> h //help
help: show this message
help all: show the complete tradefed help
exit: gracefully exit the cts console, waiting till all invocations are complete
run cts -t
run cts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan
run cts --package/-p : run a CTS test package
run cts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod
run cts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous CTS session
run cts [options] --serial/-s device_ID: run CTS on specified device
run cts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel
run cts --help/--help-all: get more help on running CTS
l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state
l/list packages: list CTS test packages
l/list p/plans: list CTS test plans
l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka CTS test runs currentlyin progress 当前CTS的运行状态
l/list c/commands: list commands: aka CTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices 展示出用户输入过的命令
l/list r/results: list CTS results currently present in the repository
add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session
d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations
--disable-reboot : Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests.
run cts --help:
test options:
--plan the test plan to run.
-p, --package the test packages(s) to run.
-c, --class run a specific test class.
-m, --method run a specific test method, from given --class.
-t, --test run a specific test
--continue-session continue a previous test session.
--force-abi The abi to use, can be either 32 or 64.
'file' logger options:
-l, --log-level-display the minimum log level to display on stdout. Default: WARN. Valid values: [VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT]
run cts --help-all:
cmd_options options:
--[no-]help display the help text for the most important/critical options. Default: false.
--[no-]help-all display the full help text for all options. Default: false.
--[no-]json-help display the full help in json format. Default: false.
--[no-]dry-run build but don't actually run the command. Intended as a quick check to ensure that a command is runnable. Default: false.
--[no-]noisy-dry-run build but don't actually run the command. This version prints the command to the console. Intended for cmdfile debugging. Default: false.
--min-loop-time the minimum invocation time in ms when in loop mode. Default: 600000.
the maximum time to wait between invocation attempts when in loop mode. when set, the actual value will be a random number between min-loop-time and this number.
--[no-]loop keep running continuously. Default: false.
实例: run cts -c android.media.cts.MediaScannerConnectionTest -s 9A915A3E --loop --min-loop-time 120000
--[no-]all-devices fork this command to run on all connected devices. Default: false.
--[no-]bugreport-on-invocation-ended take a bugreport when the test invocation has ended Default: false.
device_requirements options:
-s, --serial run this test on a specific device with given serial number(s).
--exclude-serial run this test on any device except those with this serial number(s).
--product-type run this test on device with this product type(s). May also filter by variant using product:variant.
--property run this test on device with this property value. Expected format --property <propertyname> <propertyvalue>.
-e, --[no-]emulator force this test to run on emulator. Default: false.
-d, --[no-]device force this test to run on a physical device, not an emulator. Default: false.
--[no-]new-emulator allocate a placeholder emulator. Should be used when config intends to launch an emulator Default: false.
-n, --[no-]null-device do not allocate a device for this test. Default: false.
--[no-]tcp-device start a placeholder for a tcp device that will be connected later. Default: false.
--min-battery only run this test on a device whose battery level is at least the given amount. Scale: 0-100
--max-battery only run this test on a device whose battery level is strictly less than the given amount. Scale: 0-100
--[no-]require-battery-check _If_ --min-battery and/or --max-battery is specified, skip devices that have an unknown battery level. Note that this may leave restart-looping devices in limbo indefinitely without manual intervention. Default: true.
--min-sdk-level Only run this test on devices that support this Android SDK/API level
--max-sdk-level Only run this test on devices that are running this or lower Android SDK/API level
device_options options:
--[no-]enable-root enable adb root on boot. Default: false.
--[no-]disable-keyguard attempt to disable keyguard once boot is complete. Default: true.
--disable-keyguard-cmd shell command to disable keyguard. Default: input keyevent 82.
--[no-]enable-logcat Enable background logcat capture when invocation is running. Default: true.
The maximum size of tmp logcat data to retain, in bytes. Only used if --enable-logcat is set Default: 20971520.
--logcat-options Options to be passed down to logcat command, if unspecified, "-v threadtime" will be used. Only used if --enable-logcat is set
--fastboot-timeout time in ms to wait for a device to boot into fastboot. Default: 60000.
time in ms to wait for a device to boot into recovery. Default: 60000.
--reboot-timeout time in ms to wait for a device to reboot to full system. Default: 120000.
use fastboot erase instead of fastboot format to wipe partitions Default: false.
time in ms to wait for the device to format the filesystem and reboot after unencryption Default: 0.
--online-timeout default time in ms to wait for the device to be visible on adb. Default: 60000.
