• Oracle Metalink Notes Collection


    Note 123456.1 Latest 11i Applications Recommended Patch List

    Note 568012.1:FAQ: Inventory Standard Datafixes
    Note 438787.1: What are the events passed using Custom library and when do they fire?
    Note 438920.1 How To Customize Standard Oracle Application Using Custom Library
    Note 402245.1 -  "Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script rcv11i_sa.sql".
    Note 729265.1:How To Process Move Orders Using INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.
    Note 29012.1 - TK Prof Different Useages
    Note 141278.1 - Raw Trace and TKPROF
    Note 295179.1 - To create MTI records
    Note 338291.1 - Howto Enable WMS / MSCA Logging
    Note 191477.1 - INV: Genealogy Prefix or Suffix
    Note.357535.1 - Sample WMS Open Interface Insert Scripts / Examples howto Insert into Transaction Open Interface
    Note.259673.1 - "Q: Physical inventory Open Interface or APIs? No.
    Note.286755.1 - Debug Issues with Inventory Supply/Demand form
    Note.141149.1 - Important INV profile option explainations
    Note 398699.1 - Inventory Pending Transactions in MMTT Data Collection Test
    Note 402574.1 - MOQD MSN mismatch
    Note 279205.1 - MOQD MMT mismatch
    Note:401220.1 - Unsuccessful row construction in MSCA for Subinventory field
    Note 168083.1 - Simple Drop Shipment Flow
    NOTE:406390.1,364738.1,365454.1,387882.1,420999.1 - Consigned Inventory
    NOTE:190028.1 - Flow for ATO Configurations
    Note 402574.1 - Onhand Quantity Mismatch MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS And 
    Note 223702.1 - Inventory Item Setup Data Collection Tool
    Note 279205.1 -  Find Mismatch Between MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS (MMT) and 
    Note 132629.1 - How to know which row is locked by what user.
    Note 166650.1 - Working Effectively With Global Customer Support
    Note 268973.1-To Find Duplicate Records in MMT , MMTT and MTI (Sales Orders/Internal Orders)
    Note.737442.1-Int/Arc FAQ Work in Process (WIP) Standard Datafixes
    Note 268974.1-To Review The Stock Picture For An Item in a Given Organization / Subinventory
    Note 737157.1- FAQ: Costing Standard Datafixes
    Note 601623.1 - How To Diagnose Issues Related To Inter-Organization Transfers
    726226.1-INV/WMS/RCV Family Patch Release History / Patchsets / RUPs
    Note 726226.1

    Data Collection
    Note 205049.1 - 11i : Oracle Inventory General Setup Test
    Note 223702.1 - Item Diagnostics(Inventory Item Setup Data Collection Tool)
    Note 148651.1-INV DEBUG: How to get Debug Information for Inventory 
    Note 299497.1 - RCV debug
    Note 402245.1 - RCV11i
    Note 316142.1-Discrete Job Diagnostic script wipjob11i.sql
    Note 207398.1  - Duplicate WIP Component Issue Check Diagnostic Script
    Note 276207.1 - Diagnostics : Apps Check
    Note.133464.1 - OMSE11i
    Note 150168.1 - FRD Trace
    Note 373548.1 - FRD Trace in 
    Note 148651.1,Note 210188.1 - INV/Debug log file
    Note 290432.1 - Shipping Log File
    Note 277655.1 - Mobile Trace
    Note 276211.1 - Shipping Transactions Diagnostic Report (wshord11i.sql)
    Note 463601.1 - Inventory Organization Data Collection Setup Test
    Note 378348.1 - Data Collection Scripts for Cost Management
    Note 206576.1 - Oracle Inventory Period Closing Activity Test
    Note 398700.1 -Oracle Inventory Open Interface Transactions (MTI) Data
    Note 463579.1  - Inventory Serial Number Information Setup Test

    Cycle Count
    Note 732843.1 - R12 and 11i Troubleshooting Guide for All Cycle Count  issues: No Data Returned or Cycle Count Not Picking Up Enough Items
    MetalinkNote 458727.1 Cycle Count ITAR Template Metalink Note 66634.1 - Cycle Count - How To" to create a new ABC Compile, ABC Class, ABC Assignment Group, and cycle count.
    Metalink Note 199620.1 - Schedule and Perform Full Cycle Count
    Metalink Note 76805.1 - Steps to Compile an ABC to Use for Cycle Counting
    Metalink Note 76804.1 - Steps to Define and Complete a Cycle Count
    Metalink Note 199639.1 - Approving Cycle Count Corrections
    Metalink Note 199636.1 - Entering Cycle Counts in Release 11i INV-115
    Metalink Note 199619.1 - Define Cycle Count and Set Cycle Count Classes
    Metalink Note 199638.1 - Approving Cycle Counts Held for Approval and Approving Cycle Count Adjustments
    Metalink Note 76807.1 - How the Cycle Count Process Determines which Items are Due for Cycle Counting
    Metalink Note 102488.1 - Inventory Current Issues: Cycle Count
    Metalink Note 416149.1 - 11i FAQ How Cycle Counting Works and how to ensure that cycle counts are scheduled based on setup class and frequency to meet audit requirements
    Note 342741.1 11i Cycle Counting: Items That Should Be Counted In The Quarter Have Not Come Up For Count 

    ROI Documentation
    Note 559956.1: ROI Features + Transactions supported in various releases
    Note 437587.1: ROI in R12
    Note 290489.1- 11510 ROI transactions supported

    ROI transactions against PO
    Note:467037.1 - How Do We Create A Roi Receipt For Po Line That Is Fixed Price Or Rate Type? 
    Note:368811.1 - 11.5.10 ROI How To Perform Purchase Order Receipt For Lot and Serial Controlled Item ?
    Note:461928.1 - How Is ASN_TYPE Field In RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE Used?
    Note:549609.1 - 11.5.10 ROI How To Create ASN / Perform Receipt For ASN Already Created Via ROI?
    Note 301624.1 - How to Receive and Deliver Against ASBN by ROI (partially)
    Note 445274.1 - 11.5.10: Which Interface Tables are Used by ROI to Process ASNs With LPNs?
    Note 374162.1 - PO Receipt & Deliver for Expense/Inventory destinations, Plain/Lot/Serial/Lot-Serial Items.

    ROI transactions against RMA
    Note 435275.1, 270760.1 & 339835.1 - RMA thru ROI (not supported before 11510)
    Note 302987.1 - How to create DELIVER transaction against RMA with lot/serial controlled item by ROI

    ROI transactions against Internal shipments: ISO & IOT
    Note 336924.1 - How to Receive Intransit Shipment (Inter-organization Transfer) using ROI - 11.5.10
    Note:342610.1 - Receive Intransit Shipment (Inter-org transfer) for Lot / Serial Controlled Items via Receiving
    Note:365200.1 - 11.5.10 ROI How To Perform Receipt On Internal Requisition / Internal Sales Order Via Receiving Open Interface?

