Given a non-negative integer num
, repeatedly add all its digits until the result has only one digit.
For example:
Given num = 38
, the process is like: 3 + 8 = 11
, 1 + 1 = 2
. Since 2
has only one digit, return it.
Follow up:
Could you do it without any loop/recursion in O(1) runtime?
这其实是一个digital root的问题。
digital root的定义如下:
The digital root (also repeated digital sum) of a non-negative integer is the (single digit) value obtained by an iterative process of summing digits, on each iteration using the result from the previous iteration to compute a digit sum. The process continues until a single-digit number is reached.
For example, the digital root of 65,536 is 7, because 6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 25 and 2 + 5 = 7.
编程题中一般会要求在O(1)时间算出一个数的digital root,这时候就不能用上述思想解答问题了。
考虑12345 = 1 × 10,000 + 2 × 1,000 + 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 5.
同时10 i= 9 + 1; 100 i= 99 + 1,所以又可以写成:
12,345 = 1 × (9,999 + 1) + 2 × (999 + 1) + 3 × (99 + 1) + 4 × (9 + 1) + 5.
12,345 = (1 × 9,999 + 2 × 999 + 3 × 99 + 4 × 9) + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5).
这样便满足了数根的思想,计算数根的一次迭代,当然(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)=15 又可以接着迭代,总之是:
数根是模9的余数是因为 因此 这样便有 ,也就有如下推论:
例如:18 = 10 + 9
$18 equiv 0 pmod{9}$
但 $10 + 9 equiv 1 + 8 pmod{9}$,莫着急,这只是表象, $1 + 8 = 9 equiv 0 pmod{9}$
所以9的倍数的数根也可以用(mod 9)运算,只不过由于数根只在1-9之间,所以为零时只要换成9即可,毕竟$9 equiv 0 pmod{9}$
也是这个道理,数根只能在1-9之间,而(mod 9)的数域在0-8之间, 所以先对数字减1然后再补1即可折中等效了。
$a = b + c$
$b equiv r_1 pmod{9} $
$c equiv r_2 pmod{9} $
$a equiv r_1 + r_2pmod{9}$
提示:把数写成 $n = mq + r $,依据一条推论:
推论 a≡b(mod m)的充要条件是a=mt+b(t为整数)。