• Saltstack Python API使用笔记

    From: 印象笔记

    Date: 2017-10-26

    1. ClientAPI介绍


    # 直接调用多台机器,用list
    >>> local.cmd(tgt_type='list', tgt=['centos7_161019', 'centos7-170624'], fun='test.ping')
    {'centos7-170624': False, 'centos7_161019': True}
    # 通过grains调用含指定信息的机器
    >>> local.cmd(tgt_type='grain', tgt='os:Centos', fun='test.ping')
    {'centos7-170624': False, 'centos7_161019': True}
    # 调用所有机器
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='*', fun='test.ping')
    {'centos7-170624': False, 'centos7_161019': True}

    1.1 tgt_type说明

    :param tgt_type: The type of ``tgt``. Allowed values:
        * ``glob`` - Bash glob completion - Default
        * ``pcre`` - Perl style regular expression
        * ``list`` - Python list of hosts
        * ``grain`` - Match based on a grain comparison
        * ``grain_pcre`` - Grain comparison with a regex
        * ``pillar`` - Pillar data comparison
        * ``pillar_pcre`` - Pillar data comparison with a regex
        * ``nodegroup`` - Match on nodegroup
        * ``range`` - Use a Range server for matching
        * ``compound`` - Pass a compound match string
        * ``ipcidr`` - Match based on Subnet (CIDR notation) or IPv4 address.

    1.2 func说明


    :param fun: The module and function to call on the specified minions of
        the form ``module.function``. For example ``test.ping`` or
        Compound commands
            Multiple functions may be called in a single publish by
            passing a list of commands. This can dramatically lower
            overhead and speed up the application communicating with Salt.
            This requires that the ``arg`` param is a list of lists. The
            ``fun`` list and the ``arg`` list must correlate by index
            meaning a function that does not take arguments must still have
            a corresponding empty list at the expected index.
    :type fun: string or list of strings
    :param arg: A list of arguments to pass to the remote function. If the
        function takes no arguments ``arg`` may be omitted except when
        executing a compound command.
    :type arg: list or list-of-lists
    :param kwarg: A dictionary with keyword arguments for the function.
    :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments.
        Authentication credentials may be passed when using
        For example: ``local.cmd('*', 'test.ping', username='saltdev',
        password='saltdev', eauth='pam')``.
        Or: ``local.cmd('*', 'test.ping',

    2. 操作案例

    # which方式:返回cmds列表里第一个找到的值
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='cmd.which_bin', kwarg={'cmds': ['python', 'python2']})
    {'centos7_161019': '/usr/bin/python'}
    # 执行一个普通的date命令
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='cmd.run', kwarg={'cmd': 'date'})
    {'centos7_161019': 'Wed Oct 18 11:16:41 CST 2017'}
    # 查看root用户的crontab列表
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='cron.ls', kwarg={'user': 'root'})
        "centos7_161019": {
            "env": [],
            "crons": [],
            "special": [],
            "pre": [
                "0 0 * * * /home/work/log.sh",
                "*/3 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate 1.cn.pool.ntp.org",
                "*/1 * * * * /home/work/grafana/insert_test_data.sh"
    # 跑iostate
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='disk.iostat', kwarg={'interval': 1, 'count': 5})
        "centos7_161019": {
            "sda": {
                "await": 0.17,
                "wkB/s": 5.34,
                "w_await": 0.35,
                "avgqu-sz": 0.0,
                "w/s": 0.11,
                "svctm": 0.11,
                "%util": 0.04,
                "r/s": 0.6,
                "avgrq-sz": 10.71,
                "wrqm/s": 1.16,
                "rrqm/s": 0.21,
                "r_await": 0.14,
                "rkB/s": 13.67
            "dm-0": {
                "await": 0.18,
                "wkB/s": 0.57,
                "w_await": 0.41,
                "avgqu-sz": 0.0,
                "w/s": 0.08,
                "svctm": 0.11,
                "%util": 0.03,
                "r/s": 0.56,
                "avgrq-sz": 8.15,
                "wrqm/s": 0.0,
                "rrqm/s": 0.0,
                "r_await": 0.15,
                "rkB/s": 12.49
            "dm-1": {
                "await": 0.36,
                "wkB/s": 4.7,
                "w_await": 0.41,
                "avgqu-sz": 0.0,
                "w/s": 1.18,
                "svctm": 0.01,
                "%util": 0.0,
                "r/s": 0.25,
                "avgrq-sz": 1.6,
                "wrqm/s": 0.0,
                "rrqm/s": 0.0,
                "r_await": 0.1,
                "rkB/s": 1.0
            "sys": {
                "%steal": 0.0,
                "%system": 0.57,
                "%user": 0.76,
                "%idle": 98.65,
                "%iowait": 0.01,
                "%nice": 0.0
    # 校验服务器文件的哈希值
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='file.check_hash', kwarg={'path': '/tmp/a', 'file_hash': '939916e1974db06f4d4963320a64c55d'})
    {'centos7_161019': True}
    # 修改文件属性:正确返回None
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='file.chown', kwarg={'path': '/tmp/a', 'user': 'nobody', 'group': 'nobody'})
    {'centos7_161019': None}
    # 从本地(salt-master)发送文件a到远端服务器的send_file_to_server
    >>> local.cmd(tgt='centos7_161019', fun='file.copy', kwarg={'src': '/tmp/a', 'dst': '/tmp/send_file_to_server'})
    {'centos7_161019': True}

