• 排班管理

    package com.honghailt.dataextracter.web; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.Date; 5 import java.util.LinkedHashMap; 6 import java.util.List; 7 import java.util.Map; 8 9 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; 10 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; 11 import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; 12 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; 13 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; 14 15 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.OrderQuery; 16 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.TbfwScheduling; 17 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.TbfwSchedulingPerson; 18 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.User; 19 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.service.TbfwSchedulingService; 20 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.service.UserService; 21 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.utils.CalendarUtil; 22 23 @Controller 24 public class TbfwSchedulingController { 25 @Autowired 26 private TbfwSchedulingService schedulingService; 27 @Autowired 28 private UserService userService; 29 30 /** 31 * 显示排班 一次显示一个月 32 * @param dept 33 * @param chaxunDate 34 * @param order 35 * @param modelMap 36 * @return 37 */ 38 @RequestMapping("/showTbfwScheduling") 39 public String showTbfwScheduling( Date chaxunDate,OrderQuery order, ModelMap modelMap){ 40 //查询日期,默认为当前时间sad 41 if(chaxunDate == null){ 42 chaxunDate = new Date(); 43 } 44 //部门,默认为软件售后部 45 if(order == null || order.getNick()==null){ 46 order.setNick("二组"); 47 } 48 List<String> depts = new ArrayList<String>(); 49 depts.add("一组"); 50 depts.add("二组"); 51 modelMap.put("depts", depts); 52 //上班类型 53 List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); 54 types.add("值班"); 55 types.add("休班"); 56 modelMap.put("types", types); 57 //一个月所有周日期放里面 58 Map<String,List<String>> weekMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); 59 int a=CalendarUtil.getWeekyofMonth(chaxunDate);//一共几周 60 chaxunDate =CalendarUtil.DateToDate(chaxunDate); 61 for(int i=0;i<=a;i++){ 62 String ds=CalendarUtil.getDanShuangWeek(CalendarUtil.getDayOfMonth(chaxunDate, i*7)); 63 weekMap.put(i+" "+ds, CalendarUtil.getWeeksOfMonth(chaxunDate, i)); 64 } 65 modelMap.put("week",weekMap); 66 order.setBegintime(chaxunDate); 67 Map<String,List<TbfwScheduling>> maps= schedulingService.getPersonMonth(order); 68 modelMap.put("weekChina", CalendarUtil.getWeekName()); 69 modelMap.put("maps", maps); 70 modelMap.put("order", order); 71 modelMap.put("chaxunDate", chaxunDate); 72 return "/TbfwScheduling/TbfwScheduling"; 73 } 74 /** 75 * 修改添加排班 76 * @param chaxunDate 77 * @param order 78 * @param modelMap 79 * @return 80 */ 81 @RequestMapping("/editTbfwScheduling") 82 public String editTbfwScheduling( Date chaxunDate,OrderQuery order, ModelMap modelMap){ 83 //查询日期,默认为当前时间 84 if(chaxunDate == null){ 85 chaxunDate = new Date(); 86 } 87 //部门,默认为软件售后部 88 if(order == null || order.getNick()==null){ 89 order.setNick("二组"); 90 } 91 List<String> depts = new ArrayList<String>(); 92 depts.add("一组"); 93 depts.add("二组"); 94 modelMap.put("depts", depts); 95 //上班类型 96 List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); 97 types.add("值班"); 98 types.add("休班"); 99 modelMap.put("types", types); 100 //一个月所有周日期放里面 101 Map<String,List<String>> weekMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); 102 int a=CalendarUtil.getWeekyofMonth(chaxunDate);//一共几周 103 chaxunDate =CalendarUtil.DateToDate(chaxunDate); 104 for(int i=0;i<=a;i++){ 105 String ds=CalendarUtil.getDanShuangWeek(CalendarUtil.getDayOfMonth(chaxunDate, i*7)); 106 weekMap.put(i+" "+ds, CalendarUtil.getWeeksOfMonth(chaxunDate, i)); 107 } 108 modelMap.put("week",weekMap); 109 order.setBegintime(chaxunDate); 110 Map<String,List<TbfwScheduling>> maps= schedulingService.getPersonMonth(order); 111 modelMap.put("weekChina", CalendarUtil.getWeekName()); 112 modelMap.put("maps", maps); 113 modelMap.put("order", order); 114 modelMap.put("chaxunDate", chaxunDate); 115 return "/TbfwScheduling/TbfwSchedulingEdit"; 116 } 117 /** 118 * 显示人员列表 119 * @param tbfwScheduling 120 * @param modelMap 121 * @return 122 */ 123 @RequestMapping("/queryTbfwScheduling") 124 public String queryTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling,ModelMap modelMap){ 125 List<User> userList =userService.getUserListByDept(tbfwScheduling); 126 List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> personList=schedulingService.getPersonByDate(tbfwScheduling); 127 modelMap.put("userList", userList); 128 modelMap.put("personList", personList); 129 return "/TbfwScheduling/TbfwSchedulingPersonList"; 130 } 131 132 /** 133 * 更新数据库 134 * @param tbfwScheduling 135 * @return 136 */ 137 @RequestMapping("/updateTbfwScheduling") 138 @ResponseBody 139 public String updateTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling){ 140 String msg=null; 141 schedulingService.saveTbfwScheduling(tbfwScheduling); 142 msg = "success"; 