH*2;
    406             rabit.upAcc = bellW*2.1;
    407         }
    408         return false;
    409     }
    410     function onMouseClick(e){
    411         if(!rabitOnAirFlg){
    412             rabitOnAirFlg = true;
    413             //console.log(rabitOnAirFlg);
    414             bellOutScreenTop = caH*1.5;
    415             rabit.upAcc = bellW*2.1;
    416         }
    417     }
    418     function stopEvent(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }
    419     var v = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad") != -1,
    420     caW = window.innerWidth,
    421     caH = window.innerHeight,
    422     caObj = document.getElementById("gameWorld"),
    423     caCt = caObj.getContext("2d")
    424     bellLst = [],
    425     birdLst = [],
    426     explLst = [],
    427     rabit = null,
    428     birdPicLst = ["img/bird_left_fly0.png", "img/bird_left_fly1.png", "img/bird_left_fly2.png", "img/bird_right_fly0.png", "img/bird_right_fly1.png", "img/bird_right_fly2.png"],
    429     rabitPicLst = ["img/rabit_left_stop.png", "img/rabit_on_ground_left_jump0.png", "img/rabit_on_ground_left_jump1.png", "img/rabit_right_stop.png", "img/rabit_on_ground_right_jump0.png", "img/rabit_on_ground_right_jump1.png", "img/rabit_on_air_left_stop.png", "img/rabit_on_air_left_down.png", "img/rabit_on_air_right_stop.png", "img/rabit_on_air_right_down.png"],
    430     bellPicLst = ["img/bell_ok.png"],
    431     explPicLst = ["img/bell_explode1.png","img/bell_explode2.png"],
    432     rabitPicOLst = [],
    433     birdPicOLst = [],
    434     bellPicOLst = [],
    435     explPicOLst = [],
    436     loadPicCount = 0,
    437     toLoadPicCount = rabitPicLst.length + birdPicLst.length + bellPicLst.length + explPicLst.length;
    438     birdGenTime = 20, // 每几个生成一个bird
    439     genBellCount = 0,
    440     genTop = caH,
    441     jumpH = 0,
    442     downH = 0,
    443     bellW = 0,
    444     bellH = 0,
    445     bellGap = 0,
    446     rabitH = 0,
    447     rabitW = 0,
    448     birdSpeed = 0,
    449     rabitSpeed = 0,
    450     rabitA = 0,
    451     rabitD = 0, //-1:left,1:right
    452     rabitOnAirFlg = false,
    453     mouseTObj = {x:null,y:null},
    454     bellDownSpeed = 0,
    455     bellOutScreenTop = caH,
    456     lastFpsUpdateTime = new Date,
    457     scoreB = 1,
    458     score = 0,
    459     scoreOne = 10,
    460     flyFlg = false,
    461     finScore = 0,
    462     snowLst=[]
    463     ;
    464     this.init = function () {
    465         //*********init size and vars*******
    466         doSize();
    467         //*********load images*********
    468         loadPics();
    469         //*********gen bell and rabit*******
    470         gen("snow");
    471         gen("bell");
    472         gen("rabit");
    473         //console.log(genTop,bellGap,birdLst);
    474         //*********Event***********
    475         eventBund();
    476         //*********Gen***********
    477         //*********animate***********
    478         animate();
    479     }
    480 }
    481 /*
    482 * bell object
    483 */
    484 function bell(top, left, width, height, si, maxSI) {
    485     this.t = top; // 高度
    486     this.l = left; // 左边距
    487     this.a = 1; // 透明度
    488     this.aSpeed = 0; // 透明度
    489     this.w = width; // 宽度
    490     this.h = height; // 高度
    491     this.si = si; // 显示图片帧数
    492     this.msi = maxSI // 最多显示图片帧数
    493 }
    494 /*
    495 * function : to disappear the bell
    496 * return : is disappeared?
    497 */
    498 bell.prototype.disappear = function (speed) {
    499     this.a -= speed;
    500     return this.a <= 0 ? true : false;
    501 }
    502 /*
    503 * function : to fall down the bell
    504 * return : is out of the screen?
