1、pssh 简介
- pssh 在多个主机上并行运行命令
- pscp 把文件并行复制到多个主机上
- prsync 通过rsync协议把文件高效并行复制到多个主机上
- pslurp 把文件并行地从多个远程主机复制到中心主机上
- pnuke 并行地在多个远程主机上杀死进程
内容可以是主机名,也可以直接填写IP, 格式"host[:port] [user]"
如:cat /home/pssh/pssh_hosts
pssh Usage: pssh [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt prog [arg0] .. -h --hosts 主机文件列表,格式"host[:port] [user]" -l --user 用户名 -p --par 并发线程数 -o --outdir 输出的文件目录 -e --errdir 错误输出的文件目录 -t --timeout 设置命令执行超时时间 -1表示无限制 -O --options 设置ssh的一些选项 -v --verbose 详细模式 -P --print 打印出输出执行信息 -i --inline 在每台host执行完毕后,显示出输出信息 Example: pssh -h nodes.txt -l irb2 -o /tmp/pssh uptime
pssh --help Usage: pssh [OPTIONS] command [...] Options: --help show this help message and exit -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]") -H HOST_STRING, --host=HOST_STRING additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]") -l USER, --user=USER username (OPTIONAL) -p PAR, --par=PAR max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O OPTION, --option=OPTION SSH option (OPTIONAL) -v, --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) -A, --askpass Ask for a password (OPTIONAL) -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS Extra command-line arguments, with processing for spaces, quotes, and backslashes -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG Extra command-line argument -i, --inline inline aggregated output for each server -I, --send-input read from standard input and send as input to ssh -P, --print print output as we get it Example: pssh -h hosts.txt -l irb2 -o /tmp/foo uptime
pssh -i -O "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts 'date' //第一次执行时使用 -O 参数 ,“-O”参数,后面跟的“StrictHostKeyChecking=no”是sshd服务的配置文件ssh_config中的一个选项,通过设置这个参数,可以让远程主机自动接受本地主机的hostkey。第一次执行必须指定,不然报错。
pssh -i -l root -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts 'date' //可以指定命令执行用户 -l root
pssh -i -v -p 2 -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts 'date' // 指定并发线程数 -p 2, -v 打印详细信息
pssh -i -o /tmp/pssh.correct -e /tmp/pssh.error -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts 'cat /etc/passwd |grep root; ls 3304' //使用-o把正确的信息输出到/tmp/pssh.correct目录下的对应以主机名或ip命名的文件中,使用-e把错误的信息输出到/tmp/pssh.error目录下的对应以主机名或ip命名的文件
pscp --help Usage: pscp [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt local remote Options: --help show this help message and exit -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]") -H HOST_STRING, --host=HOST_STRING additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]") -l USER, --user=USER username (OPTIONAL) -p PAR, --par=PAR max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O OPTION, --option=OPTION SSH option (OPTIONAL) -v, --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) -A, --askpass Ask for a password (OPTIONAL) -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS Extra command-line arguments, with processing for spaces, quotes, and backslashes -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG Extra command-line argument -r, --recursive recusively copy directories (OPTIONAL) Example: pscp -h hosts.txt -l irb2 foo.txt /home/irb2/foo.txt
pscp -h pssh_hosts -r /home/pssh /tmp/pssh/ //-r递归复制将/home/pssh目录复制到主机的/home/pssh/目录下
3)prsync 命令参数及使用:通过rsync协议把文件高效并行复制到多个主机上
prsync --help Usage: prsync [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt local remote Options: --help show this help message and exit -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]") -H HOST_STRING, --host=HOST_STRING additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]") -l USER, --user=USER username (OPTIONAL) -p PAR, --par=PAR max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O OPTION, --option=OPTION SSH option (OPTIONAL) -v, --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) -A, --askpass Ask for a password (OPTIONAL) -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS Extra command-line arguments, with processing for spaces, quotes, and backslashes -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG Extra command-line argument -r, --recursive recusively copy directories (OPTIONAL) -a, --archive use rsync -a (archive mode) (OPTIONAL) -z, --compress use rsync compression (OPTIONAL) -S ARGS, --ssh-args=ARGS extra arguments for ssh Example: prsync -r -h hosts.txt -l irb2 foo /home/irb2/foo
prsync -h pssh_hosts -r /home/pssh /tmp/pssh/ //-r递归将/home/pssh传到各主机 /tmp/pssh/目录下
4)pslurp 命令参数及使用:把文件并行地从多个远程主机复制到中心主机上
pslurp 命令参数
pslurp Usage: pslurp [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt remote local pslurp: error: Paths not specified. [root@c43a02001.cloud.a02.amtest1221 /root] #pslurp --help Usage: pslurp [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt remote local Options: --help show this help message and exit -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]") -H HOST_STRING, --host=HOST_STRING additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]") -l USER, --user=USER username (OPTIONAL) -p PAR, --par=PAR max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O OPTION, --option=OPTION SSH option (OPTIONAL) -v, --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) -A, --askpass Ask for a password (OPTIONAL) -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS Extra command-line arguments, with processing for spaces, quotes, and backslashes -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG Extra command-line argument -r, --recursive recusively copy directories (OPTIONAL) -L LOCALDIR, --localdir=LOCALDIR output directory for remote file copies Example: pslurp -h hosts.txt -L /tmp/outdir -l irb2 /home/irb2/foo.txt foo.txt
pslurp 命令使用
pslurp -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts -L /tmp/pssh -l root /tmp/pssh.test test1 //-L:指定从远程主机拷贝文件放置/tmp/pssh目录下的用远程主机IP或主机名命名的目录下,拷贝/tmp/pssh.test文件,并将其重命名为test1,如果拷贝目录需要使用-r参数
5) pnuke命令参数及使用:并行地在多个远程主机上杀死进程
pnuke --help Usage: pnuke [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt pattern Options: --help show this help message and exit -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]") -H HOST_STRING, --host=HOST_STRING additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]") -l USER, --user=USER username (OPTIONAL) -p PAR, --par=PAR max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O OPTION, --option=OPTION SSH option (OPTIONAL) -v, --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) -A, --askpass Ask for a password (OPTIONAL) -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS Extra command-line arguments, with processing for spaces, quotes, and backslashes -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG Extra command-line argument Example: pnuke -h hosts.txt -l irb2 java
pnuke -h /home/pssh/pssh_hosts tail //删除远程主机上tail 进程