143 return msg; 144 } 145 /** 146 * 自动排班 147 * @param tbfwScheduling 148 * @return 149 */ 150 @RequestMapping("/autoTbfwScheduling") 151 @ResponseBody 152 public String autoTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling){ 153 String msg=null; 154 schedulingService.autoTbfwScheduling(tbfwScheduling); 155 msg = "success"; 156 return msg; 157 } 158 /** 159 * 2014-07-18 23:35:10 160 * 首先把人名列出来,根据班组 161 * 然后分排班还是休班 162 * 先根据时间和班组把人查询出来 163 * 然后循环list 164 * 小A,时间,一组,排班 数量 165 * @param order 166 * @param modelMap 167 * @return 168 */ 169 @RequestMapping("/statisticsTbfwScheduling") 170 public String statisticsTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling, ModelMap modelMap){ 171 if(tbfwScheduling == null || tbfwScheduling.getBeginTime()== null){ 172 tbfwScheduling.setBeginTime(CalendarUtil.getFirstDayOfMonth(new Date())); 173 tbfwScheduling.setEndTime(CalendarUtil.getDateOfLastDayOfMonth(new Date())); 174 } 175 System.out.println("aaa"); 176 //部门,默认为软件售后部 177 if(tbfwScheduling == null || tbfwScheduling.getDept() == null){ 178 tbfwScheduling.setDept("二组"); 179 } 180 List<String> depts = new ArrayList<String>(); 181 depts.add("一组"); 182 depts.add("二组"); 183 modelMap.put("depts", depts); 184 185 List<User> userList =userService.getUserListByDept(tbfwScheduling); 186 List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); 187 types.add("休班"); 188 types.add("值班"); 189 List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> personList =schedulingService.statisticsTbfwScheduling(tbfwScheduling); 190 modelMap.put("types", types); 191 modelMap.put("personList", personList); 192 modelMap.put("userList", userList); 193 // modelMap.put("tbfwScheduling", tbfwScheduling); 194 return "/TbfwScheduling/TbfwSchedulingStatistics"; 195 } 196 }

      1 package com.honghailt.dataextracter.service;
      3 import java.util.ArrayList;
      4 import java.util.Date;
      5 import java.util.HashMap;
      6 import java.util.List;
      7 import java.util.Map;
      9 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
     10 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
     12 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.mappers.ds1.TbfwSchedulingMapper;
     13 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.mappers.ds1.TbfwSchedulingPersonMapper;
     14 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.OrderQuery;
     15 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.TbfwScheduling;
     16 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.TbfwSchedulingPerson;
     17 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.model.User;
     18 import com.honghailt.dataextracter.utils.CalendarUtil;
     20 @Service
     21 public class TbfwSchedulingService {
     23     @Autowired
     24     private TbfwSchedulingMapper mapper;
     25     @Autowired
     26     private TbfwSchedulingPersonMapper personMapper;
     27     @Autowired
     28     private UserService userService;
     30     public Map<String, List<TbfwScheduling>> getPerson(OrderQuery order) {
     31         if(order.getBegintime()!=null){
     32             Date week1= CalendarUtil.getNowWeekBeginDate(order.getBegintime(),0);
     33             Date week2 =CalendarUtil.getNowWeekBeginDate(order.getBegintime(),6);
     34             order.setBegintime(week1);
     35             order.setEndtime(week2);
     36         }
     37         Map<String, List<TbfwScheduling>> map = new HashMap<String, List<TbfwScheduling>>();//
     38         List<TbfwScheduling> listZhiBan = new ArrayList<TbfwScheduling>();
     39         List<TbfwScheduling> listXiuBan = new ArrayList<TbfwScheduling>();
     40         List<TbfwScheduling> list =mapper.getTbfwSchedulingList(order);
     41         for (TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling : list) {
     42         if(tbfwScheduling.getType().equals("值班")){
     43             List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> schedulingPersonList= personMapper.getTbfwSchedulingPersonList(tbfwScheduling);
     44             tbfwScheduling.setSchedulingPersonList(schedulingPersonList);
     45             listZhiBan.add(tbfwScheduling);
     46         }
     47         if(tbfwScheduling.getType().equals("休班")){
     48             List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> schedulingPersonList= personMapper.getTbfwSchedulingPersonList(tbfwScheduling);
     49             tbfwScheduling.setSchedulingPersonList(schedulingPersonList);
     50             listXiuBan.add(tbfwScheduling);
     51         }
     52         }
     53         map.put("值班", listZhiBan);
     54         map.put("休班", listXiuBan);
     55 //        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     56         return map;
     57     }
     59     public Map<String, List<TbfwScheduling>> getPersonMonth(OrderQuery order) {
     60         if(order.getBegintime()!=null){
     61             //先获得查询日所在月的第一天所在周的星期一 和所在月的最后一天所在周的星期天
