• unity游戏框架学习-AssetBundle





    First is the actual file on disk. This we call the AssetBundle archive, or just archive for short in this document. 
    The archive can be thought of as a container, like a folder, that holds additional files inside of it.
    These additional files consist of two types; the serialized file and resource files. The serialized file contains your assets broken out into their individual objects and written out to this single file.
    The resource files are just chunks of binary data stored separately for certain assets (textures and audio) to allow us to load them from disk on another thread efficiently. Second is the actual AssetBundle object you interact with via code to load assets from a specific archive.
    This object contains a map of all the file paths of the assets you added to this archive to the objects that belong to that asset that need to be loaded when you ask for it.




    ManifestFileVersion: 0
    CRC: 2785811640
        serializedVersion: 2
        Hash: 05555bf8d49a3c8fc690e4913454de28
        serializedVersion: 2
        Hash: 0317c6c2e1c00c8e914e7d09d8b3e9b0
    HashAppended: 0
    - Class: 1
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 4
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 21
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 28
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 48
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 114
      Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 24fd26203f8ea48f1b25f24fc3663d1c, type: 3}
    - Class: 114
      Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: c93168c4c5e9f49bfa80fc75bd465a40, type: 3}
    - Class: 114
      Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: a6791178c999f426a8618ef42eac4275, type: 3}
    - Class: 115
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 212
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Class: 213
      Script: {instanceID: 0}
    - Assets/Data/animation/2d/chariot/chariot_5.prefab
    - Assets/Data/animation/2d/chariot/chariot_6.prefab
    - F:/ALClient/Assets/Temp/data/shader.unity3d

    2.第二部分是脚本中使用的,例如通过unity api AssetBundle.LoadFromFile可以从指定路径加载一个AssetBundle 对象,这个要加载的对象就是上面我们说的unity里面的Asset(你可以理解成AssetBundle是一种特殊的资源,如prefabs),通过这个脚本的AssetBundle,我们可以加载出unity的AssetBundle所包含的文件



    To assign a given Asset to an AssetBundle, follow these steps:
    Select the asset you want to assign to a bundle from your Project View
    Examine the object in the inspector
    At the bottom of the inspector
    , you should see a section to assign AssetBundles and Variants:
    The left-hand drop down assigns the AssetBundle while the right-hand drop down assigns the variant
    Click the left-hand drop down where it says “None” to reveal the currently registered AssetBundle names
    Click “New…” to create a new AssetBundle
    Type in the desired AssetBundle name. Note that AssetBundle names do support a type of folder structure depending on what you type. To add sub folders, separate folder names by a “/”. For example: AssetBundle name “environment/forest” will create a bundle named forest under an environment sub folder
    Once you’ve selected or created an AssetBundle name, you can repeat this process for the right hand drop down to assign or create a Variant name, if you desire. Variant names are not required to build the AssetBundles



    // 设置单个文件(或目录)的ABName
        private static void ImportSingleFile(string Path, string abName)
            AssetImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(Path);
            if (importer == null)
                Debugger.LogError("[路径错误] path:{0}", Path);
            abName = abName.Replace ('\', '_').Replace ('/','_');
            importer.SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(abName, BaseDef.AB_SUFFIX);


    BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);




    Using ChunkBasedCompression has comparable loading times to uncompressed bundles with the added benefit of reduced size on disk.




    AssetBundle 数量太少:

    有太多的 AssetBundle:
      会增加总的加载时间:一个大文件的解压时间和多个小文件的解压时间 ,文件总大小一致的话,肯定是大文件快




    3.不相干(concurrent)内容分组,将需要同时加载和使用内容分组到同一个 AssetBundle 的策略。这种策略最常用在强本地相关属性的内容上,也就是说内容很少或者基本不可能在应用特定的位置或者时间之外出现,例如某个副本关卡用到的独特的资源、模型等


    Regardless of the strategy you follow, here are some additional tips that are good to keep in mind across the board:
    1.Split frequently updated objects into AssetBundles separate from objects that rarely change
    2.Group objects that are likely to be loaded simultaneously. Such as a model, its textures, and its animations
    3.If you notice multiple objects across multiple AssetBundles are dependant on a single asset from a completely different AssetBundle, move the dependency to a separate AssetBundle. 
    If several AssetBundles are referencing the same group of assets in other AssetBundles, it may be worth pulling those dependencies into a shared AssetBundle to reduce duplication. 4.If two sets of objects are unlikely to ever be loaded at the same time, such as Standard and High Definition assets, be sure they are in their own AssetBundles. 6.Consider splitting apart an AssetBundle if less that 50% of that bundle is ever frequently loaded at the same time 7.Consider combining AssetBundles that are small (less that 5 to 10 assets) but whose content is frequently loaded simultaneously 8.If a group of objects are simply different versions of the same object, consider AssetBundle Variants

