• 瀑布流

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
                width: 1000px;
                margin: 0 auto;
                width: 25%;              {#每一个照片宽度占百分之25#}
                float: left;
            .item img{
                width: 100%;
        <div class="w" id="container">  {#设置4个div,每一个div占一列,一排占4张照片#}
            <div class="item">          {#循环的第一张#}     {#循环的第五张#}
            <div class="item">          {#循环的第二张#}     {#循环的第六张#}
            <div class="item">          {#循环的第三张#}      {#循环的第七张#}
            <div class="item">          {#循环的第四张#}      {#循环的第八张#}
        <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
            $(function () {
                var obj = new ScrollImg();                                  //通过new调用ScrollImg类里的function()函数,this=obj(NID和LASTPOSITION)
                obj.fetchImg();                                             //调用fetchImg()函数,这个函数里的this=obj(NID和LASTPOSITION)
                obj.scrollEvent();                                          //调用滚轮scrollEvent()函数
            function ScrollImg() {                                          //第一步:当初次加载时候执行ScrollImg()
                this.NID = 0;                                               //NID记录每次读到照片的数量显示出来:默认是0
                this.LASTPOSITION = 3;                                      //每次循环最后的位置:默认是3
                this.fetchImg = function () {                               //调用fetchIm
                    var that = this;                                        //将当前的this对象复制一份到that变量中
                    $.ajax({                                                //通过ajax把照片获取到
                    url: '/get_imgs.html',
                    type: 'GET',
                    data:{nid:that.NID},                                    //把NID传到后端
                    dataType: 'JSON',
                    success:function (arg) {                                //arg是整个后端传来的内容
                        var img_list = arg.data;                            //arg.data是列表,,赋值给img_list=[{"src":"static/upload/1_336_o8hpAYb.JPG","title":"梨","id":2},{},{}]
                        $.each(img_list,function (index,v) {                //对img_list循环的里面每一个元素是一个一个的字典  img_list(index是索引0,v是img_list=[{"src":"static/upload/1_336_o8hpAYb.JPG","title":"梨","id":2},{},{}])
                            var eqv = (index + that.LASTPOSITION + 1) % 4;  //求余(index(1)+that.LASTPOSITION(3)+1)/4余0的顺序赋值给eqv
                            var tag = document.createElement('img');        //生成img标签赋值给tag:<img src="">
                            tag.src = '/'+ v.src;                           //生成整体tag标签,v.src是图片路径:<img src="static/upload/1_336_o8hpAYb.JPG">
                            $('#container').children().eq(eqv).append(tag); //找container下面的孩子4个div通过eqv 0 1 2 3的顺序把创建的tag标签放进去
                            if (index + 1 == img_list.length) {             //索引加一等于长度的时候
                                that.LASTPOSITION = eqv;                    //记录每次循环最后一次位置
                                that.NID = v.id;                            //v.id是2
                this.scrollEvent = function () {                            //调用scrollEvent
                    var that = this;                                       //将当前的this对象复制一份到that变量中
                    $(window).scroll(function () {                         //绑定事件
                        var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();             //滑轮滚动的高度
                        var winHeight = $(window).height();                //获取窗口高度
                        var docHeight = $(document).height();              //获取文档高度
                        if (scrollTop + winHeight == docHeight) {          //如果窗口高度+滚轮滑动的高度=文档高度就是到达最底部了


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangtc/p/10635907.html
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