     62             Date week1= CalendarUtil.getNowWeekBeginDate(CalendarUtil.getFirstDayOfMonth(order.getBegintime()),0);
     63             Date week2 =CalendarUtil.getNowWeekBeginDate(CalendarUtil.getDateOfLastDayOfMonth(order.getBegintime()),6);
     64             order.setBegintime(week1);
     65             order.setEndtime(week2);
     66         }
     67         Map<String, List<TbfwScheduling>> map = new HashMap<String, List<TbfwScheduling>>();//值班和休班所有TbfwScheduling
     68         List<TbfwScheduling> listZhiBan = new ArrayList<TbfwScheduling>();
     69         List<TbfwScheduling> listXiuBan = new ArrayList<TbfwScheduling>();
     70         List<TbfwScheduling> list =mapper.getTbfwSchedulingList(order);//查询出所有
     71         for (TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling : list) {
     72         if(tbfwScheduling.getType().equals("值班")){//如果是值班
     73             List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> schedulingPersonList= personMapper.getTbfwSchedulingPersonList(tbfwScheduling);
     74             tbfwScheduling.setSchedulingPersonList(schedulingPersonList);//把人放在值班list里,下面同上
     75             listZhiBan.add(tbfwScheduling);
     76         }
     77         if(tbfwScheduling.getType().equals("休班")){
     78             List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> schedulingPersonList= personMapper.getTbfwSchedulingPersonList(tbfwScheduling);
     79             tbfwScheduling.setSchedulingPersonList(schedulingPersonList);
     80             listXiuBan.add(tbfwScheduling);
     81         }
     82         }
     83         map.put("值班", listZhiBan);
     84         map.put("休班", listXiuBan);
     85 //        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     86         return map;
     87     }
     91     public List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> getPersonByDate(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling) {
     92         List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> schedulingPersonList= personMapper.getTbfwSchedulingPersonList(tbfwScheduling);
     93         return schedulingPersonList;
     94     }
     96     public void saveTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling) {
     97          TbfwScheduling  model;
     98          List<TbfwScheduling> schedulingList = mapper.getListByDateAndType(tbfwScheduling);
     99          if(schedulingList!=null && schedulingList.size()>0){
    100                model =schedulingList.get(0);
    101          }else{
    102              mapper.insert(tbfwScheduling);
    103             schedulingList = mapper.getListByDateAndType(tbfwScheduling);
    104             model =schedulingList.get(0);
    105          }
    106          String ids =tbfwScheduling.getIds();
    107          System.out.println(ids+"--------");
    108          if(ids ==null || ids.equals("")){
    109              personMapper.delete(model);
    110          }
    112          if(ids !=null && !ids.equals("")){
    113              personMapper.delete(model);
    114             String[] aa =ids.split(",");
    115             for (String str : aa) {
    116                 String[] bb=str.split(":");
    117                    personMapper.insert(model.getId(),bb[0],bb[1]);
    118             }
    119          }
    120     }
    122     /**
    123      * 先把本月周所有星期一,然后根据单双周获得所有日期
    124      * 从人员表中获得符合条件的人,重新建一个list,把相等数量的人数放在里面
    125      * 然后把保存 
    126      * @param tbfwScheduling
    127      */
    128     public void autoTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling) {
    129         List<User> userList =userService.getUserListByDept(tbfwScheduling);//获得所有人
    130         int personN =this.getPersonNum(tbfwScheduling);//获得本月所要排班的人数
    131         List<User>  list =new ArrayList<User>();//把人放到这个列表中
    132          int usedPerson =0; //定义用过的人
    133         while(true){ //用于把人放到这个列表里
    134             for (int i=0;i<userList.size();i++) {
    135                 list.add(userList.get(i));
    136             }
    137             if(list.size()>=personN+2){
    138                 break;
    139             }
    140         }
    141         int aa=0;
    142         for (User user : list) {
    143             System.out.print(user.getUsrname()+"  "+aa++);
    144         }
    145         if(tbfwScheduling!=null){
    146             Date chaxunDate =tbfwScheduling.getPaibanDate();//获得查询时间
    147             int a=CalendarUtil.getWeekyofMonth(chaxunDate);//获得本月共几周
    148             for(int i=0;i<=a;i++){//遍历周
    149             //获得第一周,第二周,第三周
    150             Date date1 =CalendarUtil.getDayOfMonth(CalendarUtil.DateToDate(chaxunDate), i*7);//获得本月第一天,每次循环加7
    151             usedPerson = this.savePerson(tbfwScheduling, date1, usedPerson, list);
    152             }
    153         }
    155     }
    157     public int savePerson(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling,Date date1,int usedPerson,List<User> list){
    158         //单周的话值班12+4人
