• 业务SQL那些事--慎用LIMIT





    create table t(c1 varchar(20) primary key, c2 int);
    select * from t where c1 > '20150224' and c1 < '20160706' and c2 > 1 and c2 <500000000 order by c1 offset $offset limit 5000;(limit $offset, 5000)


    这条SQL因为主键有序所以省去了order by的SORT,但SQL访问表的时候依然至少需要访问$offset + 5000行数据,扫描行数随着offset增加而增加。而且这是至少需要访问的数据量,那么不难理解为什么SQL会随着offset变大而变慢。

    业务是用这条语句实现分页功能,其分页的order c1就是表的主键。所以对于这个查询条件可能会访问大量数据的SQL应该记录last_id来实现分页。改为如下SQL,last_id初始值为'20150224',然后每次获取数据后记录最后一行的c1作为下次的last_id。

    select * from t where c1 > $last_id and c1 < '20160706' and c2 > 1 and c2 <500000000 order by c1 limit 5000;


    业务遇到一条包含有LIMIT 0, 15的SQL执行时间超过预期。简单分析,schema与SQL如下:

    create table t(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, primary key(c1));
    create index t_c2_c4_c3 on t(c2, c4, c3);
    select * from t where c4 = 1 and c3 <> 9 and c2 > 1 and c2 < 1000000 order by c3, c2 offset 0 limit 15;(limit 0, 15)

    业务虽然建立了索引,同时在索引前缀上有约束条件,但是由于满足约束条件的行非常多,同时order by的column不是索引ordering的前缀,所以table层依然需要访问所有满足索引条件的行,同时在过滤后进行SORT操作。Plan如下:

    test=# explain verbose select * from t where c4 = 1 and c3 <> 9 and c2 > 1 and c2 < 1000000 order by c3, c2 offset 0 limit 15;
    | QUERY PLAN |
    | Limit  (cost=8.29..8.29 rows=1 width=16)   |
    |   Output: c1, c2, c3, c4   |
    |   ->  Sort  (cost=8.29..8.29 rows=1 width=16)  |
    |       Output: c1, c2, c3, c4 |
    |       Sort Key: t.c3, t.c2   |
    |       ->  Index Scan using t_c2_c4_c3 on public.t  (cost=0.15..8.28 rows=1 width=16) |
    |           Output: c1, c2, c3, c4   |
    |           Index Cond: ((t.c2 > 1) AND (t.c2 < 1000000) AND (t.c4 = 1)) |
    |           Filter: (t.c3 <> 9)  |

    和业务方了解后,c3的值只有3个(0,1,9),即c3 <> 9可以改写为 c3 in (0,1)。同时由于c4是定值,考虑到其他SQL对c4列的使用,决定让业务建立index(c4, c3, c2)。在PostgreSQL中如下:

    test=# explain verbose select * from t where c4 = 1 and c3 in(0,1)
     and c2 > 1 and c2 < 1000000 order by c3, c2 offset 0 limit 15;
    | QUERY PLAN   |
    | Limit  (cost=0.15..8.28 rows=1 width=16) |
    |   Output: c1, c2, c3, c4 |
    |   ->  Index Scan using t_c4_c3_c2 on public.t  (cost=0.15..8.28 rows=1 width=16) |
    |       Output: c1, c2, c3, c4   |
    |       Index Cond: ((t.c4 = 1) AND (t.c2 > 1) AND (t.c2 < 1000000)) |
    |       Filter: (t.c3 = ANY ('{0,1}'::integer[]))|


    不过比较遗憾演示的PostgreSQL没有能利用filter: c3 in (0,1)条件对(c4,c3,c2)生成两个查询范围(1,0,1)~(1,0,1000000)和(1,1,1)~(1,1,1000000),即"C4"=1 AND ("C3"=0 OR "C3"=1) AND "C2">1 AND "C2"<1000000。

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