• TCP Congestion Control

    TCP Congestion Control

    • Congestion occurs when total arrival rate from all packet flows exceeds R over a sustained(维持) period of time
    • Buffers(缓冲) at multiplexer will fill and packets will be lost

    Phases of Congestion Behavior

    1. Light traffic
      • Arrival Rate << R
      • Low delay
      • Can accommodate(容纳) more
    2. Knee (congestion onset)
      • Arrival rate approaches R
      • Delay increases rapidly
      • Throughput(吞吐量) begins to saturate(饱和)
    3. Congestion collapse
      • Arrival rate > R
      • Large delays, packet loss
      • Useful application throughput drops

    Congestion Window

    • Desired operating point: just before knee
    • TCP sender maintains a congestion window (cwnd) to control congestion at intermediate(中间的) routers
    • Effective window is minimum of congestion window and advertised window(广播窗口)
    • Problem: senders does not know what its “fair” share of available bandwidth should be
    • Solution:
      • adapt dynamically to available BW
      • Senders probe(探查) the network by increasing cwnd
      • When congestion detected, senders reduce rate
      • Ideally, sending rate stabilizes(稳定) near optimal(最优) point

    Congestion Window (Cont.)

    • How does the TCP congestion algorithm change congestion window dynamically according to the most up-to-date state of the network?
    • At light traffic: each segment is ACKed quickly
      • Increase cwnd aggresively
    • At knee: segment ACKs arrive, but more slowly
      • Slow down increase in cwnd
    • At congestion: segments encounter large delays, timeout, segments are dropped in router buffers
      • Reduce transmission rate, then probe again

    TCP Congestion Control (1): Slow Start

    • Slow start: increase congestion window size by one segment upon receiving an ACK from receiver
      • initialized at 2 segments; usually 1 segment
      • used at start of data transfer
      • congestion window increases exponentially(指数)

    TCP Congestion Control (2): Congestion Avoidance

    • Algorithm progressively(逐步) sets a congestion threshold(门槛)
      • When cwnd > threshold, slow down rate at which cwnd is increased
    • Increase congestion window size by one segment per round-trip-time (RTT)
      • Each time an** ACK arrives**, cwnd is increased by 1/cwnd
      • In one RTT, all ccwnd segments are sent, so total increase in cwnd is cwnd x 1/cwnd = 1
      • cwnd grows linearly with time

    TCP Congestion Control (3): Congestion

    • Congestion is detected upon timeout or receipt of duplicate ACKs
    • Assume current cwnd corresponds to available bandwidth
    • Adjust congestion threshold = ½ x current cwnd
    • Reset cwnd to 1
    • Go back to slow-start
    • Over several cycles expect to converge(收敛) to congestion threshold equal to about ½ the available bandwidth

    Fast Retransmit & Fast Recovery

    • Congestion causes many segments to be dropped
    • Burt if only a single segment is dropped, then subsequent(随后的) segments trigger duplicate ACKs before timeout
    • Can avoid large decrease in cwnd as follows:
      • When three duplicate ACKs arrive before timeout expires(期满), retransmit lost segment immediately
      • Reset congestion threshold to ½ cwnd
      • Reset cwnd to congestion threshold + 3 to account for the three segments that triggered duplicate ACKs
      • Remain in congestion avoidance phase
      • In absence of timeouts, cwnd will oscillate(振动) around optimal value

    TCP Congestion Control: Fast Retransmit & Fast Recovery

  • 相关阅读:
    poj 2492
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vancasola/p/7703931.html
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