• Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data

    Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data利用光学制图和染色体构象捕获数据改善和纠正三种植物长read  基因组装配的连续性

    1. Wen-Biao Jiao1
    2. 利用光学制图和染色体构象捕获数据改善和纠正三种植物长时间读取基因组装配的连续性
    3. Gonzalo Garcia Accinelli2
    4. Benjamin Hartwig1
    5. Christiane Kiefer1
    6. David Baker2
    7. Edouard Severing1
    8. Eva-Maria Willing1
    9. Mathieu Piednoel1
    10. Stefan Woetzel1
    11. Eva Madrid-Herrero1
    12. Bruno Huettel3
    13. Ulrike Hümann1
    14. Richard Reinhard3
    15. Marcus A. Koch4
    16. Daniel Swan2
    17. Bernardo Clavijo2
    18. George Coupland1 and 
    19. Korbinian Schneeberger1

    +Author Affiliations

    1. 1Department of Plant Developmental Biology, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, 50829 Cologne, Germany;
    2. 2Earlham Institute, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UH, United Kingdom;
    3. 3Max Planck-Genome-center Cologne, 50829 Cologne, Germany;
    4. 4Department of Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Heidelberg University, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
    1. Corresponding author: schneeberger@mpipz.mpg.de


    Long-read sequencing can overcome the weaknesses of short reads in the assembly of eukaryotic genomes;

    however, at present additional scaffolding is needed to achieve chromosome-level assemblies.

    We generated Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) long-read data of the genomes of three relatives of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and assembled all three genomes into only a few hundred contigs.

    To improve the contiguities of these assemblies, we generated BioNano Genomics optical mapping and Dovetail Genomics chromosome conformation capture data for genome scaffolding.

    Despite their technical differences, optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture performed similarly and doubled N50 values.

    After improving both integration methods, assembly contiguity reached chromosome-arm-levels.

    We rigorously assessed the quality of contigs and scaffolds using Illumina mate-pair libraries and genetic map information.

    This showed that PacBio assemblies have high sequence accuracy but can contain several misassemblies, which join unlinked regions of the genome.

    Most, but not all, of these misjoints were removed during the integration of the optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data.

    Even though none of the centromeres were fully assembled, the scaffolds revealed large parts of some centromeric regions, even including some of the heterochromatic regions, which are not present in gold standard reference sequences.




    为了提高这些组件的连续性,我们生成了BioNano Genomics光学制图和燕尾基因组染色体构象捕获数据基因组脚手架。




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/13756103.html
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