• Completion of draft bacterial genomes by long-read sequencing of synthetic genomic pools

    Completion of draft bacterial genomes by long-read sequencing of synthetic genomic pools




    Illumina technology currently dominates bacterial genomics due to its high read accuracy and low sequencing cost. However, the incompleteness of draft genomes generated by Illumina reads limits their application in comprehensive genomics analyses. Alternatively, hybrid assembly using both Illumina short reads and long reads generated by single molecule sequencing technologies can enable assembly of complete bacterial genomes, yet the high per-genome cost of long-read sequencing limits the widespread use of this approach in bacterial genomics. Here we developed a protocol for hybrid assembly of complete bacterial genomes using miniaturized multiplexed Illumina sequencing and non-barcoded PacBio sequencing of a synthetic genomic pool (SGP), thus significantly decreasing the overall per-genome cost of sequencing.

    然而,Illumina reads产生的基因组草案的不完整性限制了它们在综合基因组学分析中的应用。


    We evaluated the performance of SGP hybrid assembly on the genomes of 20 bacterial isolates with different genome sizes, a wide range of GC contents, and varying levels of phylogenetic relatedness. By improving the contiguity of Illumina assemblies, SGP hybrid assembly generated 17 complete and 3 nearly complete bacterial genomes. Increased contiguity of SGP hybrid assemblies resulted in considerable improvement in gene prediction and annotation. In addition, SGP hybrid assembly was able to resolve repeat elements and identify intragenomic heterogeneities, e.g. different copies of 16S rRNA genes, that would otherwise go undetected by short-read-only assembly. Comprehensive comparison of SGP hybrid assemblies with those generated using multiplexed PacBio long reads (long-read-only assembly) also revealed the relative advantage of SGP hybrid assembly in terms of assembly quality. In particular, we observed that SGP hybrid assemblies were completely devoid of both small (i.e. single base substitutions) and large assembly errors. Finally, we show the ability of SGP hybrid assembly to differentiate genomes of closely related bacterial isolates, suggesting its potential application in comparative genomics and pangenome analysis.

    此外,SGP杂交装配还能够解析重复元件,识别基因组内的异质性,如16S rRNA基因的不同拷贝,而短只读装配无法检测到这些异质性。


    Our results indicate the superiority of SGP hybrid assembly over both short-read and long-read assemblies with respect to completeness, contiguity, accuracy, and recovery of small replicons. By lowering the per-genome cost of sequencing, our parallel sequencing and hybrid assembly pipeline could serve as a cost effective and high throughput approach for completing high-quality bacterial genomes.



    De novo genome assembly is a valuable tool for studying the biology of bacteria. From understanding the evolutionary processes underlying host adaptation [1] and development of drug resistance [23], to investigating the genetic diversity among closely related bacteria [45], to identification of novel biosynthetic gene clusters for discovery of therapeutically relevant natural products [67], bacterial genomics research relies on accurate reconstruction of genomes from DNA sequencing reads. Currently, Illumina sequencing dominates the genomics field due to its low error rate and ever decreasing per-base cost of sequencing [8]. However, reads generated by Illumina platforms are typically shorter than repeat elements in bacterial genomes [9]. Consequently, de novo assembly using short reads often fails to resolve the majority of repeats in bacterial genomes, resulting in unfinished final assemblies composed of fragmented contiguous sequences (contigs) [10]. These draft genomes usually contain assembly errors that are problematic for accurate prediction of protein coding sequences (CDSs) and gene annotation [11].

    On the other hand, single molecule sequencing technologies such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies generate sequencing reads of several kilobases, which can resolve the majority of repeat elements in bacterial genomes and improve the contiguity of assemblies. However, long reads generated by these platforms are error-prone [12], resulting in the introduction of single base substitutions and small insertions/deletions (indels) into the final assembly [13]. By taking advantage of both the accuracy of Illumina sequencing and the read length of single molecule sequencing, hybrid de novo assembly can resolve the majority of complex genomic structures (e.g. repetitive mobile elements) without compromising the accuracy of the final assembly [101314]. The main limitation of this approach is its high per-genome cost of sequencing, particularly for preparing multiplexed (barcoded) long-read libraries, which can be limiting for large scale microbial genomics studies.

    To address this limitation, we devised a methodological framework for hybrid sequencing and assembly of complete bacterial genomes without the need for multiplexing PacBio libraries. The driving idea behind our approach is that contigs generated by de novo assembly of barcoded short reads can be leveraged for sorting non-barcoded long reads of individual genomes within a moderately complex synthetic genomic pool. Subsequently, sorted long reads can be used to scaffold and resolve fragmented short-read assemblies via hybrid de novo assembly [10].

    另一方面,如Pacific Biosciences (PacBio)和Oxford Nanopore等单分子测序技术可以产生数千碱基的测序读码,可以解决细菌基因组中大部分重复元素的问题,提高装配体的连续性


    A schematic overview of the sequencing workflow and bioinformatics pipeline used for performing SGP hybrid assembly is provided in Fig. 1. We evaluated the precision of this protocol by sequencing the genomes of 20 isolates of the human gut microbiota, with different genome sizes (2.58–6.60 Mbp), GC contents (31.38–63.38%), and genomic similarity (Mash distances ranging from 0.00002–1.00; Additional file 1). By combining the genomic DNA of these isolates into a synthetic genomic pool (total size ~ 77 Mbp), we considerably reduced both the hands-on time and the cost of preparing long-read sequencing libraries compared to the standard PacBio multiplexing protocol (see Additional file 2 for a detailed comparison of the cost of SMRT library preparation between the SGP and standard multiplexing approach). Of the 20 genomes included in the SGP, we were able to assemble 17 complete genomes, 2 nearly complete ones (including Alistipes onderdonkii GC304, genome size = 3.75Mbp, N50 = 3.73Mbp, chromosomal contigs = 3; and Coprobacillus cateniformis GC273, genome size = 3.69Mbp, N50 = 3.68Mbp, chromosomal contigs = 3), and one partially fragmented genome (Bacteroides dorei GC431; genome size 5.93Mbp, N50 = 4.01Mbp, chromosomal contigs = 11, extrachromosomal circular assemblies = 7) (Fig. 2a and Additional file 3).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/13756203.html
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