    159         List<Date> list1= CalendarUtil.getDaysOfWeekDate(date1);//获得本周7天
    160         for (int x=0;x<list1.size();x++) {//遍历每天
    161             tbfwScheduling.setPaibanDate(list1.get(x));//设置第一周星期一的时间
    162              TbfwScheduling  model;
    163              List<TbfwScheduling> schedulingList = mapper.getListByDateAndType(tbfwScheduling);//查询是否有本日记录
    164              if(schedulingList!=null && schedulingList.size()>0){//有就取,没有就添加
    165                    model =schedulingList.get(0);
    166              }else{
    167                  mapper.insert(tbfwScheduling);
    168                 schedulingList = mapper.getListByDateAndType(tbfwScheduling);
    169                 model =schedulingList.get(0);
    170              }
    171              personMapper.delete(model); 
    173              if(x<=4){
    174                  if(model.getDept().equals("一组")){
    175                      for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    176                             personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    177                             usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    179                         }
    180                  }
    181                  if(model.getDept().equals("二组")){
    182                      for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    183                             personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    184                             usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    186                         }
    187                  }
    189              }
    190              if( CalendarUtil.getDanShuangWeek(date1).equals("单周")){
    191                  if(x==5){ 
    192                      if(model.getDept().equals("一组")){
    193                      for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    194                             personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    195                             usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    196                             System.out.println(usedPerson+"x=5)"+list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname() );
    197                         }
    198                      }
    199                      if(model.getDept().equals("二组")){
    200                          for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    201                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    202                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    203                                 System.out.println(usedPerson+"x=5)"+list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname() );
    204                             }
    205                          }
    206                  }
    207                  if(x==6){
    208                      if(model.getDept().equals("一组")){
    209                          for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    210                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    211                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    213                             }
    214                          for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    215                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),1+"");
    216                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    218                             }
    219                          }
    220                      if(model.getDept().equals("二组")){
    221                          for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    222                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    223                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    225                             }
    226                          for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    227                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),1+"");
    228                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    230                             }
    231                          }
    232              }
    233             }
    235              if( CalendarUtil.getDanShuangWeek(date1).equals("双周")){
    236                  if(x>=5){
    237                      if(model.getDept().equals("一组")){
    238                          for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    239                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    240                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    241                             }
    242                          for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
    243                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),1+"");
    244                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    245                             }
    246                          }
