• Codeforces #676 (div 2) 做题记录



     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 int T,a,b;
     4 int main()
     5 {
     6     scanf("%d",&T);
     7     while(T--)
     8     {
     9         scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
    10         int x=0;
    11         for(int i=30;i>=0;--i)if((a&(1<<i))&&(b&(1<<i)))x|=(1<<i);
    12         printf("%d
    13     }
    14 }
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      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 #define maxn 205
      3 using namespace std;
      4 int T,n;
      5 char s[maxn][maxn];
      6 int main()
      7 {
      8     scanf("%d",&T);
      9     while(T--)
     10     {
     11         scanf("%d",&n);
     12         for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)scanf("%s",s[i]+1);
     13         if(s[1][2]=='0'&&s[2][1]=='0')
     14         {
     15             if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     16             {
     17                 printf("0
     18             }
     19             else if(s[n][n-1]=='0'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     20             {
     21                 printf("1
     22                 printf("%d %d
     23             }
     24             else if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='0')
     25             {
     26                 printf("1
     27                 printf("%d %d
     28             }
     29             else
     30             {
     31                 printf("2
     32                 printf("%d %d
     33                 printf("%d %d
     34             }
     35         }
     36         else if(s[1][2]=='1'&&s[2][1]=='0')
     37         {
     38             if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     39             {
     40                 printf("1
     41                 printf("1 2
     42             }
     43             else if(s[n][n-1]=='0'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     44             {
     45                 printf("2
     46                 printf("%d %d
     47                 printf("%d %d
     48             }
     49             else if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='0')
     50             {
     51                 printf("2
     52                 printf("%d %d
     53                 printf("%d %d
     54             }
     55             else
     56             {
     57                 printf("1
     58                 printf("%d %d
     59             }
     60         }
     61         else if(s[1][2]=='0'&&s[2][1]=='1')
     62         {
     63             if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     64             {
     65                 printf("1
     66                 printf("2 1
     67             }
     68             else if(s[n][n-1]=='0'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     69             {
     70                 printf("2
     71                 printf("1 2
     72                 printf("%d %d
     73             }
     74             else if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='0')
     75             {
     76                 printf("2
     77                 printf("1 2
     78                 printf("%d %d
     79             }
     80             else
     81             {
     82                 printf("1
     83                 printf("1 2
     84             }
     85         }
     86         else
     87         {
     88             if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     89             {
     90                 printf("2
     91                 printf("%d %d
     92                 printf("%d %d
     93             }
     94             else if(s[n][n-1]=='0'&&s[n-1][n]=='1')
     95             {
     96                 printf("1
     97                 printf("%d %d
     98             }
     99             else if(s[n][n-1]=='1'&&s[n-1][n]=='0')
    100             {
    101                 printf("1
    102                 printf("%d %d
    103             }
    104             else
    105             {
    106                 printf("0
    107             }
    108         }
    109     }
    110 }
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    考虑把第二个字符翻到前面形成回文串(s_2 s_1 s_2),然后整个复制翻到后面,那么就只差最后一个字符了,由前面的小回文串把倒数第二个翻过去就行了

     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define maxn 100005
     3 using namespace std;
     4 char s[maxn];
     5 int n;
     6 int main()
     7 {
     8     scanf("%s",s+1);
     9     n=strlen(s+1);
    10     puts("3");
    11     printf("L %d
    12     printf("R %d
    13     printf("R %d
    14 }
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     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define ll long long 
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int T;
     5 ll x,y;
     6 ll c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6;
     7 ll a[8][8];
     8 int main()
     9 {
    10     scanf("%d",&T);
    11     while(T--)
    12     {
    13         scanf("%lld%lld",&x,&y);
    14         scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld%lld%lld",&c1,&c2,&c3,&c4,&c5,&c6);
    15         while(1)
    16         {
    17             ll p2,p3,p5,p6;
    18             p2=min(c2,c1+c3);
    19             p3=min(c3,c2+c4);
    20             p5=min(c5,c4+c6);
    21             p6=min(c6,c1+c5);
    22             if(c2==p2&&c3==p3&&c5==p5&&c6==p6)break;
    23             c2=p2;c3=p3;c5=p5;c6=p6;
    24         }
    25         ll ans=0;
    26         if(x>0)ans+=x*c6;else ans+=(-x)*c3;
    27         if(y>0)ans+=y*c2;else ans+=(-y)*c5;
    28         if(x>0)
    29         {
    30             ll res=0;
    31             res+=x*c1;
    32             if(y<x)res+=c5*(x-y);
    33             else res+=c2*(y-x);
    34             ans=min(ans,res);
    35         }
    36         else
    37         {
    38             ll res=0;
    39             res+=(-x)*c4;
    40             if(y<x)res+=c5*(x-y);
    41             else res+=c2*(y-x);
    42             ans=min(ans,res);
    43         }
    44         if(y>0)
    45         {
    46             ll res=0;
    47             res+=y*c1;
    48             if(x<y)res+=c3*(y-x);
    49             else res+=c6*(x-y);
    50             ans=min(ans,res);
    51         }
    52         else
    53         {
    54             ll res=0;
    55             res+=(-y)*c4;
    56             if(x<y)res+=c3*(y-x);
    57             else res+=c6*(x-y);
    58             ans=min(ans,res);
    59         }
    60         printf("%lld
    61     }
    62 }
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    在mod 3意义下,奇数层权值是(2),偶数层权值是(1)


    我们将叶子从左到右的权值做前缀和,在mod 3意义下一定是从(0)开始到(1)结束



    然后(dp[i][0/1/2][0/1])表示dp到第(i)位,前缀和mod 3为多少,然后有没有经过(2)的最大值

     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define maxn 200005
     3 #define ll long long
     4 using namespace std;
     5 int n;
     6 ll a[maxn];
     7 ll dp[maxn][3][2];
     8 const ll inf = (ll)1e18;
     9 int main()
    10 {
    11     scanf("%d",&n);
    12     for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)scanf("%lld",&a[i]);
    13     if(n==1)
    14     {
    15         printf("%lld
    16         return 0;
    17     }
    18     for(int i=0;i<=n;++i)
    19         for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
    20             for(int k=0;k<2;++k)dp[i][j][k]=-inf;
    21     dp[0][0][0]=0;
    22     for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
    23         for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
    24             for(int k=0;k<2;++k)
    25             {
    26                 int p;
    27                 p=k;
    28                 if((j+1)%3==2)p=1;
    29                 dp[i+1][(j+1)%3][p]=max(dp[i+1][(j+1)%3][p],dp[i][j][k]+a[i+1]);
    30                 p=k;
    31                 if((j+2)%3==2)p=1;
    32                 dp[i+1][(j+2)%3][p]=max(dp[i+1][(j+2)%3][p],dp[i][j][k]-a[i+1]);
    33             }
    34     cout<<dp[n][1][1]<<endl;
    35 }
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    [第五周课后作业] 软件创新分析
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/uuzlove/p/13842382.html
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