• 库存事务处理现有量检查

        CURSOR c_lot_number(l_organization_id   NUMBER,
                            p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER) IS
          SELECT mln.lot_number, mln.expiration_date
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers mln
           WHERE mln.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                -- AND mln.status_id = 1 --有效合格批次
             AND mln.organization_id = l_organization_id; --需要添加合格字段
      FOR rec_loc IN c_lot_number(l_organization_id   => rec_header.organization_id,
                                        p_inventory_item_id => rec_line.inventory_item_id) LOOP
              inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
                                                     p_init_msg_lst => NULL,
                                                     x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                                     x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
                                                     x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
                                                     p_organization_id => rec_header.organization_id, --仓库ID
                                                     p_inventory_item_id => rec_line.inventory_item_id, --物料ID
                                                     p_tree_mode => 3,
                                                     p_is_revision_control => FALSE,
                                                     p_is_lot_control => TRUE,
                                                     p_is_serial_control => FALSE,
                                                     p_revision => NULL,
                                                     p_lot_number => rec_loc.lot_number,
                                                     p_lot_expiration_date => rec_loc.expiration_date,
                                                     p_subinventory_code => rec_header.subinventory_code, --子库code
                                                     p_locator_id => NULL, --rec_loc.locator_id,
                                                     p_cost_group_id => NULL,
                                                     p_onhand_source => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs,
                                                     x_qoh => l_qoh, --现有量
                                                     x_rqoh => l_atp_qty,
                                                     x_qr => l_qr,
                                                     x_qs => l_qs,
                                                     x_att => l_att,
                                                     x_atr => l_atr);
    end loop;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghang/p/6299526.html
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