• VB.NET 注册表基本操作

     1 ''' <summary>
     2     ''' 注册表设置值
     3     ''' </summary>
     4     ''' <param name="strKey"></param>
     5     ''' <param name="strName"></param>
     6     ''' <param name="strValue"></param>
     7     ''' <returns></returns>
     8     ''' <remarks></remarks>
     9     Private Function SetRegistry(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strName As String, ByVal strValue As String) As Boolean
    10         Try
    11             Dim Key_LocalMachine As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    12             Key_LocalMachine = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine 'get the key path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     
    13             Dim Key_Created As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    14             Key_Created = Key_LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(strKey, True) 'set the true for can write
    15             If Key_Created Is Nothing Then
    16                 Key_Created = Key_LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(strKey) 'careat the key 
    17             End If
    18             Key_Created.SetValue(strName, strValue) 'set the values of the key
    19             Return True
    20         Catch ex As Exception
    21             Return False
    22         End Try
    23     End Function
    24     ''' <summary>
    25     ''' 获取注册表值
    26     ''' </summary>
    27     ''' <param name="strKey"></param>
    28     ''' <param name="strName"></param>
    29     ''' <param name="strValue"></param>
    30     ''' <returns></returns>
    31     ''' <remarks></remarks>
    32     Private Function GetValueFromRegistry(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strName As String, ByRef strValue As String) As Boolean
    33         Try
    34             Dim Key_LocalMachine As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    35             Key_LocalMachine = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine 'get the key path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     
    36             Dim Key_Get As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    37             Key_Get = Key_LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(strKey)
    38             If Key_Get Is Nothing Then
    39                 Return False
    40             End If
    41             strValue = Key_Get.GetValue(strName) 'get the values of the key
    42             Return True
    43         Catch ex As Exception
    44             Return False
    45         End Try
    46     End Function
    47     ''' <summary>
    48     ''' 判断值是否存在
    49     ''' </summary>
    50     ''' <param name="strKey"></param>
    51     ''' <param name="strName"></param>
    52     ''' <returns></returns>
    53     ''' <remarks></remarks>
    54     Private Function RegistryExist(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strName As String) As Boolean
    55         Try
    56             Dim Key_LocalMachine As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    57             Key_LocalMachine = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine 'get the key path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     
    58             Dim Key_Exist As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    59             Key_Exist = Key_LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(strKey, True) 'set the true for can write
    60             If Key_Exist Is Nothing Then
    61                 Return False
    62             End If
    63             If Key_Exist.GetValue(strName) Is Nothing Then
    64                 Return False
    65             End If
    66             Return True
    67         Catch ex As Exception
    68             Return False
    69         End Try
    70     End Function
    71     ''' <summary>
    72     ''' 删除注册表对应值
    73     ''' </summary>
    74     ''' <param name="strKey"></param>
    75     ''' <param name="strName"></param>
    76     ''' <returns></returns>
    77     ''' <remarks></remarks>
    78     Private Function DeleteRegistry(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strName As String) As Boolean
    79         Try
    80             Dim Key_LocalMachine As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    81             Key_LocalMachine = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine 'get the key path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE     
    82             Dim Key_Del As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    83             Key_Del = Key_LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(strKey, True) 'set the true for can write
    84             If Key_Del Is Nothing Then
    85                 Return False
    86             End If
    87             Key_Del.DeleteValue(strName) 'delete the values of the key'name
    88             Return True
    89         Catch ex As Exception
    90             Return False
    91         End Try
    92     End Function


    1 SetRegistry("SOFTWAREXXXXDIS-ESSFTP", "User", "111")
    2         Dim temvalue As String = ""
    3         GetValueFromRegistry("SOFTWAREXXXXDIS-ESSFTP", "User", temvalue)
    5         'DeleteRegistry("SOFTWAREUnisysDIS-ESSFTP", "User")
    7         RegistryExist("SOFTWAREXXXXDIS-ESSFTP", "User")
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