    Generic scripts for various receiving transactions
    Note:335699.1 - 11.5.10 ROI How to Correct Receiving Transaction with Receiving Open Interface?
    Note:360340.1 - 11.5.10 ROI How to Return Receiving Transaction with Receiving Open Interface?
    Note 60340.1  - Return txns thru ROI
    Note 301281.1: 11.5.10/R12: Which Interface Tables are Used by ROI to Process Serial and Lot Controlled Items?

    Note 29012.1 - TK Prof Different Useages
    Note 295179.1 - To create MTI records
    Note 148651.1 - INV/Debug log file
    Note 290432.1 - How to Create a Debug File in Shipping Execution
    Note 150168.1 - FRD Trace
    Note 438652.1 - FRD Trace R12
    Note 373548.1 - FRD Trace R12
    Note 338291.1 - Howto Enable WMS / MSCA Logging?
    Note 277655.1 - SQL*Trace with WMS-MWA: Mobile Applications (Tracing SQL via Database Trace to allow for TKPROF of results of user actions)
    Note 190893.1 - Oracle Inventory Support Service Request Instrumentation for Organization Setup
    Note 251415.1 - SQLTXPLAIN.SQL - Enhanced Explain Plan and related diagnostic info for one SQL statement
    Note 305404.1 - Oracle Inventory Item Information Data Collection Test
    Note 223702.1 - Inventory Item Setup Data Collection Tool
    Note 191477.1 - INV: Genealogy Prefix or Suffix
    Note.357535.1 - Sample WMS Open Interface Insert Scripts / Examples howto Insert into Transaction Open Interface:
    Note.259673.1 - "Q: Physical inventory Open Interface or APIs? No.
    Note.286755.1 - Debug Issues with Inventory Supply/Demand form
    Note.141149.1 - Important INV profile option explainations
    Note.395981.1 - Cost Manager Not Processing Because of Error CST_INVALID_INTERORG
    Note.356771.1 - Cost Manager Not Processing Because of Error CST_INVALID_INTERORG
    Note.273922.1 - INCTPC -Cannot Close Accounting Period Due to Status = Processing
    Note.133464.1 - Sales Order Diagnostics patch (omse11i)
    Note:415537.1 - Physical Inventory Adjustments ends in error
    Note:221211.1 - Inventory Move Orders diagnostics patch
    Note:60647.1 - About Physical Inentory
    Note:135389.1 - Using profile option 'Initialization SQL Statement - Custom'
    Note:301524.1 - Receiving Transactions Fails With RVTTH-115F / RVTTH-115D Error (Missing Move Order Datafix)
    Note 387838.1 - Serial Number &TOKEN Does Not Exist For The Given Item Leading/Trailing Spaces
    Note 413174.1 - Miscellaneous Receipt Getting App-Inv-05011: Cannot Convert Quantities To Ea In Routine UE:XACT_QTY0
    Note 283740.1 - Inventory Java Versions Data Collection Script
    Note 282480.1 - Cannot Issue Locator Controlled Item - Locator and Onhand Subinventory Do Not Match
    Note 298250.1 - Troubleshooting WMS / MSCA Label Printing
    Note 377205.1 - Cst_match_date_ Period The Txn Date Is Not Within The Acct Period When Costing Transactions
    Note 306173.1 - Subinventory Priority While Allocating A Move Order In A Move Order Requisition
    Note 200066.1 - Transactions are Stuck in MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE Table With Invalid Serial Number Status
    Note 398700.1 - Inventory Open Interface Transactions (MTI) Data Collection Test
    Note 239627.1 - How To Obtain the CSE/CSI Log and Debug Files For Your Oracle Support Analyst
    Note 186472.1 - Diagnostic Scripts: 11i - Hanging SQL - Find the Statement Causing Process to Hang
    Note 249669.1 - How To Collect Apache and Jserv Debugging Details For Applications 11i
    Note 461611.1 - Tag Counts In Physical Inventory Do Not Allow Duplicate Serials Across Items
    Note 317412.1 - How To Override Cross Docking Suggestion
    Note 375282.1 - There Must Be A Valid Blanket Purchase Agreement In Effect For The Item You Wish To Transact
    Note 336778.1 - Consignment Transactions Error With Must Be A Valid Blanket Purchase Agreement
    Note 416678.1 - R12 : Deferred COGS account
    Note 120183.1 - How To Investigate Mtl_demand_interface Errors
    Note 249738.1 - 11i - Intercompany Invoicing Does Not Work Properly
    Note 316365.1 - Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack Installation Instructions
    Note 462174.1 - Problems With View On-Hand Quantities Form
    Note 402245.1 - Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script rcv11i_sa.sql
    Note 277655.1 - SQL*Trace with WMS-MWA: Mobile Applications (Tracing SQL via Database Trace to allow for TKPROF of results of user actions)
    Note 398700.1 - Inventory Open Interface Transactions (MTI) Data Collection Test.
    Note 398699.1 - Inventory Pending Transactions in MMTT Data Collection Test
    NOTE:406390.1,364738.1,365454.1,387882.1,420999.1 - Consigned Inventory
    NOTE:190028.1 - Flow for ATO Configurations
    Note 402245.1 - RCV11i
    Note 136098.1 - User_id, responsibility_id, RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID
    Note 400088.1 - Distribution_account_id
    Note 353345.1 - Consolidate inventory onhand
    Note 223702.1 - Item Diagnostics
    Note 404336.1 - How Many Processes Should Be Set For The Receiving Transaction Manager (RTM)?
    Note 168083.1 - Simple Drop Shipment Flow
    Note 276207.1 - Diagnostics : Apps Check
    Note 402574.1 - MOQD MSN mismatch
    Note 279205.1 - MOQD MMT mismatch
    Note:401220.1 - Unsuccessful row construction in MSCA for Subinventory field
    Note 337325.1 - Intercompany Transactions
    Note 336129.1 - Intercompany Invoicing Overview
    Note 417875.1 - Serial Number FAQ
    Note 332697.1 - 11.5.10 RCVRCERC - Internal Sales Order Receipts Fail with 'rvtptcontrol failed' and 'WMSINB-22192:Lot/Serial
    Note 376505.1 - Unable to Receive Inter-Organization Transfers "rvtptcontrol failed"
    Note 141118.1 - How To Relink Forms Library Files Using Adadmin
    Note 414943.1 - R: Xml Output Getting Emsg: Signal 11-Glibcdetected Corrupted Double-Linked List
    Note 315741.1 - Basic Setup To Achieve Skip Lot Inspection Functionality In Receiving Quality Inspection
    Note 405632.1 - Item Definition with Chargeable Subcontracting
    Note 273044.1 - FLEXFIELD: Validate on Server Profile Option
    Note 363377.1 - WMSINB-23178 - Lot/Serial Validation Fail Error For Receipt
    Note 303365.1 - POXRQSDD: Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report Not Displaying Correct Information
    Note 303088.1 - 11.5.10 - Only First Line is Split When Performing Partial Receipt for Multiple Line RMA
    Note 391554.1 - Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources
    Note 11.1 - "Demo It To Oracle" (DITO) - CamStudio Help
    Note 203238.1 - Using Parallel Execution
    Note 605248.1 - Inventory Suite Patching Strategy For One-Off Requests and RUPs
    Note 294670.1 - Oracle Mobile Applications (MSCA/WMS) Graphical User Interface
    Note 277332.1 - Receipts For Drop Ship Purchase Orders Fail With Rvtii-060 - Subroutine inltpu() returned error
    Note 372432.1 - How to Trace the Receiving Transactions
    Note 66634.1 - Cycle Count - How To" to create a new ABC Compile, ABC Class, ABC Assignment Group, and cycle count.
    Note 199620.1 - Schedule and Perform Full Cycle Count
    Note 76805.1 - Steps to Compile an ABC to Use for Cycle Counting
    Note 76804.1 - Steps to Define and Complete a Cycle Count
    Note 199639.1 - Approving Cycle Count Corrections
    Note 199636.1 - Entering Cycle Counts in Release 11i INV-115
    Note 199619.1 - Define Cycle Count and Set Cycle Count Classes
    Note 199638.1 - Approving Cycle Counts Held for Approval and Approving Cycle Count Adjustments
    Note 76807.1 - How the Cycle Count Process Determines which Items are Due for Cycle Counting
    Note 102488.1 - Inventory Current Issues: Cycle Count
    Note 416149.1 - 11i FAQ How Cycle Counting Works and how to ensure that cycle counts are scheduled based on setup class and
    frequency to meet audit requirements
    Note 406312.1 - ISO cycle
    Note 301372.1 - Concurrent program database trace with Binds and waits
    Note 420787.1 - Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code