    505 */
    506 bell.prototype.fallDown = function (speed, maxTop) {
    507     this.t += speed;
    508     return this.t >= (maxTop - this.h * 3) ? this.disappear(speed * 0.1) : false;
    509 }
    510 /*
    511 * function : change the picture
    512 * return : void
    513 */
    514 bell.prototype.change = function () {
    515     this.si = ++this.si % this.msi;
    516 }
    517 /*
    518 * function : judge wheather the rabit touchs the bell
    519 * return : void
    520 */
    521 bell.prototype.isTouch = function (rabit) {
    522     if(this.aSpeed==0){
    523         if((rabit.l+rabit.w*0.5)>=this.l*0.9 && (rabit.l+rabit.w*0.5)<=(this.l + this.w)*1.1 &&
    524             (rabit.t+rabit.h*0.5)>=this.t*0.9 && (rabit.t+rabit.h*0.5)<=(this.t + this.h)*1.1){
    525             return true;
    526         }
    527     }
    528     return false;
    529 }
    530 /*
    531 * bird object
    532 */
    533 function bird(top, left, width, height, si, maxSI, direction) {
    534     this.t = top; // 高度
    535     this.l = left; // 左边距
    536     this.a = 1; // 透明度
    537     this.aSpeed = 0; // 透明度
    538     this.w = width; // 宽度
    539     this.h = height; // 高度
    540     this.si = si; // 显示图片帧数
    541     this.msi = maxSI // 最多显示图片帧数
    542     this.d = direction; // 方向 -1:left;1:right
    543 }
    544 bird.prototype = new bell;
    545 /*
    546 * function : let the bird fly
    547 * return : void
    548 */
    549 bird.prototype.fly = function (speed, direction, minLeft, maxRight) {
    550     var nextLeft = this.l + (speed * direction);
    551     if (nextLeft <= minLeft ||
    552         nextLeft >= maxRight - this.w) {
    553         this.d *= -1;
    554         this.l = nextLeft <= minLeft ? 0 : (maxRight - this.w);
    555         this.si = nextLeft <= minLeft ? 0 : (this.msi);
    556     } else {
    557         this.l = nextLeft;
    558     }
    559 }
    560 /*
    561 * function : change the picture
    562 * return : void
    563 */
    564 bird.prototype.change = function () {
    565     if (this.d > 0) {
    566         // right
    567         this.si = (++this.si % this.msi)+this.msi;
    568     } else {
    569         this.si = ++this.si % this.msi;
    570     }
    571 }
    572 /*expl*/
    573 function expl(top,left,width,height,si,msi,score){
    574     this.t=top;
    575     this.l=left;
    576     this.w=width;
    577     this.h=height;
    578     this.si=si;
    579     this.msi=msi;
    580     this.s=score;
    581     this.over =false;
    582 }
    583 /*
    584 * change the pic and overFlg
    585 */
    586 expl.prototype.change = function () {
    587     if((this.si+1)==this.msi){
    588         this.over = true;
    589         return;
    590     }
    591     this.si=(this.si+1)%this.msi;
    592 }
    594 /*rabit*/
    595 function rabitObj(top,left,width,height,si,direction,maxH) {
    596     this.t = top; // 高度
    597     this.l = left; // 左边距
    598     this.a = 1; // 透明度
    599     this.w = width; // 宽度
    600     this.h = height; // 高度
    601     this.si = si; // 显示图片帧数
    602     this.d = direction; // 方向 -1:left;1:right
    603     this.upAcc = 0; // up a
    604     this.maxH = maxH;
    605 }
    606 rabitObj.prototype.jump = function(speed,mouseObj){
    607     this.t -= this.upAcc;
    608     this.upAcc-=this.h*0.35;
    609     if(this.d<0){
    610         //left
    611         this.l -= speed;
    612         if(this.upAcc>0)
    613         {
    614             this.si=1;
    615         }else if(this.upAcc>-1*this.h*0.5 && this.upAcc<this.h*0.5){
    616             this.si = 6;
    617         }else{
    618             this.si = 7;
    619         }
    620     }else{
    621         this.l += speed;
    622         if(this.upAcc>0)
    623         {
    624             this.si=4;
    625         }else if(this.upAcc>-1*this.h*0.5 && this.upAcc<this.h*0.5){
    626             this.si = 8;
    627         }else{
    628             this.si = 9;
    629         }
    630     }
    631 }
    632 rabitObj.prototype.run = function (speed, mouseObj) {
    633     if(this.d<0){
    634         //left
    635         this.l -= speed;
    636         if(mouseObj.x>=this.l)
    637         {
    638             this.l = mouseObj.x;
    639             this.si=0;
    640         }else{
    641             this.si = 0+(++this.si%3);
    642         }
    643     }else{
    644         this.l += speed;
    645         if(mouseObj.x<=this.l)
    646         {
    647             this.l = mouseObj.x;
    648             this.si=3;
    649         }else{
    650             this.si = 3+(++this.si%3);
    651         }
    652     }
    653 }
    655 onload = function () {
    656     gameWorld.init();
    657 }



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