    247                      if(model.getDept().equals("二组")){
    248                          for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    249                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),0+"");
    250                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    252                             }
    253                          for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
    254                                 personMapper.insert(model.getId(), list.get(usedPerson).getUsrname(),1+"");
    255                                 usedPerson = usedPerson + 1;
    257                             }
    258                          }
    259              }
    260             }
    261         }
    262         //
    263         return usedPerson;
    265     }
    267     public int getPersonNum(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling){
    268         int personNum =0;
    269         if(tbfwScheduling!=null){
    270             Date chaxunDate =tbfwScheduling.getPaibanDate();
    271             int a=CalendarUtil.getWeekyofMonth(chaxunDate);//一共几周
    273             for(int i=0;i<=a;i++){
    274             //获得第一周
    275             Date date1 =CalendarUtil.getDayOfMonth(CalendarUtil.DateToDate(chaxunDate), i*7);//获得第一周
    276             if(CalendarUtil.getDanShuangWeek(date1).equals("单周")){//单周的话值班6人
    277                 //首先查询 本周日期,然后根据条件查询出来,有不变,周一到周五set人,没有就删除
    278                 personNum=personNum+10+6;
    279                 //
    280             }else{
    281                 personNum=personNum+10+8;
    282             }
    283             }
    284         }
    285         return personNum;
    286     }
    288 //    public static void main(String[] args) {
    289 //        List list =new ArrayList<>();
    290 //        list.add(1);
    291 //        list.add(2);
    292 //        List list2 =new ArrayList<>();
    293 //        int i=10;
    294 //        
    295 //        while(true){
    296 //            for (int a=0; a<list.size() ;a++) {
    297 //                list2.add(list.get(a));
    298 //            }
    299 //            if(list2.size()==i){
    300 //                break;
    301 //            }
    302 //        }
    303 //        System.out.println(list2);
    304 //    }
    306     public List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> statisticsTbfwScheduling(TbfwScheduling tbfwScheduling) {
    307         List<TbfwSchedulingPerson> list =personMapper.statisticsTbfwScheduling(tbfwScheduling);
    308         return list;
    309     }
    312 }    
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
     3         "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
     4 <mapper namespace="com.honghailt.dataextracter.mappers.ds1.TbfwSchedulingMapper">
     6      <select id="getTbfwSchedulingList"  resultType="TbfwScheduling">
     7         SELECT
     8             id,
     9             paibanDate,
    10             type,
    11             dept
    12         FROM de_tbfw_order_scheduling
    13         WHERE 1=1
    14         and date(paibanDate) between #{begintime:DATE} and #{endtime:DATE}
    15         and dept =#{nick}
    16     </select>
    17     <select id="getListByDateAndType"  resultType="TbfwScheduling">
    18         SELECT
    19             id,
    20             paibanDate,
    21             type,
    22             dept
    23         FROM de_tbfw_order_scheduling
    24         WHERE 1=1
    25         and date(paibanDate) = #{paibanDate} 
    26         and type =  #{type} 
    27         and dept = #{dept}
    28     </select>
    29     <insert id="insert">
    30         INSERT INTO de_tbfw_order_scheduling
    31         (
    32          paibanDate,
    33         type,
    34          dept)
    35         VALUES
    36             (#{paibanDate},
    37              #{type},
    38              #{dept}
    39              );
    40     </insert>
    41 </mapper>
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
     3         "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
     4 <mapper namespace="com.honghailt.dataextracter.mappers.ds1.TbfwSchedulingPersonMapper">
     6      <select id="getTbfwSchedulingPersonList"  resultType="TbfwSchedulingPerson">
     7         SELECT
     8             a.id,
     9             b.id as tbfwSchedulingId,
    10             a.userId,
    11             a.baiban
    12         FROM (de_tbfw_order_schedulingperson a LEFT JOIN de_tbfw_order_scheduling b 
    13         on a.tbfwSchedulingId = b.id)
    14         WHERE 1=1
    15         and date(b.paibanDate) = #{paibanDate:DATE}
    16         and b.type = #{type}
    17         and b.dept = #{dept}
    18     </select>
    20      <!--  <select id="getTbfwSchedulingPersonList"  resultType="TbfwSchedulingPerson">
    21         SELECT
    22             a.id,
    23             b.id as tbfwSchedulingId,
    24             c.usrno as userId,
