10 this is a dictionary that we will use for us 6 su as the dictonary us willl
su is a misspelling of us as is a misspelling of is the is unknown dictonary is a misspelling of dictionary us is correct willl is a misspelling of will
单词有以下三种错误:1.多拼或少拼一个字符 2.拼错了一个字符 3.两个相邻的字符反了 4.不符合上述3种的为未知单词。
暴力模拟。根据4种错误情况和正确的情况直接经行模拟。 1.能找到相同单词 2.同长度的错误:(1)一个字符不同 (2)两个相邻字符反了。 (利用一个一个wrongCnt来记录有几个不同字符,1个则为(1)错误,2个则为(2)错误,其他,则需要继续判断) 3.长度差一的错误: (1)多了一个字符 (2)少了一个字符。 (利用一个sum来记录有多少个不同,1个为(1)或者为(2)的错误,其他则需要继续判断) 4.不满足2、3且找不到相等单词的错误(unknown)
#define frp #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const ll INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; const ll inf = 0x7fffff; const int maxn = 1e8; const int MAXN = 10000; int n, q; string simpleArray[MAXN + 10]; void solve() { cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> simpleArray[i]; } cin >> q; for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) { bool right = false; string testString; cin >> testString; // cout << testString << ": "; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (simpleArray[j] == testString) { right = true; cout << testString << " is correct" << endl; break; } } if (!right) { bool isknown = true; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { int lenTest = testString.size(), lenSimple = simpleArray[j].size(); int wrongCnt = 0; int pointOne, pointTwo; pointOne = -1; pointTwo = -1; //一个字符错误或者两个字符反了 if (lenTest == lenSimple) { for (int k = 0; k < lenTest; k++) { if (testString[k] != simpleArray[j][k]) { wrongCnt++; if (wrongCnt == 1) { pointOne = k; } else if (wrongCnt == 2) { pointTwo = k; } else { break; } } } if (wrongCnt == 1) { cout << testString << " is a misspelling of " << simpleArray[j] << endl; isknown = false; break; } else if (wrongCnt==2) { if (testString[pointOne] == simpleArray[j][pointTwo] && testString[pointTwo] == simpleArray[j][pointOne]) { cout << testString << " is a misspelling of " << simpleArray[j] << endl; isknown = false; break; } } } //多一个字符或者少一个字符 if(abs(lenSimple-lenTest)==1){ int xx=0,sum=0; if(lenTest+1==lenSimple){ for(int k=0;k<lenSimple;k++){ if(testString[xx]==simpleArray[j][k]){ xx++; }else{ sum++; } } }else if(lenSimple+1==lenTest){ for(int k=0;k<lenTest;k++){ if(testString[k]==simpleArray[j][xx]){ xx++; }else{ sum++; } } } if(sum==1){ cout<<testString<<" is a misspelling of "<<simpleArray[j]<<endl; isknown=false; break; } } } //不存在的单词 if (isknown) { cout << testString << " is unknown" << endl; } } } } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); #ifdef frp freopen("D:\coding\c_coding\in.txt", "r", stdin); // freopen("D:\coding\c_coding\out.txt", "w", stdout); #endif solve(); return 0; }