    218089.1  Autoconfig FAQ
    165195.1  Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i
    387859.1  Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12 
    270519.1  Customizing an AutoConfig Environment
    364927.1 How To Run Autoconfig On Database Tier (DB-Tier)
    341322.1 How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using AutoConfig
    338003.1 How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier using AutoConfig
    315674.1 How To Verify if Autoconfig is Enabled on 11.5.x
    391406.1 How to get a clean Autoconfig Environment

    Apps Notes

    NOTE.74660.1 : Resolving Invalid Objects in Oracle Applications

    NOTE.338879.1 : Landscape1309 – Linux Landscape Quick Reference
    NOTE.341782.1 : Linux Quick Reference
    NOTE.312572.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology Updates for Release 11.
    NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Release 11i
    NOTE.370274.1 : New Features in… Oracle Application 11i
    NOTE.275734.1 : India Localization
    NOTE.47837.1 : Applications Utilities FAQ
    NOTE.189487.1 : System Administration FAQ’s
    NOTE.289786.1 : Installing Oracle Applications: A Guide to Using Rapid
    NOTE.245079.1 : Steps to clone a 11i RAC environment to a non-RAC
    NOTE.243693.1 : Rapid Clone Coredumps when Running Adcfgclone.pl
    NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)
    NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -

    NOTE.331746.1 : Oracle Accelerator FAQ for Global Product Support (Internal

    NOTE.144751.1 : Applications Patching – Time Saving Techniques

    NOTE.232833.1 : Oracle Applications Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.9)

    NOTE.110372.1 : 11i: How to Clean up the UNIX Environment After Install

    NOTE.156219.1 : Net8i/9i Basic configuration of LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.

    NOTE.69725.1 : Configuring TNSNAMES.ORA, SQLNET.ORA,and LISTENER.ORA in

    NOTE.356878.1 : How to relink the whole Applications 11i Installation

    NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle

    NOTE.130686.1 : How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle

    NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i


    NOTE.133972.1 : How to Reset the APPS and APPLSYS Passwords in Release 11.5

    NOTE.216980.1 : FNDLOAD Fails with PLS-306 in call to LOAD_ROW

    NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

    NOTE.222663.1 : Internationalization Update Notes for the Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.372952.1 : Customer Translations

    NOTE.168330.1 : Reload Applications Related Java Objects

    NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.233436.1 : Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-

    NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)

    NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -

    NOTE.238276.1 : Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.242480.1 : Using a Staged Applications 11i System to Reduce Patching

    NOTE.248857.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model Release 11i -

    NOTE.269293.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model FAQs

    NOTE.258330.1 : About Oracle Applications Manager Minipack 11i.OAM.H

    NOTE.268837.1 : Gathering Debug Weboam Log

    NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.112577.1 : How to customize reports at runtime using XML – simple

    NOTE.144689.1 : How to Generate a Report (.rdf) File from the UNIX Command

    NOTE.211424.1 : How to Enable a Large SGA(over 1.7GB) on RedHat Advanced

    NOTE.345145.1 : Is There A Way To Automate The Prompts For Adcfgclone.Pl?

    NOTE.1812.1 : TECH : Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file

    NOTE.144599.1 : How to Generate a .pll Library File for Applications 11i

    NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g

    NOTE.208375.1 : How To Convert A Single Instance Database To RAC In A

    NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :

    NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC

    NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE1067473.6 : Custom Forms do not Show up in FNDSCMON Form

    NOTE.232834.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack

    NOTE.216550.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.

    NOTE.362203.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0)

    NOTE.233038.1 : AD Command Line Options

    NOTE.186125.1 : Applications 11i and Standby Databases

    NOTE.260887.1 : Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from

    NOTE.342459.1 : Diagnostics Overview

    NOTE.394615.1 : Adaddnode.Pl failed with : ORA-00001 : unique constraint

    NOTE.338003.1 : How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier

    NOTE.341322.1 : How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using AutoConfig

    NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

    NOTE.211708.1 : Detailed Explanations of How NLS/MLS is Being Handled in 11i

    NOTE.73352.1 : NLS/MLS Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.72324.1 : Guidelines on Resolving NLS/MLS issues

    NOTE.316365.1 : Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack

    NOTE.230627.1 : 9i Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.331221.1 : 10g Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.362205.1 : 10g Release 2 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.259552.1 : 11.5.9 Category 3 Preupgrade Instructions for

    NOTE.341281.1 : How to disable the language selection option available in AppsLocalLogin.jsp

    NOTE.389472.1 : OATM Migration fails with ORA-22853 for LOB objects

    NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql – Reports Database Initialization

    NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

    NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character

    NOTE.66320.1 : Changing the Database Character Set or the Database

    NOTE.119164.1 : Changing Database Character Set – Valid Superset Definitions

    NOTE.123670.1 : Use Scanner Utility before Altering the Database Character

    NOTE.213015.1 : SYS.METASTYLESHEET marked as having convertible data (ORA-

    NOTE.258895.1 : SYS.RULE$ marked as having convertible data (ORA-12716 when

    NOTE.258902.1 : SYS.JOB$ marked as having convertible data

    NOTE.43208.1 : Certified Compilers

    NOTE.270806.1 : 11.5.9 : Invalid Objects – IES Java Classes

    NOTE.165114.1 : Resolving Invalid Java Classes in Oracle Applications

    NOTE.343253.1 : Tns-12555, Tns-12560, Tns-00525, Linux Error : 1 Starting

    NOTE.150168.1 : Obtaining Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) In Oracle

    NOTE.210193.1 : Use of Multiple Organizations In Oracle Applications

    NOTE.165035.1 : Current Issues – Multiple Organizations Architecture

    NOTE.208267.1 : Improved Convert to Multi-Org Process In Oracle

    NOTE.226456.1 : Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications R11i, March

    NOTE.259546.1 : Setting Up Multiple Organizations in Oracle HRMS

    NOTE.131081.1 : How can I find which version of Portal I am running ?

    NOTE.262125.1 : Sun.io.MalformedInputException For OraSCV.asc,emreadme.txt,

    NOTE.216205.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications

    NOTE.213015.1 : SYS.METASTYLESHEET marked as having convertible data (ORA-

    NOTE.283225.1 : How to Recreate the Listener for Event and Listener for

    NOTE.153960.1 : FAQ : X Server testing and troubleshooting

    NOTE.146468.1 : Installing and Upgrading Oracle9i Application Server with

    NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle

    NOTE.351283.1 : Interoperability Notes : Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 – Installation Update Notes for

    NOTE.317226.1 : Concurrent Managers Do Not Start With GSM Profile Option

    NOTE.311015.1 : Adgendbc.sh Errors Running AutoConfig

    NOTE.337937.1 : Step By Step – 10gR2 RAC with ASM install on Linux(x86) -

    NOTE.266043.1 : Support of Linux and Oracle Products on Linux

    NOTE.224302.1 : Raw Devices on Linux

    NOTE.134395.1 : Cannot Connect to Personal Home Page : Your Session is no

    NOTE.351646.1 : Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 10g

    NOTE.230688.1 : Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class


    NOTE.273449.1 : Diagnosing Login Problems with Apps 11.5.9 (FND.G)

    NOTE.139863.1 : Configuring and Troubleshooting the Self Service Framework

    NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle

    NOTE.252422.1 : Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches

    NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.68713.1 : Troubleshooting Self-Service Web Applications Login

    NOTE.304489.1 : Using Oracle Applications with a Split Configuration

    NOTE.225074.1 : 11i AOL : Cannot login to PHP after DB upgrade to

    NOTE.358140.1 : Troubleshooting Unix coredumps and obtaining stack traces


    NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64

    NOTE.197031.1 : 32-bit/64-bit Certification/Conversion Issues on Oracle

    NOTE.300172.1 : Obsolescence of KOREAN_LEXER Lexer Type

    NOTE.225456.1 : Troubleshooting Guide for Cloning Issues

    NOTE.161474.1 : Oracle Applications Remote Diagnostics Agent (APPS_RDA)

    NOTE.111383.1 : The Basics About Report Review Agent (FNDFS) on 11i

    NOTE.210062.1 : Generic Service Management (GSM) in Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.316447.1 : About Oracle XML Publisher Release 5.5

    NOTE.295036.1 : About XML Publisher Release 5.0

    NOTE.130091.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3

    NOTE.292424.1 : Cleaning your Windows System After a Failed Oracle

    NOTE.124606.1 : Upgrading JInitiator with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Release 11i

    NOTE.177183.1 : Succesfully Installing NLS/MLS in 11i

    NOTE.134007.1 : CMCLEAN.SQL – Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables

    NOTE.1010501.7 : FAQ : Licensing and de-licensing a product, country-specific

    NOTE.217368.1 : Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise

    NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.302738.1 : Using Virtual Hostnames with Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.403311.1 : United States Time Zone Changes 2007 : E-Business Suite

    NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

    NOTE.232313.1 : Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets

    NOTE.240862.1 : Install Oracle Unicode Fonts for Dynamic Image Generation

    NOTE.60966.1 : Getting Rid Of Those Pesky Invalid Objects In Oracle

    NOTE.400830.1 : How to Render Non ASCII Characters in Personalized

    NOTE.285218.1 : Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.403311.1 : United States & Canada 2007 Daylight Saving Time (DST)

    NOTE.289788.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications

    NOTE.316804.1 : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.10.

    NOTE.189867.1 : Troubleshooting FRM-92050, FRM-92100, FRM-92101, FRM-92102

    NOTE.253763.1 : After Cloning on Target instance FRM-92050 Failed to

    NOTE.274783.1 :

    Amol’s Bookmark


    NOTE.167000.1 : eBusiness Suite Support – Oracle Diagnostics Support Pack

    NOTE.235307.1 : OSS Application Diagnostics Tools : FAQ and Troubleshooting

    NOTE.231142.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics version 2.1

    NOTE.262006.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics 2.2

    NOTE.300976.1 : Support Diagnostics Newsletter for Applications Core

    NOTE.357223.1 : “This test can be executed only after logging into

    NOTE.363759.1 : How To Add Diagnostic Tools To Responsibility Menu



    NOTE.215868.1 : 11i Release Notes

    NOTE.77219.1 : Applications Release 11.0.3 One-Hour Install for Unix

    NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 – Installation Update Notes for

    NOTE.292424.1 : Cleaning your Windows System After a Failed Oracle

    NOTE.110372.1 : 11i : How to Clean up the UNIX Environment After Install

    NOTE.169402.1 : How To Cleanup After A Failed Applications Installation On

    NOTE.48602.1 : How do I determine which products are fully installed, and

    NOTE.124353.1 : WIN : Manually Removing all Oracle Components on Microsoft

    NOTE.275493.1 : Removing 10g Database and Software from AIX, HP-UX, Linux,

    NOTE.279519.1 : How to completely remove 8i / 9i Database and Software from

    NOTE.232831.1. : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes 11.5.9 – B10846-01

    NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 – Installation Update Notes for

    NOTE.187240.1 : Applications AOL Scenarios : Is It Supported ?

    NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 – Installation Update Notes for

    NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Rel

    NOTE.360079.1 : Global and Local Inventory explained

    NOTE.295185.1 : How to Recreate the Global oraInventory

    NOTE.197028.1 : Software Requirements and Tools for Oracle Applications

    NOTE.201392.1 : Visual C++ Requirement for Release 11i on Windows

    NOTE.268776.1 : GNU Make Requirement for Release 11i For Windows

    NOTE.181244.1 : Configuring VNC Or XVFB As The X Server For Applications 11i

    NOTE.153960.1 : FAQ : X Server testing and troubleshooting

    NOTE.174436.1 : Oracle Applications Patching FAQ

    NOTE.175485.1 : How to Apply an 11i Patch When adpatch is Already Running

    NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)

    NOTE.252422.1 : Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches in Release

    NOTE.316366.1 : 11.5.10 Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated Update 2 (CU2)

    NOTE.259484.1 : Release 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack Installation Instructions

    NOTE.316365.1 : Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack

    NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -

    NOTE.181665.1 : Release 11i Adpatch Basics

    NOTE.358247.1 : ORA-00001 : unique constraint violated error while applying

    NOTE.358417.1 : Unable to Start Concurrent Managers After Applying 11i.

    NOTE.353414.1 : Application Technology Group (ATG) Patching Policy

    NOTE.359198.1 : XDF files fail to load on HP-UX, Memory Fault(Coredump)

    NOTE.232834.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack

    NOTE.337274.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 3

    NOTE.244040.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches

    NOTE.367756.1 : Uploading Java Objects To Patch History Tables Fails While

    NOTE.76708.1 : Using ADSPLICE To Add Products To The APPL_TOP In

    NOTE.230672.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

    NOTE.216664.1 : FAQ : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.242123.1 : Create new middle tier node in existing Apps 11i

    NOTE.238276.1 : Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.364565.1 : Troubleshoot RapidClone or OAM Clone issues

    NOTE.200963.1 : R11.5.3/R11.5.4/R11.5.5 Upgrade And Install Issues

    NOTE.289765.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i (11.5.10) Upgrade Assistant

    NOTE.289788.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications

    NOTE.165195.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with

    NOTE.218089.1 : Autoconfig FAQ

    NOTE.270519.1 : Customizing an AutoConfig Environment

    NOTE.260887.1 : Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from

    NOTE.341322.1 : How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using

    NOTE.338003.1 : How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier

    NOTE.108865.1 : How To Create a Database Connection(DBC) File and

    NOTE.233038.1 : AD Command Line Options

    NOTE.69798.1 : Basics of Relinking an Executable or Binary in an Oracle

    NOTE.1009722.6 : How to relink Oracle Concurrent Program Executables on Unix

    NOTE.210062.1 : Generic Service Management (GSM) in Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.117264.1 : FAQ (Oracle Applications Manager)

    NOTE.177089.1 : OAM11i Standalone Mode Setup and Configuration

    NOTE.214962.1 : How To Determine The Version Of OAM (Oracle Application

    NOTE.258330.1 : About Oracle Applications Manager Minipack 11i.OAM.H

    NOTE.166115.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i integrated with Oracle

    NOTE.185431.1 : Troubleshooting Oracle Applications Manager OAM 2.0 for 11i

    NOTE.73959.1 : Installation and Configuration of Oracle Application Manager

    NOTE.225024.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i Documentation Roadmap

    NOTE.338317.1 : Basic Information on Cloning An 11.5.10 System Using OAM


    NOTE.227332.1 : NLS considerations in Import/Export – Frequently Asked

    NOTE.15095.1 : Export/Import and NLS Considerations

    NOTE.175300.1 : A Guide to Debugging Globalization (NLS) Support Issues

    NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character

    NOTE.130686.1 : How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle

    NOTE.177610.1 : Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ

    NOTE.141012.1 : How to Manually Generate an 11.5 Form on Unix

    NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql – Reports Database Initialization

    NOTE.186125.1 : Applications 11i and Standby Databases

    NOTE.248857.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model Release 11i -

    NOTE.216205.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications

    NOTE.285267.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and Database FAQ

    NOTE.230627.1 : 9i Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.183078.1 : Recreating Applications 11i JAVA objects in the database

    NOTE.216212.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 11i,

    NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g

    NOTE.340859.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i Database to 10g with

    NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql – Reports Database Initialization

    NOTE.216211.1. : Nologging in the E-Business Suite

    NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g

    NOTE.220970.1 : RAC : Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC

    NOTE.270901.1 : How to Dynamically Add a New Node to an Existing 9.2.0 RAC

    NOTE.294652.1 : E-Business Suite 11i on RAC : Configuring Database Load balancing & Failover

    NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC

    NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :

    NOTE.277825.1 : How to setup Tnsnames.ora (806) for 11i and RAC

    NOTE.1012933.6 : General Information : Alert Logs and Trace Files

    NOTE.209870.1 : How to Reload the JVM in 9.2.0.X

    NOTE.175472.1 : How to Reload the JVM in 8.1.7.X

    NOTE.159143.1 : Separating Multiple 8i or 9i Oracle Versions to Avoid

    NOTE.307349.1 : OUI tips for Oracle RDBMS 10.1.X on OpenVMS

    NOTE.130814.1 : How to move LOB Data to Another Tablespace

    NOTE.189457.1 : Oracle Applications Systems Administration Setup and Usage

    NOTE.290525.1 : Oracle User Management FAQ

    NOTE.316277.1 : Unable To Change Guest User Password In Oracle Applications

    NOTE.311552.1 : How to optimize the purge process in a high transaction

    NOTE.154850.1 : How to Run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data

    NOTE.295484.1 : Clear Server Cache and Bounce Apache (Web Server)

    NOTE.220188.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i apps.zip Re-architect

    NOTE.230688.1 : Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class

    NOTE.60558.1 : Troubleshooting the Source of Invalid Objects

    NOTE.266910.1 : How To Resolve IES Invalid Java Classes After Loading JAR

    NOTE.113947.1 : Step by Step Troubleshooting Guide to Solve APPS Invalid


    NOTE.1812.1 : TECH : Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file

    NOTE.28588.1 : TECH : Using Truss / Trace on Unix

    NOTE.217368.1 : Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise

    NOTE.226880.1 : Configuration of Load Balancing and Transparent Application

    NOTE.97926.1 : Failover Issues and Limitations [Connect-time failover and

    NOTE.123718.1 : 11i : A Guide to Understanding and Implementing SSL for

    NOTE.162488.1 : Complete Guide to JInitiator 1.1.8 Setup & Troubleshooting

    NOTE.312572.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology Updates for Release 11.

    NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.94091.1 : Example : Identifying Connection String Problems in JDBC

    NOTE.298550.1 : Troubleshooting Workflow Data Growth Issues

    NOTE.184977.1 : Certify FAQ, Product Navigation & User’s Guide

    NOTE.224882.1 : Common Commands asked by Oracle Support for Troubleshooting

    NOTE.110415.1 : Payables MRC Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.285218.1 : Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.257650.1 : Resolving Problems with Connection Idle Timeout

    NOTE.270523.1 : How To Find the Oracle Applications Framework and Rollup

    NOTE.301504.1 : “Cannot Complete Applications Logon” Error After Selecting

    NOTE.315094.1 : JTF Login Page – an operational assessment for CRM

    NOTE.242490.1 : How To Configure The “/etc/hosts” File On Linux

    NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g Release 1

    NOTE.342861.1 : Java Version Conflict When Migrating Platforms

    NOTE.209999.1 : Oracle Applications Manager in Oracle Applications 11.5.8

    NOTE.198160.1 : Summary note to LOB’s/BLOB’s/CLOB’s/NCLOB’s and BFILES

    NOTE.159244.1 : How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS, APPLSYS and Application Module Passwords (INV, AR, AP, etc.) For Applications 11.5 in Unix

    NOTE.186981.1 : Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite

    NOTE.333436.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite 11i on Windows Server 2003 Service

    NOTE.356878.1 : How to relink the whole Applications 11i Installation

    NOTE.197031.1 : 32-bit/64-bit Certification/Conversion Issues on Oracle

    NOTE.158577.1 : NLS_LANG Explained (How does Client-Server Character

    NOTE.227331.1 : Setting NLS Parameters – Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character

    NOTE.43208.1 : Certified Compilers

    NOTE.66320.1 : Changing the Database Character Set or the Database

    NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :

    NOTE.260393.1 : Java Mailer and Other 11.5.9/OWF G Current Issues in

    NOTE.232313.1 : Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets

    NOTE.125767.1 : Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.371438.1 : adpreclone.pl dbTier fails with RC-50409 : Topology

    NOTE.342332.1 :

    NOTE.135949.1 : Troubleshooting the Personal Home Page Login Problems in 11.

    NOTE.164317.1 : Upgrading JDBC drivers with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.302035.1 : How to Test a JDBC Thin Driver Connection From the SSO

    NOTE.365735.1 : How to use Digital Certificates for 11i Applications

    NOTE.357922.1 : Autoconfig Reverts to old Context File Values.

    NOTE.206511.1 : How to Find a JAR File Which Contains a Particular JAVA

    NOTE.68839.1 : 8i Using loadjava and dropjava to Load and Unload Java

    NOTE.165123.1 : JAVA CLASS – ORA-29534 : referenced object

    NOTE.165114.1 : Resolving Invalid Java Classes in Oracle Applications

    NOTE.271218.1 : Yellow bar’s and Java security error , The daddy of all

    NOTE.294932.1 : Recommendations to Install Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64

    NOTE.342442.1 : Cloning Multi-Node to Single-Node Oracle Applications

    NOTE.302738.1 : Using Virtual Hostnames with Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.356433.1 : Using Oracle Applications Release 11i with Virtual

    NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.159270.1 : How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS,

    NOTE.303237.1 : Migrating Red Hat Linux 2.1 or 3.0 to Red Hat Linux 4.0

    NOTE.91985.1 :

    NOTE.200963.1 : R11.5.3/R11.5.4/R11.5.5 Upgrade And Install Issues

    NOTE.272789.1 : Post Clone Problem : Login/Portal Server Installation May

    NOTE.339664.1 : Analyst Crib Sheet for NLS/MLS issues in Oracle

    NOTE.211708.1 : Detailed Explanations of How NLS/MLS is Being Handled in 11i

    NOTE.245079.1 : Steps to clone a 11i RAC environment to a non-RAC

    NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC

    NOTE.131321.1 : How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX

    NOTE.231876.1 : Windows OS Upgrade for 11i E-Business Suite

    NOTE.184977.1 : Certify FAQ, Product Navigation & User’s Guide

    NOTE.209810.1 : How to Relink Oracle Applications 11i Programs After

    NOTE.361428.1 : Using Linux Desktop Clients with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.296559.1 :

    NOTE.275734.1 : India Localization

    NOTE.364439.1 : Tips and Queries for Troubleshooting Advanced Topologies

    NOTE.372928.1 : Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2006 Documentation Map

    NOTE.372931.1 : E-Business Suite Critical Patch Update Note

    NOTE.268837.1 : Gathering Debug Weboam Log

    NOTE.292996.1 : How to Re-Install Intermedia on an 11i Environment

    NOTE.160121.1 : Introduction to Sun Cluster v3

    NOTE.188135.1 : Documentation Index for Real Application Clusters

    NOTE.251351.1 : How to Change the Characterset in a Standby Database in 9i

    NOTE.362203.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2

    NOTE.362205.1 : 10g Release 2 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications


    NOTE.316889.1 : Complete checklist for manual upgrades to 10gR2

    NOTE.223721.1 : How to Install XVFB on Linux for dynamic image generartion

    NOTE.130091.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3

    NOTE : 163400.1 : Release Content Documents and Features Summary Matrices

    NOTE.253918.1 : Autopatch Fails with “Unable to call adppdepRunFndLoad

    NOTE.166650.1 : Working Effectively With Oracle Support Services

    NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

    NOTE.119164.1 : Changing Database Character Set – Valid Superset Definitions

    NOTE.17210.1 : Supported NLS Character Sets

    NOTE.179133.1 : The correct NLS_LANG in a Windows Environment

    NOTE.226565.1 : 9iRAC Useful Views and Statistics (INTERNAL ONLY)

    NOTE.387046.1 : RCONFIG : Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.200340.1 : RAC : Cache Fusion

    NOTE.265253.1 : 10g Recyclebin Features And How To Disable it( _recyclebin )

    NOTE.312594.1 : Get Warning Messages Trying To Generate Jar Files From

    NOTE.242480.1 : Using a Staged Applications 11i System to Reduce Patching

    NOTE.134007.1 : CMCLEAN.SQL – Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent

    NOTE.365228.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4

    NOTE.371016.1 : How To License A New Product.

    NOTE.151654.1 : How To Start the License Manager After Installing Oracle

    NOTE.279430.1 : How To Change Project Installation From Shared To Full

    NOTE.123891.1 :

    NOTE.123891.1 : How to deactivate a language in e-Business Suite

    NOTE.216550.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.