--available-timeout default time in ms to wait for the device to be available aka fully boot. Default: 360000.
--ping-ip-or-host default ip or host to ping during connectivity checks; [deprecated] use --ping-url instead. Default: www.google.com.
--conn-check-url default URL to be used for connectivity checks. Default: http://www.google.com.
--wifi-attempts default number of attempts to connect to wifi network. Default: 5.
the base wait time in ms between wifi connect retries. The actual wait time would be a multiple of this value. Default: 60000.
Change the wifi connection retry strategy from a linear wait time into a binary exponential back-offs when retrying. Default: true.
--post-boot-command shell command to run after reboots during invocation
disables device reboots globally, making them no-ops Default: false.
--cutoff-battery the minimum battery level required to continue the invocation. Scale: 0-100
'file-system-log-saver' log_saver options:
--log-file-path root file system path to store log files. Default: /tmp.
--log-file-url root http url of log files. Assumes files placed in log-file-path are visible via this url.
--log-retention-days the number of days to keep saved log files.
whether to compress files which are not already compressed Default: true.
build_provider options:
--cts-install-path the path to the cts installation to use Default: ./../...
--branch build branch name to supply.
device_recovery options:
--online-wait-time maximum time in ms to wait for device to come online. Default: 60000.
--device-wait-time maximum time in ms to wait for a single device recovery command. Default: 240000.
maximum time in ms to wait for device to be in fastboot. Default: 30000.
--shell-wait-time maximum time in ms to wait for device shell to be responsive. Default: 30000.
--fastboot-wait-time maximum time in ms to wait for a fastboot command result. Default: 30000.
require a min battery level after successful recovery, default to 0 for ignoring. Default: 0.
If this is set, we will not attempt to reboot an unresponsive devicethat is in userspace. Note that this will have no effect if the device is in fastboot or is expected to be in fastboot. Default: false.
test options:
--plan the test plan to run.
-p, --package the test packages(s) to run.
--exclude-package the test packages(s) to exclude from the run.
-c, --class run a specific test class.
-m, --method run a specific test method, from given --class.
-t, --test run a specific test
--continue-session continue a previous test session.
-d, --[no-]skip-device-info
flag to control whether to collect info from device. Providing this flag will speed up test execution for short test runs but will result in required data being omitted from the test report. Default: false.
--[no-]resume flag to attempt to automatically resume aborted test run on another connected device. Default: false.
--shards shard the tests to run into separately runnable chunks to execute on multiple devices concurrently. Default: 1.
--[no-]screenshot flag for taking a screenshot of the device when test execution is complete. Default: false.
-b, --[no-]bugreport take a bugreport after each failed test. Warning: can potentially use a lot of disk space. Default: false.
-k, --[no-]run-known-failures
run tests including known failures Default: false.
Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests. Default behavior is to reboot. Default: false.
--reboot-wait-time Additional wait time in ms after boot complete. Default: 120000.
--reboot-interval Interval between each reboot in min. Default: 30.
take a screenshot on every test failure. Default: false.
take a logcat snapshot on every test failure. Unlike --bugreport, this can capturelogs even if connection with device has been lost, as well as being much more performant. Default: false.
--force-abi The abi to use, can be either 32 or 64.
The max number of logcat data in bytes to capture when --logcat-on-failure is on. Should be an amount that can comfortably fit in memory. Default: 512000.
Collect dEQP logs from the device. Default: false.
--include Positive filters to pass to tests.
--exclude Negative filters to pass to tests.
The minimum number of packages to require a pre test reboot Default: 2.
Don't verify device connectivity between module execution. Default: false.
'file' logger options:
--log-level the minimum log level to log. Default: DEBUG. Valid values: [VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT]
-l, --log-level-display
the minimum log level to display on stdout. Default: WARN. Valid values: [VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT]
--log-tag-display Always display given tags logs on stdout
--max-log-size maximum allowable size of tmp log data in mB. Default: 20.
result_reporter options:
--[no-]quiet-output Mute display of test results. Default: false.
--output-file-path root file system path to directory to store xml test results and associated logs. If not specified, results will be stored at <cts root>/repository/results
--plan the test plan to run. Default: NA.
--continue-session the test result session to continue.
--result-server Server to publish test results.
Include test log tags in XML report. Default: false.
--[no-]use-log-saver Also saves generated result XML with log saver Default: false.
result_reporter options:
--[no-]quiet-output Mute display of test results. Default: false.
result_reporter options:
--issue-server Server url to post test failures to.