• Python script --- count_words

    import os 
    import pdb 
    import numpy as np 
    train_path = '/home/wangxiao/Downloads/TracKit/dataset/train_subset/'
    test_path = '/home/wangxiao/Downloads/TracKit/dataset/test_subset/'
    trainFiles = os.listdir(train_path) 
    testFiles = os.listdir(test_path)   
    totalFrameNUM = 0 
    Max_sentence_NUM = 0 
    wordLIST = [] 
    BBox_validateNUM = 0 
    f = open('/home/wangxiao/Downloads/TracKit/train_subset_wordList.txt', 'w') 
    for i in range(len(trainFiles)):  
        videoName = trainFiles[i] 
        print(i, ' | ', len(trainFiles), ' ==>> videoName: ', videoName)
        videoPath = train_path + videoName + '/' 
        language_txt_path = videoPath + 'language.txt'
        imgFiles = os.listdir(videoPath + 'imgs/')
        # BBox_txt_path = videoPath + 'groundtruth.txt'
        # BBox = np.loadtxt(BBox_txt_path, dtype=int) 
        # for idx in range(len(BBox)): 
        #     line = BBox[idx].split(',')  
        #     pdb.set_trace() 
        #     if line[0] + line[1] + line[2] + line[3] > 0: 
        #         BBox_validateNUM = BBox_validateNUM + 1 
        frameNUM = len(imgFiles) 
        totalFrameNUM = totalFrameNUM + frameNUM 
        fid = open(language_txt_path, 'r')
        sentences = fid.read() 
        sentences = sentences.split( )
        if len(sentences) > Max_sentence_NUM: 
            Max_sentence_NUM = len(sentences) 
        for wordIDX in range(len(sentences)): 
            currentWORD = sentences[wordIDX] 
            if currentWORD not in wordLIST: 
    for i in range(len(testFiles)): 
        videoName = testFiles[i] 
        print(i, ' | ', len(testFiles), ' ==>> videoName: ', videoName)
        videoPath = TNL2k_test_path + videoName + '/' 
        language_txt_path = videoPath + 'language.txt'
        imgFiles = os.listdir(videoPath + 'imgs/')
        # BBox_txt_path = videoPath + 'groundtruth.txt'
        # BBox = np.loadtxt(BBox_txt_path, dtype=int) 
        # for idx in range(len(BBox)): 
        #     line = BBox[idx] 
        #     if line[0] + line[1] + line[2] + line[3] > 0: 
        #         BBox_validateNUM = BBox_validateNUM + 1 
        frameNUM = len(imgFiles) 
        totalFrameNUM = totalFrameNUM + frameNUM 
        fid = open(language_txt_path, 'r')
        sentences = fid.read() 
        sentences = sentences.split( )
        if len(sentences) > Max_sentence_NUM: 
            Max_sentence_NUM = len(sentences) 
        for wordIDX in range(len(sentences)): 
            currentWORD = sentences[wordIDX] 
            if currentWORD not in wordLIST: 
    print('==>> totalFrameNUM: ', totalFrameNUM)  
    print('==>> Max_sentence_NUM: ', Max_sentence_NUM)
    print('==>> total word num: ', len(wordLIST)) 
    print('==>> BBox NUM: ', BBox_validateNUM) 
    for i in range(len(wordLIST)): 
        eachWord = wordLIST[i] 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangxiaocvpr/p/13877028.html
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