    NOTE.341437.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 11i

    NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.304748.1 : Internal : E-Business Suite 11i with Database FAQ

    NOTE.308320.1 : How to install the 10.1.0 Enterprise Manager Grid Control

    NOTE.291901.1 : Maintenance Mode – A New Feature in 11.5.10

    NOTE.134527.1 : TNS-00516 Starting TNS Listener

    NOTE.300482.1 : Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release

    NOTE.208256.1 : WIN : How to Remove a Single ORACLE_HOME and Its Traces on

    NOTE.363827.1 : Rebaselined Oracle Applications Technology Components for

    NOTE.373611.1 : How to move Concurrent Processing Server from one node to

    NOTE.240818.1. : Concurrent Processing: Transaction Manager Setup and Configuration Requirement in an 11i RAC Environment

    NOTE.69660.1 : Understanding Data Auditing in Oracle Application Tables

    NOTE.60828.1 : Overview of Oracle Applications AuditTrails

    NOTE.134949.1 : Release 11.0.3 and Oracle 8i Release 8.1.6 Interoperability

    NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.189256.1 : UNIX : Script to Verify Installation Requirements for Oracle

    NOTE.296559.1 : FAQ : Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle

    NOTE.177183.1 : Succesfully Installing NLS/MLS in 11i

    NOTE.73352.1 : NLS/MLS Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.399789.1 : NLS Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.339664.1 : Analyst Crib Sheet for NLS/MLS issues in Oracle

    NOTE.227331.1 : Setting NLS Parameters – Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.110849.1 : Installing and Relinking Oracle Developer on UNIX Platforms

    NOTE.76535.1 : Troubleshooting Issues Which Arise During the Application of Release 11 Patches

    NOTE.316804.1 : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.10.

    NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.310840.1 : AFPCAL Received Failure Code While Parsing or Running

    NOTE.371434.1 : Using Openfiler iSCSI with an Oracle database

    NOTE.233040.1 : When Oracle Applications Automatic Patch Prerequisite

    NOTE.236469.1 : Using Distributed AD in Applications Release 11.5.

    NOTE.233043.1 : 11.5.9 Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated Update 2

    NOTE.108185.1 : Oracle Applications Object Library SQL scripts

    NOTE.201662.1 : How To Manually Relink on Windows NT or Windows 2000

    NOTE.306906.1 : How to create missing DB objects from xdf files

    NOTE.396708.1 : Guidelines to Determine whether a Bug or SR is a LinuxOS

    NOTE.166762.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i Availability

    NOTE.60966.1 : Getting Rid Of Those Pesky Invalid Objects In Oracle

    NOTE.216589.1 : Step By Step Guide to Creating a Custom Application in

    NOTE.105127.1 : FAQ (Customization)

    NOTE.243880.1 : Shared APPL_TOP FAQ

    NOTE.409045.1 : How to clone from Rac to Non-rac in Oracle Applications 11i.

    NOTE.373611.1 : How to move Concurrent Processing Server from one node to

    NOTE.342442.1 : Cloning Multi-Node to Single-Node Oracle Applications

    NOTE.261428.1 : Setting up 11i E-Business suite using a hardware load

    NOTE.224875.1 : Installation, Patching & Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions

    NOTE.278816.1 : How to Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing using Shared

    NOTE.286506.1 : Sharing Middle-tier Oracle Home in E-Business Suite 11i

    NOTE.105133.1 : Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to

    NOTE.69336.1 : Basic information about Concurrent Managers

    NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64

    NOTE.345145.1 : Is There A Way To Automate The Prompts For Adcfgclone.Pl?

    NOTE.416338.1 : How To Upgrade JDK / J2SE 1.4 Sub-Versions

    NOTE.225165.1 : Patching Best Practices and Reducing Downtime

    NOTE.368628.1 : Is The ‘Personal Home Page’ Mode Supported In Oracle 11i Applications?

    NOTE.387859.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle

    NOTE.402306.1 : Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release

    NOTE.160214.1 : How to change the oracle users, APPS, APPLSYS and

    NOTE.159244.1 : How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS,

    NOTE.335515.1 : Relink fails for Oracle on LINUX x86 server on

    NOTE.372800.1 : How to Implement an SSL CA Root Certificate in JInitiator

    NOTE.402312.1 : Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release

    NOTE.394692.1 : Oracle Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12

    NOTE.603104.1 : Troubleshooting RapidClone issues with Oracle Applications R12

    NOTE.384248.1 : Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

    NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.559518.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone on RAC Enabled Systems

    NOTE.393861.1 : Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12

    NOTE.372800.1 : How to Implement an SSL CA Root Certificate in JInitiator

    NOTE.184876.1 : Oracle Application Object Library Middle (Web) Tier Setup

    NOTE.403385.1 : Duplicate Responsibilities Created On Sysadmin Login And

    NOTE.380483.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Additional Configuration

    NOTE.148903.1 : Interoperability Notes Oracle Applications Release 11i with

    NOTE.364704.1 : A Guide to Configure, Maintain & Troubleshoot JDBC Buffers

    NOTE.148902.1 : Interoperability Notes Oracle Applications Release 11.0

    NOTE.337762.1 : How to Remove an Oracle Applications 11i node

    NOTE.399362.1 : Oracle Applications Release 12 Upgrade Sizing and Best

    NOTE.104457.1 : Invalid Objects In Oracle Applications FAQs

    NOTE.132604.1 : Upgrading OJSP with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.215268.1 : Implementing and Using the JSP Precompiler

    NOTE.316900.1 : ALERT : Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2) Support Status and Alerts

    NOTE.189908.1 : ALERT : Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) Support Status and Alerts

    NOTE.380490.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Configuration in a DMZ

    NOTE.269291.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Migration Utility User

    NOTE.206511.1 : How to Find a JAR File Which Contains a Particular JAVA

    NOTE.406982.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone

    NOTE.262125.1 : Sun.io.MalformedInputException For OraSCV.asc,emreadme.txt,

    NOTE.419839.1 : How to enable Apache, OC4J and OPMN logging in Oracle

    NOTE.422419.1 : How To Enable and Collect Debug for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN in

    NOTE.15390.1 : How to Determine and Change DB_NAME or ORACLE_SID

    NOTE.375682.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology ATG_PF.H Rollup 5

    NOTE.135715.1. : Diagnostic Steps for Intermittent FRM-99999 & FRM-92100

    NOTE.185489.1 : Setting Up Parallel Concurrent Processing On Unix Server

    NOTE.431496.1 : Java In The Database For Oracle Applications : Introduction

    NOTE.183408.1 : Raw Devices and Cluster Filesystems With Real Application

    NOTE.277366.1 : Technology Validation Utility for Oracle Applications

    NOTE.394448.1 : Getting Started with the Application Management Pack for

    NOTE.412044.1 : Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite

    NOTE.375113.1 : Oracle Diagnostics 2.4

    NOTE.405425.1 : Oracle Diagnostics 2.5

    NOTE.201340.1 : Using Forms Listener Servlet with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.160337.1 : How To Manually Change The APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB

    NOTE.372322.1 : HP Tru64 UNIX Migration Strategy for Oracle E-Business

    NOTE.303709.1 : Reclaiming unused space in APPLSYSD tablespace

    NOTE.130183.1 : How to Get Log Files from Various Programs for Oracle

    NOTE.269129.1 : How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications : Getting

    NOTE.297522.1 : How to investigate printing issues and work towards its resolution ?