    25               c.usrname as usrname
    26         FROM (de_tbfw_order_schedulingperson a LEFT JOIN de_tbfw_order_scheduling b 
    27         on a.tbfwSchedulingId = b.id) LEFT JOIN databus_user c on c.usrno = a.userId
    28         WHERE 1=1
    29         and date(b.paibanDate) = #{paibanDate:DATE}
    30         and b.type = #{type}
    31         and b.dept = #{dept}
    32     </select> -->
    33     <delete id="delete">
    34     DELETE from de_tbfw_order_schedulingperson
    35     WHERE tbfwSchedulingId =#{id}
    36     </delete>
    37     <insert id="insert">
    38      INSERT INTO de_tbfw_order_schedulingperson
    39         (tbfwSchedulingId,
    40          userId,
    41          baiban)
    42         VALUES
    43             ( #{param1},
    44              #{param2},
    45              #{param3});
    46     </insert>
    48     <select id="statisticsTbfwScheduling"  resultType="TbfwSchedulingPerson">
    49     SELECT
    50     COUNT(p.id) AS statisticsCount,
    51     c.dept,
    52     c.type,
    53     p.userId,
    54     p.baiban
    55     FROM
    56     de_tbfw_order_schedulingperson p ,
    57     de_tbfw_order_scheduling c
    58     where
    59     p.tbfwSchedulingId = c.id
    60     and
    61     date(c.paibanDate) between #{beginTime:DATE} and #{endTime:DATE}
    62     AND c.dept =#{dept} 
    63     GROUP BY
    64     p.userId,
    65     c.dept,
    66     c.type,
    67     p.baiban
    68     </select>
    74 </mapper>


     1 <div class="main">
     2     <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">排班信息</div>
     3     <form id="form1" action="<c:url value="/showTbfwScheduling.do"/>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
     4         <div>
     5             所在部门:
     6       <select name="nick" >
     7           <c:forEach items="${depts}" var="dd">
     8                     <option value="${dd}" <c:if test="${dd==order.nick}">selected</c:if>>${dd}</option>
     9             </c:forEach>
    10           </select>
    12          当前日期:<input type="text" name="chaxunDate"
    13                         value="<fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${chaxunDate}"/>"
    14                         style=" 100px;" maxlength="10" onClick="WdatePicker()">
    15             <input type="submit" id="query" value=" 查 询 "></div>
    16     </form>
    17    <table class="grid">
    18    <tr>
    19             <th  style="80px"> &nbsp;</th>
    20                 <c:forEach items="${weekChina}" var="china">
    21                     <th><center>${china}</center></th> <!--  遍历表头 -->
    22                 </c:forEach>
    23             </tr>
    25   <c:forEach items="${week}" var="week1">
    26             <tr>
    27             <th  style="80px"> ${fn:substring(week1.key,2,4)}</th>
    28                 <c:forEach items="${week1.value}" var="day1">
    29                     <th>
    30                       <fmt:formatDate var="cx" value="${chaxunDate}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
    31                     <c:if test="${cx eq day1}">
    32                     <font color=red >${cx} </c:if>
    33                     </font>
    34                     <c:if test="${cx ne day1}">
    35                     ${day1}</c:if>
    36                     </th> <!--  遍历表头 -->
    37                 </c:forEach>
    38             </tr>
    39     <c:forEach items="${types}" var="row" varStatus="num">
    40             <tr>
    41                 <td>${row}</td>  <!--  遍历类型 -->
    42                 <c:forEach items="${maps}" var="map" varStatus="num1">
    43                     <c:if test="${row eq map.key}">
    44                           <c:forEach items="${week1.value}" var="day">
    45                               <td>
    46                                 <c:forEach items="${map.value}" var="aa" varStatus="num2">
    47                                  <fmt:formatDate var="paibanDate" value="${aa.paibanDate}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
    48                                    <c:if test="${paibanDate eq day }">
    49                                           <c:forEach items="${aa.schedulingPersonList}" var="person" varStatus="num1">
    50                                           <c:if test="${person.baiban eq 1}">
    51                                           <font color = red>    ${person.userId}</font>
    52                                           </c:if>
    53                                               <c:if test="${person.baiban ne 1}">
    54                                           ${person.userId} 
    55                                           </c:if>
    57                                            </c:forEach>
    58                                    </c:if>
    59                                  </c:forEach> 
    60                             &nbsp;</td>
    61                         </c:forEach>
    62                     </c:if>
    63                 </c:forEach>