    2.把需要同时加载的资源放在一个包里面,如同一个功能模块。如果两个对象不太可能同时加载,比如一个纹理的高清和标清版本,可以将他们分配到不同的 AssetBundle 中


    1.从包含AssetBundle数据的bytes 里读取



    IEnumerator InstantiateObject()
            string uri = "file:///" + Application.dataPath + "/AssetBundles/" + assetBundleName;        
         UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest request = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle(uri, 0); yield return request.Send(); AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(request); GameObject cube = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Cube"); GameObject sprite = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Sprite"); Instantiate(cube); Instantiate(sprite); }


    同步加载单个对象:T objectFromBundle = bundleObject.LoadAsset<T>(assetName);


    AssetBundleRequest request = loadedAssetBundleObject.LoadAssetAsync<GameObject>(assetName);
    yield return request;
    var loadedAsset = request.asset;

    同步加载ab包里的所有对象:Unity.Object[] objectArray = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssets();


    AssetBundleRequest request = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync(); 
    yield return request;
    var loadedAssets = request.allAssets;


    AssetBundles can become dependent on other AssetBundles if one or more of the UnityEngine.Objects contains a reference to a UnityEngine.Object located in another bundle. A dependency does not occur if the UnityEngine.Object contains a reference to a UnityEngine.Object that is not contained in any AssetBundle. In this case, a copy of the object that the bundle would be dependent on is copied into the bundle when you build the AssetBundles. If multiple objects in multiple bundles contain a reference to the same object that isn’t assigned to a bundle, every bundle that would have a dependency on that object will make its own copy of the object and package it into the built AssetBundle.
    Should an AssetBundle contain a dependency, it is important that the bundles that contain those dependencies are loaded before the object you’re attempting to instantiate is loaded. Unity will not attempt to automatically load dependencies.
    Consider the following example, a Material in Bundle 1 references a Texture in Bundle 2:
    In this example, before loading the Material from Bundle 1, you would need to load Bundle 2 into memory. It does not matter which order you load Bundle 1 and Bundle 2, the important takeaway is that Bundle 2 is loaded before loading the Material from Bundle 1. In the next section, we’ll discuss how you can use the AssetBundleManifest objects we touched on in the previous section to determine, and load, dependencies at runtime.





    AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(manifestFilePath);
    AssetBundleManifest manifest = assetBundle.LoadAsset<AssetBundleManifest>("AssetBundleManifest");


    AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(manifestFilePath);
    AssetBundleManifest manifest = assetBundle.LoadAsset<AssetBundleManifest>("AssetBundleManifest");
    string[] dependencies = manifest.GetAllDependencies("assetBundle"); //Pass the name of the bundle you want the dependencies for.
    foreach(string dependency in dependencies)
        AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(assetBundlePath, dependency));


