• phpize学习

    Compiling shared PECL extensions with phpize

    Sometimes, using the pecl installer is not an option. This could be because you're behind a firewall, or it could be because the extension you want to install is not available as a PECL compatible package, such as unreleased extensions from SVN. If you need to build such an extension, you can use the lower-level build tools to perform the build manually.

    The phpize command is used to prepare the build environment for a PHP extension. In the following sample, the sources for an extension are in a directory named extname:

    $ cd extname  进入到源码包中的扩展目录,这个扩展目录,通俗理解,如果要安装操作gd库,那么下载到这个库的源码后,解压源码会有个一个目录,进入这个目录。
    $ phpize  运行phpize。路径不一定在这个目录下,但一般是在安装目录下(按照我理解,每个phpize与具体的版本有关,不可能通用),去寻找phpize运行。之后会生成了一个configure文件
    $ ./configure     运行。    如果生成基于数据库的扩展,需要加上参数运行:1,--with-php-config。2,"--with-具体的数据库参数".比如, --with-pgsql、--with-mysql
    $ make
    # make install 将会生成一个extname.so的扩展,被放到了PHP extensions directory

    A successful install will have created extname.so and put it into the PHP extensions directory(生成一个.so文件,自动放到php的扩展目录下去,我觉得应该是phpize能够自动侦测到php扩展目录的位置).

    You'll need to and adjust php.ini and add an extension=extname.so line before you can use the extension.

    If the system is missing the phpize command, and precompiled packages (like RPM's) are used, be sure to also install the appropriate devel version of the PHP package as they often include the phpize command along with the appropriate header files to build PHP and its extensions.

    Execute phpize --help to display additional usage information.



    一、cd /usr/src/php源码包目录/ext/扩展目录/ 


    三、./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php5314/bin/php-config

    四、make && make install

    ps:make install会自动将生成的.so扩展复制到php的扩展目录下去,比如会提示已经安装到 /usr/local/php/php-5.5.18/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/目录下去






     phpize是在php安装目录下的一个文件。比如我安装了两个php5.2 和php5.3那么使用phpize也要使用对应版本的phpize才行。此时使用--with-php-config有什么作用?



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