    64             </tr>
    65         </c:forEach>
    66 </c:forEach>    
    67   </table>  
    68 </div>
    <div class="main">
        <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">排班信息</div>
          <form id="form1" action="<c:url value="/editTbfwScheduling.do"/>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
                                 <select name="nick">
                                    <c:forEach items="${depts}" var="dd">
                                        <option value="${dd}"
                                            <c:if test="${dd==order.nick}">selected</c:if>>${dd}</option>
                                 <input type="text" name="chaxunDate" id="chaxunDate"
                                    value="<fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${chaxunDate}"/>"
                                    style=" 100px;" maxlength="10" onClick="WdatePicker()">
                                <input type="submit" id="query" value=" 查 询 ">
             <td style="text-align: right;">
          <input type="button" value="统计" onclick="aa()"/>
          <td style="text-align: right;">
          <input type="button" value="一鍵排班" onclick="autoScheduling()"/>
        <div class="progress" style="display:none;">
      <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="60" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style=" 100%;">
        <span class="sr-only">正在排班 ,请等待...</span>
       <table class="grid">
                <th  style="80px"> &nbsp;</th>
                    <c:forEach items="${weekChina}" var="china">
                        <th><center>${china}</center></th> <!--  遍历表头 -->
      <c:forEach items="${week}" var="week1">
                <th  style="80px"> ${fn:substring(week1.key,2,4)}</th>
                    <c:forEach items="${week1.value}" var="day1">
                          <fmt:formatDate var="cx" value="${chaxunDate}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
                        <c:if test="${cx eq day1}">
                        <font color=red >${cx} </c:if>
                        <c:if test="${cx ne day1}">
                        </th> <!--  遍历表头 -->
        <c:forEach items="${types}" var="row" varStatus="num">
                    <td>${row}</td>  <!--  遍历类型 -->
                    <c:forEach items="${maps}" var="map" varStatus="num1">
                        <c:if test="${row eq map.key}">
                              <c:forEach items="${week1.value}" var="day">
                              <td ondblclick="showtbfwList('${row}',this,'${day}')">
                                    <c:forEach items="${map.value}" var="aa" varStatus="num2">
                                     <fmt:formatDate var="paibanDate" value="${aa.paibanDate}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
                                       <c:if test="${paibanDate eq day }">
                                              <c:forEach items="${aa.schedulingPersonList}" var="person" varStatus="num1">
                                              <c:if test="${person.baiban eq 1}">
                                              <font color = red>    ${person.userId}</font>
                                                  <c:if test="${person.baiban ne 1}">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function aa(){
        $(form1).attr("action","statisticsTbfwScheduling.do");// 填充内容 
      //  document.form1.action ="";
    function autoScheduling(){
        var dept = $("select[name=nick] option:selected").val();
        var day  = $("#chaxunDate").val();
         if (confirm("自动排班后,本月排班将会重新排列,请谨慎点击!")) {
             if (true) {
                        url : "<c:url value="/autoTbfwScheduling.do"/>",
                        type : "post",
                        data : {
                            type : "值班",
                            paibanDate : day,
                            dept : dept
                        dataType : "text",
                        success : function(data) {
                            if (data == "success") {
                            } else {
           return true;
    function showtbfwList(type, indexa,day) {
        var dept = $("select[name=nick] option:selected").val();
          var result = window.showModalDialog("queryTbfwScheduling.do?type=" + type+"&paibanDate="+day+"&dept="+dept, "help:no;scroll:no;dialogWidth:300px; dialogHeight:300px");
        var ids=getAllIds(result);
          if (true) {
                    url : "<c:url value="/updateTbfwScheduling.do"/>",
                    type : "post",
                    data : {
                        type : type,
                        paibanDate : day,
                        ids : ids,
                        dept : dept
                    dataType : "text",
                    success : function(data) {
                        if (data == "success") {
                        } else {
                //indexa.innerHTML = getAllNames(result);
