=pod #第五章 输入与输出 while(defined($line = <STDIN>)) #defined (xxx) xxx为undef则为假,否则为真 { print "I saw $line"; } while(<STDIN>) #while是一次读取一行,下次读取会忽略上一行,所以最好写while循环 { print "I saw $_;"; } foreach (<STDIN>) #一下全部读出<STDIN>或者是文件内容,然后再一行行分析 { print "I saw $_"; } while(defined($line = <>)) #钻石操作符,是从命令行得到参数:$perl my_program.pl fred beny good { chomp($line); #则钻石操作符逐行从fred取出内容,然后,fred读到末尾后,再读beny,good直到读到最后 print "It was $line that I saw! "; #文件名my_program.pl存在于$1中 } while(<>) { chomp; print "It was $_ that I saw "; } @ARGV = qw#larry moe curly#; #强制让钻石操作符只读取这三个文件 while(<>) { chomp; print "$_ "; } print <>; #相当于unix下的cat命令 print sort <>; #相当于unix下的sort命令 数组和printf函数: my @items = qw(wilma dino pebbles); my $format = "The items are: ".("%10s " x @items); printf $format, @items; printf "The items are: ". ("%10s " x @items), @items; print " "; $cat fred barney | sort | ./your_program | grep something | lpr $netstat | ./your_program 2>/tmp/my_errors 文件句柄: open CONFIG, "dino"; #使用文件 open CONFIG, "<fred"; #只读 open BEDROCK, ">fred"; #写入,当文件有内容时,就会覆盖原内容 open LOG, ">>logfile" #追加内容到logfile my $selected_out = "my_output"; open LOG, "> $selected_output"; 新版perl 5.6以后,文件句柄的写法: open CONFIG, '<', "dino"; open BEDROCK, ">", $file_name; open LOG, '>>', &logfile_name(); open CONFIG, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', 'dino'; open BEDROCK, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file_name; open LOG, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', &logfile_name(); $% perl -MEncode -le "print for Encode->encodings(':all')" 以二进制方式读写文件句柄: binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; 有问题的文件句柄: my $success = open LOG, '>>', 'logfile'; #捕获返回值 if(! $success) { #open 操作失败 } 关闭文件句柄: close LOG; 用die处理致命错误: die函数会输出你指定的信息到专为这类信息准备的标准错误流中,并且让你的程序立即终止并返回不为零的退出码 if (! open LOG, '>>', 'logfile') { die 'Cannot create logfile: $!'; } 自动检测致命错误: use autodie; open LOG, '>>', 'logfile'; 使用文件句柄: if(! open PASSWD, "/etc/passwd") { die "How did you get logged in? ($!)"; } while(<PASSWD>) { chomp; } print LOG "Captain's log, stardate 3.14159 "; #输出到文件句柄LOG print STDERR "%d percent complete. ", $ddone/$total*100; 句柄和输出之间没逗号,别人说这叫间接对象 改变默认的文件输出句柄:验证并不能使用,在mac os下 默认情况下,数据时输出到STDOUT的,即输出到屏幕,可以通过select函数可以选择输出方向 select LOG; $| = 1; #特殊变量$|设定为1,就会使当前的默认文件句柄在每次进行输出后立即刷新到缓冲区,所以如果要让输出的内容立即显示: select LOG; $| = 1; #不要讲LOG的内容保留在缓冲区,但是怎么没什么用 select STDOUT; #......... print LOG "This gets written to the LOG at once! "; 重新打开标准文件句柄: #将错误信息写到我自己的错误日志中 if(! open STDERR, ">> /home/barney/.error_log") { die "Can't open error log for append: $_"; } say函数: 会在输出的时候在最后加上 ,但是需要加上use 5.010; $str = "hello world"; say "$str"; 标量变量中的文件句柄: 从perl5.6开始,已经可以把文件句柄放到标量变量中,而不必非得使用裸字,这样文件句柄就可以作为子程序的参数传递,或者放在数组,哈希表中排序或者严格控制它的作用域,但是写些应急的短小脚本,用裸字更快捷,没必要使用变量存储文件句柄。 my $rocks_fh; open $rocks_fh, '<', '$rocks.txt' or die "Could not open rocks.txt: $!"; 防止误用: print {$rock_fh}; #默认打印$_中的内容 print {$rocks[0]} "sandstone "; =cut #!/usr/bin/perl -w use utf8; #use diagnostics; #use strict; print "hello "; print "world "; print "program name is $1 "; while(<>) #运行程序时,perl my_program file file1 { chomp; print "$_ "; } my @strArray = ("hello ", "world ", "zys "); print @strArray, " "; print "@strArray"; my @items = qw(wilma dino pebbles); my $format = "The items are: ".("%10s " x @items); printf $format, @items; printf "The items are: ". ("%10s " x @items), @items; print " ";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use diagnostic; =pod #ex5_1 print reverse <>; #<>钻石操作符会依次存储文件中的内容翻转后输出 #运行时 perl filename.pl file1 file2 file3 =cut =pod print "Enter some lines, then press Ctrl-D: "; #或者是Ctrl-Z chomp(my @lines = <STDIN>); print "1234567890" x 7, "12345 "; #标尺行,到第75个字符的地方 foreach (@lines) { print "%20s ", $_; } my $format = "%20s " x @lines; printf $format, @lines; =cut print "What column width would you like?" chomp(my $width = <STDIN>); print "Enter some lines, then press Ctrl-D: ";#或者Ctrl-z chomp(my @lines = <STDIN>); print "1234567890" x (($width+9)/10), " "; #长度按需变化的标尺行 foreach(@lines) { printf "%${width}s ", $_; } #printf "%*s ", $width, $_; #*号会被$width代替