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    The brand of me


    Aug 10th 2006 | NEW YORK

    From The Economist print edition

    “WHAT'S the difference between God and Larry Ellison?” asks an old software industry joke. Answer: God doesn't think he's Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracle is hardly alone among corporate chiefs in having a reputation for being rather  ①keen  on himself. (1)Indeed, until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade, the cult of the celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism[1], as evidence that a firm was being led by an all-conquering hero.

    过去软件业有一个笑话说:“上帝和拉里·埃利森有什么不同?”回答是:上帝认为他不是拉里·埃利森。在各公司领导人中,以自恋闻名的并非仅仅这位甲骨文公司老板一个人。事实上,在十年前IT业泡沫破裂、公众骤然失去理智之前,对知名首席执行官的顶礼膜拜似乎使得自恋一直都是老板们必须具备的条件,因为它表明一个公司是在一位无敌英雄的领导之下。(译注:根据Longman,“the bubble bursts”是指“a very successful or happy period of time suddenly ends”,即“一段非常成功或者欢乐的时期突然结束”。“get/turn nasty”相当于“suddenly start behaving in a threatening way”,即“行为突然之间变得有危险性”。)

    Narcissus met a nasty end, of course. And in recent years, boss-worship has come to be seen as bad for business. In his management ②bestseller, “Good to Great”, Jim Collins argued that the truly successful bosses were not the self-proclaimed stars who adorn[2] the covers of Forbes and Fortune, but instead self-effacing[3], thoughtful, monkish[4] sorts who lead by inspiring example.


    (2)A statistical answer may be at hand. For the first time, a new study, “It's All About Me”, to be presented next week at the annual ③gatheringof the American Academy of Management, offers a systematic, empirical analysis of what effect narcissistic bosses have on the firms they run. The authors, Arijit Chatterjee and Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, examined narcissism in the upper echelons[5] of 105 firms in the computer and software industries.


    (3)To do this, they had to solve a practical problem: studies of narcissism have hitherto relied on surveying individuals personally, something for which few chief executives are likely to have time or inclination. So the authors devised an index of narcissism using six publicly available indicators obtainable without the co-operation of the boss. These are: the prominence of the boss's photo in the annual report; his prominence in company press releases; the length of his “Who's Who” entry; the frequency of his use of the first person singular in interviews; and the ratios of his cash and non-cash compensation to those of the firm's second-highest paid executive.


    Narcissism naturally drives people to seek positions of power and influence, and because great self-esteem helps your professional advance, say the authors, chief executives will tend on average to be more narcissistic than the general population. How does that affect a firm? Messrs Chatterjee and Hambrick found that highly narcissistic bosses tended to make bigger changes in the use of important resources, such as research and development, or in spending and leverage[6]; they carried out more and bigger ④mergers and acquisitions; and (4)their results were both more extreme (more big wins or big losses) and more volatile than those of firms run by their humbler peers. For shareholders, that could be good or bad.


    (5)Although (oddly) the authors are keeping their narcissism ranking secret, they have revealed that Mr Ellison did not come top. Alas for him, that may be because the study limited itself to people who became the boss after 1991—well after he took the helm. In every respect Mr Ellison seems to be the ⑤classic narcissistic boss, claims Mr Chatterjee. There is life in the old joke yet.

    作者虽然对受调查老板的自恋状况孰重孰轻秘而不宣(有点出乎意料),但透露说埃利森并不是最严重的。这可能是因为研究本身仅限于调查1991年以后成为老板的人——而他在1991年前就早已掌舵,对他而言这未尝不是一件憾事。(译注:alas此处作副词,用于“mentioning a fact that you wish was not true”。)查特叶断言,埃利森在任何方面看起来都是典型的自恋型老板。这就是过去的那个笑话在现实生活中的写照。(这样的老笑话在生活中还有很多。)


    1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:

    keen ______(adj. fond of something or someone

    bestseller  畅销书____(n. a popular product, especially a book, which many people buy

    gathering 集会,会议__(n. a meeting of a group of people

    mergers 合并_(n. the joining together of two or more companies or organizations to form one larger one

    classic 典型的adj. typical

    2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):


    1. narcissism n. 自我陶醉,自恋

    2. adorn v. 装饰(decorate)

    3. self-effacing adj. 谦虚的(modest);谦卑的

    4. monkish adj.僧侣的;苦行僧般的;禁欲的

    5. echelon n.等级,阶层

    6. leverage n. 影响作用;杠杆作用;举债经营


    1. ①keen (be keen on 喜爱)

    表示“喜欢,喜爱某物或某人”:like • be into对……着迷 • be fond of • be keen on • appeal to 对……有吸引力• go down well广受欢迎,受到一致好评 • be to your liking投其所好

     ②bestseller  畅销书

    ③gathering 集会,会议

    表示“会议”的词:meeting会议 • conference讨论会,协商会 • convention大会 • summit 峰会• gathering集会

      ④mergers 合并

    ⑤classic 典型的

    表示“a typical person or thing”:typical典型的 • representative有代表性的 • archetypal原型的 • classic • textbook case /example典型案例(范例) • stereotype陈规;典型;固定模式


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