    ab包的引用主要作用有两点:1.缓存ab包,卸载无用的ab包,避免内存泄漏 2.判断ab包的依赖包是否已经被加载



    using UnityEngine;
    // AssetBundle缓存
    public class AssetBundleCache
        string m_name;          // AssetBundle name
        int m_referencedCount;  // 引用计数
        float m_unloadTime;     // 释放时间
        public AssetBundleCache(string name, AssetBundle ab, int refCount)
            m_name = name;
            Bundle = ab;
            ReferencedCount = refCount;
        // AssetBundle
        public AssetBundle Bundle
            private set;
        // 是否常驻,通用资源的ab包不卸载
        public bool Persistent
        public string BundleName
                return m_name;
        // 引用计数
        public int ReferencedCount
                return m_referencedCount;
                m_referencedCount = value;
                if (m_referencedCount <= 0)
                    m_unloadTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                    m_unloadTime = 0;
                if (m_referencedCount < 0)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("AssetBundleCache reference count < 0, name:{0}, referencecount:{1}", m_name, m_referencedCount);
        // 是否可以删除
        public bool IsCanRemove
                // 常驻资源
                if (Persistent) return false;
                // 非常驻,并且引用计数为0
                if (!Persistent && ReferencedCount <= 0)
                    return true;
                return false;
        // 缓存时间到
        public bool IsTimeOut
                return Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_unloadTime >= Config.Instance.AssetCacheTime;//这个时间自己定义
        public void Unload()
            if (Bundle != null)
                Bundle = null;
    public class ABCachePool
        #region Instance
        private static ABCachePool m_Instance;
        public static ABCachePool Instance
            get { return m_Instance ?? (m_Instance = new ABCachePool()); }
        Dictionary<string, AssetBundleCache> m_AssetBundleCaches = new Dictionary<string, AssetBundleCache>();  // 缓存队列
        HashSet<string> m_persistentABs = new HashSet<string>();
        public Dictionary<string, AssetBundleCache> AssetBundleCaches
                return m_AssetBundleCaches;
    public void ClearAllCache() { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, AssetBundleCache> keyval in m_AssetBundleCaches) { keyval.Value.Unload(); } m_AssetBundleCaches.Clear(); }
    public bool IsExistCache(string abName) { return m_AssetBundleCaches.ContainsKey (abName); } // 引用这个bundle public AssetBundleCache ReferenceCacheByName(string abName) { AssetBundleCache cache = null; m_AssetBundleCaches.TryGetValue (abName, out cache); if(cache!=null) { ++cache.ReferencedCount; } return cache; } // 获取ABCache 不增加引用 public AssetBundleCache GetABCacheByName(string abName) { AssetBundleCache cache = null; m_AssetBundleCaches.TryGetValue (abName, out cache); return cache; } public AssetBundleCache AddCache(string abName, AssetBundle bundle, int refCount) { if(m_AssetBundleCaches.ContainsKey (abName)) { Debugger.LogWarning ("AssetBundleCache already contains key:{0}, it will be cover by new value.", abName); } AssetBundleCache cache = new AssetBundleCache (abName, bundle, refCount); m_AssetBundleCaches [abName] = cache; if(m_persistentABs.Contains (abName)) { cache.Persistent = true; } return cache; } // immediate 只有场景是立刻卸载 public AssetBundleCache UnReferenceCache(string abName, bool immediate = false) { AssetBundleCache cache = null; if (!m_AssetBundleCaches.TryGetValue(abName, out cache)) { return null; } if(cache.Persistent) { return null; } --cache.ReferencedCount; if (immediate && cache.IsCanRemove) { RemoveCache (abName); } return cache; }
    public void RemoveCache(string abName) { AssetBundleCache cache = m_AssetBundleCaches [abName]; cache.Unload (); m_AssetBundleCaches.Remove(abName); } private List<string> m_lstRm = new List<string>(); // 清除无引用的AssetBundle缓存 public void ClearNoneRefCache(bool mustTimeout) { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, AssetBundleCache> keyval in m_AssetBundleCaches) { AssetBundleCache item = keyval.Value; // 只清除引用计数为0的 if (item.IsCanRemove && (!mustTimeout || item.IsTimeOut)) { m_lstRm.Add(keyval.Key); } } for(int i=0; i<m_lstRm.Count; i++) { RemoveCache(m_lstRm[i]); } m_lstRm.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// 常驻ab包设置 /// </summary> /// <param name="arrAB"></param> public void SetPersistentABs(string[] arrAB) { m_persistentABs.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < arrAB.Length; i++) { string strAB = FileHelper.GenBundlePath (arrAB[i]); m_persistentABs.Add(strAB); AssetBundleCache abCache; m_AssetBundleCaches.TryGetValue(strAB, out abCache); if (abCache!=null) { abCache.Persistent = true; } } } }


    Most projects should use AssetBundle.Unload(true) and adopt a method to ensure that Objects are not duplicated. Two common methods are:
    Having well-defined points during the application’s lifetime at which transient AssetBundles are unloaded, such as between levels or during a loading screen.
    Maintaining reference-counts for individual Objects and unload AssetBundles only when all of their constituent Objects are unused. This permits an application to unload & reload individual Objects without duplicating memory.
    If an application must use AssetBundle.Unload(false), then individual Objects can only be unloaded in two ways:
    Eliminate all references to an unwanted Object, both in the scene and in code. After this is done, call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets.
    Load a scene non-additively. This will destroy all Objects in the current scene and invoke Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets automatically.




    1.AssetBundle.Unload(bool unloadAllLoadedObjects)




    Most projects should use AssetBundle.Unload(true) and adopt a method to ensure that Objects are not duplicated. Two common methods are:
    Having well-defined points during the application’s lifetime at which transient AssetBundles are unloaded, such as between levels or during a loading screen.
    Maintaining reference-counts for individual Objects and unload AssetBundles only when all of their constituent Objects are unused. This permits an application to unload & reload individual Objects without duplicating memory.
    If an application must use AssetBundle.Unload(false), then individual Objects can only be unloaded in two ways:
    Eliminate all references to an unwanted Object, both in the scene and in code. After this is done, call Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets.
    Load a scene non-additively. This will destroy all Objects in the current scene and invoke Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets automatically.


    Any Object that is not explicitly assigned in an AssetBundle will be included in all AssetBundles that contain 1 or more Objects that reference the untagged Object.
    If two different Objects are assigned to two different AssetBundles, but both have references to a common dependency Object, then that dependency Object will be copied into both AssetBundles. 
    The duplicated dependency will also be instanced, meaning that the two copies of the dependency Object will be considered different Objects with a different identifiers.
    This will increase the total size of the application’s AssetBundles. This will also cause two different copies of the Object to be loaded into memory
    if the application loads both of its parents.








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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wang-jin-fu/p/11171626.html
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