        function getAllNames(obj) {
            // 用来保存所有的属性名称和值
            var props = "";
            // 开始遍历
            for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
                props = obj[i].usrname + "," + props;
            props = props.substring(0, props.length - 1);
            // 最后显示所有的属性
            return props;
        function getAllIds(obj) {
            // 用来保存所有的属性名称和值
            var props = "";
            // 开始遍历
            for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
                props = obj[i].usrno +":"+obj[i].baibans + "," + props;
            props = props.substring(0, props.length - 1);
            // 最后显示所有的属性
            return props;
        function getAllBaiBan(obj) {
            // 用来保存所有的属性名称和值
            var props = "";
            // 开始遍历
            for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
                props = obj[i].baibans + "," + props;
            props = props.substring(0, props.length - 1);
            // 最后显示所有的属性
            return props;
        <div><% String str =""; %>  </div>
       <center> <table class="grid">
                    <th style="80px" colspan="2">&nbsp;
                   <fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${tbfwScheduling.paibanDate}"/>
                </tr> <tr>
            <c:forEach items="${userList}" var="user" varStatus="num">
                    <input type="checkbox" 
                    <c:forEach items="${personList}" var="person" >
                            <c:if test="${person.userId eq user.usrname}">
                       name="ids" value="${user.usrno}">
                       <input type="checkbox" 
                    <c:forEach items="${personList}" var="person1" >
                            <c:if test="${person1.userId eq user.usrname}">
                            <c:if test="${person1.baiban eq '1'}">
                       name="baibans" value="${user.usrno}">
                       <input type = "hidden" name = "userinfo" value = "{usrno:'${user.usrname}',usrname:'${user.usrname}'}">
                <c:if test="${(num.index % 2 ) eq 1}"></tr><tr></c:if>
                <c:if test="${num.index eq 6}"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr></c:if>
      <div><center> <input type="button" value="确定" onclick="validateadd()"/></center></div>
        <script language="javascript">
            function validateadd() {
                    var rtn = [];
                      eval("obj=" + $(this).val());
                      if($(this).siblings("input[name=baibans]:checked").size()>0) {
                          obj.baibans = 1;
                      } else {
                          obj.baibans = 0;
                 // alert(rtn);
    <div class="main">
        <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">排班信息</div>
        <form id="form1" action="<c:url value="/statisticsTbfwScheduling.do"/>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
          <select name="dept" >
              <c:forEach items="${depts}" var="dd">
                        <option value="${dd}" <c:if test="${dd==tbfwScheduling.dept}">selected</c:if>>${dd}</option>
             开始日期:<input type="text" name=beginTime
                            value="<fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${tbfwScheduling.beginTime}"/>"
                            style=" 100px;" maxlength="10" onClick="WdatePicker()">
             结束日期:<input type="text" name=endTime
                            value="<fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" value="${tbfwScheduling.endTime}"/>"
                            style=" 100px;" maxlength="10" onClick="WdatePicker()">                     
                <input type="submit" id="query" value=" 查 询 "> 
                 <input type="button" value="编辑" onclick="aa()"/>
       <table class="grid">
         <c:forEach items="${types}" var="type1">
      <c:forEach items="${userList}" var="user">
            <td > ${user.usrname}</td>
        <c:forEach items="${types}" var="type">
        <td style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; 
        <c:forEach items="${personList}" var="person">    
            <c:if test="${person.userId eq user.usrname}">
            <c:if test="${person.type eq type }">
            <c:if test="${person.type eq '值班'}">
            <c:if test="${person.baiban eq '1' }">
            白班:<font color =red>${person.statisticsCount}</font>
            <c:if test="${person.baiban eq '0' }">
            <c:if test="${person.type eq '休班' }">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function aa(){
        $(form1).attr("action","editTbfwScheduling.do");// 填充内容 
      //  document.form1.action ="";
  • 相关阅读:
    Html JavaScript网页制作与开发完全学习手册
    一秒解决CentOS下service 功能 不能使用 bash: service: command not found
    LINUX企业应用案例精解 第2版 李晨光
    嵌入式LINUX基础教程 第2版
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/w8104254/p/3855852.html
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