• 4 聚合 分组 排序 分页


    • 为了快速得到统计数据,提供了5个聚合函数,
    • 只能得到聚合结果,没有原始数据
    • count(*)表示计算总行数,括号中写星与列名,结果是相同的
    select count(*) from students;
    mysql> select count(*) from students where isDelete=0;
    | count(*) |
    |        6 |
    • max(列)表示求此列的最大值
    select max(id) from students where gender=0;

    | max(id) |
    | 6 |

    • min(列)表示求此列的最小值
    select min(id) from students where isdelete=0;

    | min(id) |
    | 1 |

    mysql> select * from students where id=1;
    mysql> select * from students where id=(select min(id) from students where isDelete=0); 
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭   |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    • sum(列)表示求此列的和
    select sum(id) from students where gender=1;
    • avg(列)表示求此列的平均值
    select avg(id) from students where isdelete=0 and gender=0;
    mysql> select avg(id) from students where gender=0 and isDelete=1;
    | avg(id) |
    |  6.0000 |


    • 按照字段分组,表示此字段相同的数据会被放到一个组中
    • 分组后,只能查询出相同的数据列,对于有差异的数据列无法出现在结果集中
    • 可以对分组后的数据进行统计,做聚合运算

      1)语法  group by

    select 列1,列2,聚合... from 表名 group by 列1,列2,列3...
    • 查询男女生总数
    select gender as 性别,count(*)
    from students
    group by gender;
    mysql> select count(*) from students group by gender;
    | count(*) |
    |        1 |
    |        6 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select gender,count(*) from students group by gender;
    | gender | count(*) |
    |        |        1 |
    |       |        6 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

      2)分组后的数据筛选 having


    • where是对from后面指定的表进行数据筛选,属于对原始数据的筛选
    • having是对group by的结果进行筛选


    • 语法:
    select 列1,列2,聚合... from 表名
    group by 列1,列2,列3...
    having 列1,...聚合...
    • having后面的条件运算符与where的相同
    select count(*)
    from students
    where gender=1;
    select gender as 性别,count(*)
    from students
    group by gender
    having gender=1;
    mysql> select gender,count(*) from students group by gender having gender=0;
    | gender | count(*) |
    |        |        1 |
    mysql> select gender,count(*) from students group by gender having count(*)>2;;
    | gender | count(*) |
    |       |        6 |
    mysql> select gender,count(*) as 人数 from students group by gender having 人数>2;
    | gender | 人数   |
    |       |      6 |


    • 为了方便查看数据,可以对数据进行排序
    • 语法:
    select * from 表名
    order by 列1 asc|desc,列2 asc|desc,...
    • 将行数据按照列1进行排序,如果某些行列1的值相同时,则按照列2排序,以此类推
    • 默认按照列值从小到大排列
    • asc从小到大排列,即升序
    • desc从大到小排序,即降序
    • 查询未删除男生学生信息,按学号降序
    select * from students
    where gender=1 and isdelete=0
    order by id desc;
    mysql> select * from students where isDelete=0 and gender=1 order by id desc;
    | id | name      | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL                |          |
    |  7 | QQ        |       | NULL                |          |
    |  4 | 小米      |       | NULL                |          |
    |  3 | 网易      |       | NULL                |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭      |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  1 | 腾旭      |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    • 查询未删除科目信息,按名称升序
    select * from subject
    where isdelete=0
    order by stitle;
    mysql> select * from subjects where isDelete=1 order by id asc;
    | id | title   | isDelete |
    |  2 | linux   |         |
    |  4 | redis   |         |
    |  5 | mysqlDB |         |



    • 当数据量过大时,在一页中查看数据是一件非常麻烦的事情
    • 语法
    select * from 表名
    limit start,count
    • 从start开始,获取count条数据
    • start索引从0开始
    | id | name      | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭      |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭      |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  3 | 网易      |       | NULL                |          |
    |  4 | 小米      |       | NULL                |          |
    |  6 | 酷狗      |        | 2017-02-13 00:00:00 |         |
    |  7 | QQ        |       | NULL                |          |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL                |          |
    mysql> select * from students limit 1,3;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  2 | 腾旭   |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  3 | 网易   |       | NULL                |          |
    |  4 | 小米   |       | NULL                |          |
    mysql> select * from students limit 2,1;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday | isDelete |
    |  3 | 网易   |       | NULL     |          |


    • 已知:每页显示m条数据,当前显示第n页
    • 求总页数:此段逻辑后面会在python中实现
      • 查询总条数p1
      • 使用p1除以m得到p2
      • 如果整除则p2为总数页
      • 如果不整除则p2+1为总页数
    • 求第n页的数据
    select * from students
    where isdelete=0
    limit (n-1)*m,m
    limit start,m
    0,5 ==  0,1,2,3,4
    1,5    ==  5,6,7,8,9
    2,5 ==  10,11,12,13,14
    0,3 == 0,1,2
    1,3 == 3,4,5
    2,3 == 6,7,8
    n        start
    1        0
    2        m
    mysql> select * from students where isDelete=0 limit 0,5;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭   |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭   |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  3 | 网易   |       | NULL                |          |
    |  4 | 小米   |       | NULL                |          |
    |  7 | QQ     |       | NULL                |          |
    mysql> select * from students where isDelete=0 limit 5,5;
    | id | name      | gender | birthday | isDelete |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL     |          |
    |  9 | 华为      |       | NULL     |          |
    | 10 | 京东      |       | NULL     |          |
    | 11 | 微博      |       | NULL     |          |
    | 12 | 微信      |       | NULL     |          |


    • 完整的select语句
    select distinct *
    from 表名
    where ....
    group by ... having ...
    order by ...
    limit star,count
    • 执行顺序为:
      • from 表名
      • where ....
      • group by ...
      • select distinct *
      • having ...
      • order by ...
      • limit star,count
    • 实际使用中,只是语句中某些部分的组合,而不是全部
  • 相关阅读:
    092 Reverse Linked List II 反转链表 II
    091 Decode Ways 解码方法
    090 Subsets II 子集 II
    089 Gray Code 格雷编码
    088 Merge Sorted Array 合并两个有序数组
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/venicid/p/8036719.html
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