    NOTE.215527.1 : Maintenance Wizard Overview

    NOTE.452120.1 : How to locate the log files and troubleshoot RapidWiz for

    NOTE.312640.1 : Oracle Text : Re-installation of Applications 11i (11.5.10)

    NOTE.402785.1 : iSetup dependency with Deinstall and Reinstall of XMLDB

    NOTE.368670.1 : About Oracle iSetup Minipack 11i.AZ.H

    NOTE.243554.1 : How to Deinstall and Reinstall XML Database (XDB)

    NOTE.244523.1 : Security Alert #57 : Buffer Overflows in EXTPROC of Oracle

    NOTE.433435.1 : Japanese characters are displayed like square boxes in

    NOTE.455366.1 : Investigating NoClassDefFoundError in eBusiness 11i when

    NOTE.197409.1 : Error Opening Oracle*Terminal File fmrweb.res

    NOTE.312553.1 : How To Use the Original Forms for Reprint Instead of the

    NOTE.438086.1 : Platform Migration with Oracle Applications Release 12

    NOTE.458452.1 : Complying with Daylight Saving Time (DST) and Time Zone

    NOTE.189367.1 : Best Practices for Securing the E-Business Suite

    NOTE.300969.1 : Troubleshooting SSL with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.444524.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology ATG_PF.H Rollup 6

    NOTE.265253.1 : 10g Recyclebin Features And How To Disable it( _recyclebin )

    NOTE.428262.1 : How to identify the form name attached to an f60webmx

    NOTE.68839.1 : 8i Using loadjava and dropjava to Load and Unload Java

    NOTE.405521.1 : Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release Notes for

    NOTE.187905.1 : bde_imt_index_status.sql – List all interMedia Text indexes

    NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.345106.1 : Login Links On New Rapid Install Homepage Do Not Function

    NOTE.443521.1 : Enterprise Manager Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle Applications, Version 1.0/1.2

    NOTE.398412.1 : Workflow Queues Creation Scripts

    NOTE.77483.1 : External Support FTP site : Information Sheet

    NOTE.122452.1 : Global Customer Services Policy Regarding Customizations

    NOTE.257911.1 : How To Use Rotatelogs In 9iAS Release 1 (1.0.2.x)

    NOTE.276845.1 : Apache Web Server Hangs Every Other Time Running Adapcctl.

    NOTE.218893.1 : How to Create The Service Manager ‘FNDSM’ on Oracle

    NOTE.437878.1 : Upgrading Forms and Reports 10g in Oracle Applications

    NOTE.290807.1 : Upgrading Sun JRE with Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.280167.1 : AS10g with Apps 11i – Summary of Login process

    NOTE.357218.1 : Troubleshooting JDeveloper setup for Oracle Applications

    NOTE.403339.1 : Oracle 10gR2 Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade

    NOTE.463249.1 : After Clone Forms Is Trying To Connect To Target Instance

    NOTE.386374.1 : How to enable/disable/change password of the listeners for Oracle Applications 11i

    NOTE.454750.1 : Oracle Apps Release 12 with Oracle Database 10.2.0 interoperability notes

    NOTE.428503.1 : Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Database Vault

    NOTE.443761.1 : How to check if a certain Patch was applied to Oracle Applications instance using ‘adpatch’?

    NOTE.291783.1 : Getting Started with the Oracle Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle Applications in Release 11i (AMP v1)

    NOTE.468980.1 : How to Remove the Language Icons in the AppsLocalLogin.jsp

    NOTE.398619.1 : Clone Oracle Applications 11i using Oracle Application Manager (OAM Clone)

    NOTE.295606.1 : Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Troubleshooting

    NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle? Database on AIX?,HP-UX?,Linux?,Mac OS? X,

    Solaris?,Tru64 Unix? Operating Systems Installation and

    Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.1)

    NOTE.109665.1 : Organization Setup Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

    NOTE.434395.1 : ATG Service Request Creation

    NOTE.438086.1 : Platform Migration with Oracle Applications Release 12

    NOTE.469213.1 : How To Encrypt The Apps Password In Wdbsvr.App

    NOTE.293369.1 : OPatch documentation list

    NOTE.275379.1 : Script To Check What Workflow Related Patches Are Installed

    NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC

    NOTE.264157.1 : The correct NLS_LANG setting in Unix Environments

    NOTE.91985.1 : Step by Step on Cloning the ORACLE_HOME (Including DB) and

    NOTE.74838.1 : Migrating Apps Release 11.0 from UNIX Host To A Second

    NOTE.396009.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12

    NOTE.391406.1 : How to get a clean Autoconfig Environment

    NOTE.560719.1 : How to troubleshoot iSetup issues

    NOTE.406376.1 : Oracle E-Business Tax Release 12 Known Issues

    NOTE.577713.1 : On Windows, After 10g Upgrade, Running Autoconfig on Apps

    NOTE.343917.1 : Frequently Asked Questions : Oracle E-Business Suite Support

    NOTE.553831.1 : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error when

    NOTE.119319.1 : How to Replace Oracle Logo with Company Logo on Applications 11i Sign-On Screen

    NOTE.554336.1 : How Do You Manually Generate A Form In Release 12 (frmcmp)

    NOTE.444286.1 : How to manually generate a R12 report on Unix

    NOTE.356433.1 : Using Oracle Applications Release 11i with Virtual Hostnames and Business Continuity

    NOTE.555081.1 : Concurrent Manager Does Not Start if the Profile Option “Concurrent : GSM Enabled” is Set “Y” at Site Level

    NOTE.149124.1 : Creating a StatsPack performance report

    NOTE.471566.1 : Migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12 from Linux 32-bit to Linux 64-bit

    NOTE.397757.1 : How to Speed Up Index Creation on FND_LOBS by indexing Only FND_HELP Data

    NOTE.375127.1 : How to restart the adworker having status fixed,restart,wait

    NOTE.353150.1 : OPatch Failing Validation Phase When Archiving Really Did Not Fail

    NOTE.215527.1 : Maintenance Wizard Overview

    NOTE.564465.1 : Sysadmin And User Responsibility Not Available

    NOTE.219968.1 : SQL*Net, Net8, Oracle Net Services – Tracing and Logging at a Glance

    NOTE.417122.1 : Resolving the Library Cache Locks

    NOTE.419475.1 : Removing Credentials from a Cloned EBS Production Database

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghang/p/6299310.html
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