protected function _initSession()
// configure caching backend strategy
$oBackend = new Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached(
'servers' => array( array(
'host' => '',
'port' => '11211'
) ),
'compression' => true
) );
// configure caching logger
// $oCacheLog = new Zend_Log();
// $oCacheLog->addWriter( new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream( 'file:///c:/pr-memcache.log' ) );
// configure caching frontend strategy
$oFrontend = new Zend_Cache_Core(
'caching' => true,
'cache_id_prefix' => 'myApp',
'logging' => false,
// 'logger' => $oCacheLog,
'write_control' => true,
'automatic_serialization' => true,
'ignore_user_abort' => true
) );
// build a caching object
$oCache = Zend_Cache::factory( $oFrontend, $oBackend );
Zend_Registry::set('oCache', $oCache);
$frontendOptions = array('lifeTime' => 7200, // 两小时的缓存生命期
'automatic_serialization' => false);
$backendOptions = array('cache_dir' => 'c://pljava/' // 放缓存文件的目录
);// 取得一个Zend_Cache_Core 对象
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Output','File', $frontendOptions,$backendOptions);
}catch (Zend_Cache_Exception $e){
echo $e;
if(!$cache->start('mypage')) {
echo 'Hello world! ';
echo 'This is cached ('.time().') ';
$cache->end(); // the output is saved and sent to the browser
echo 'This is never cached ('.time().').';
/*$frontendOptions = array('lifeTime' => 7200);
$backendOptions = array(array('host' => 'localhost','port' => 11211, 'persistent' => true));
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Memcached', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);
if (!$result = $cache->get('time') ){
$time = date('r');
echo "generated: " . $time;
$cache->save($time, 'time');
} else {
echo "cache hit: ". $cache->get('time');