    3. Windows官方Modules

    模块名称 说明 备注
    salt.modules.win_autoruns 列出windows自启动服务
    salt.modules.win_certutil module 管理cert管理器(https)
    salt.modules.win_dacl 管理访问控制
    salt.modules.win_disk 磁盘信息
    salt.modules.win_dism module 部署映像服务和管理
    salt.modules.win_dns_client 管理dns配置
    salt.modules.win_dsc *
    salt.modules.win_file 管理和查看文件属性
    salt.modules.win_firewall windows防火墙
    salt.modules.win_groupadd 查看和管理用户群组
    salt.modules.win_iis module IIS管理
    salt.modules.win_ip windows网卡
    salt.modules.win_lgpo 本地策略(组策略,例如gpedit.msc)
    salt.modules.win_license module windows正版序列号
    salt.modules.win_network 网络信息,网络连通性
    salt.modules.win_ntp 获取、设置ntp server
    salt.modules.win_path win系统环境变量
    salt.modules.win_pkg 软件包管理 需要windows repo
    salt.modules.win_pki module 通过pki client管理“证书管理器”
    salt.modules.win_powercfg 电源管理器
    salt.modules.win_psget module 通过psget管理powershell powershellget
    salt.modules.win_repo 管理windows software repo
    salt.modules.win_servermanager 通过server manager powershell管理服务器 服务的安装包
    salt.modules.win_service 管理windows服务
    salt.modules.win_shadow windows账号管理 用户禁用启用、改密码,登陆超时
    salt.modules.win_smtp_server module 管理IIS下的smtp服务器
    salt.modules.win_snmp module snmp服务
    salt.modules.win_status 服务器状态 cpu,磁盘,进程数,salt内存,uptime
    salt.modules.win_system 主机管理(基本信息、关机重启) 主机名、工作组、域等
    salt.modules.win_task Windows Task Scheduler 计划任务?
    salt.modules.win_timezone 时区 hwclock也在这里
    salt.modules.win_update windows更新 废弃,使用win_wua
    salt.modules.win_useradd 账号管理,增删查、改密码、功能多 功能和依赖都比shadow多很多
    salt.modules.win_wua 下载安装卸载都可 最低要2008,没找到列出已更新

    4. Windows补丁安装测试

    4.1 完整代码段

    import salt.client
    import json
    result = local.cmd(tgt_type='grain',
                       kwarg={'names': ['KB2911501']},
    result_str = json.dumps(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)

    4.2 windows更新下载测试

    # 执行
    result = local.cmd(tgt_type='grain',
                       kwarg={'names': ['KB2911501']},
    # 结果
        "win7_160130": {
            "Updates": {
                "bd4aa95a-8bcb-4061-a2f2-c9ba118d705d": {
                    "AlreadyDownloaded": false,
                    "Result": "Download Succeeded",
                    "Title": "用于 x64 系统的 Windows 7 和 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 上的 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 的安全更新程序 (KB2911501)"
            "Success": true,
            "Message": "Download Succeeded"

    4.3 windows更新安装测试

    # 下载完后安装,失败了,错误不明
    result = local.cmd(tgt_type='grain',
                       kwarg={'names': ['KB2911501']},
    # 结果1失败
        "win7_160130": "ERROR: Unknown Failure: (-2147352567, '发生意外。', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147012866), None)"
    # 再执行一次,结果2成功
    # 结果
        "win7_160130": {
            "Updates": {
                "bd4aa95a-8bcb-4061-a2f2-c9ba118d705d": {
                    "Result": "Installation Succeeded",
                    "Title": "用于 x64 系统的 Windows 7 和 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 上的 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 的安全更新程序 (KB2911501)",
                    "AlreadyInstalled": false,
                    "RebootBehavior": "Poss Reboot"
            "Success": true,
            "NeedsReboot": false,
            "Message": "Installation Succeeded"

    5. salt异步方案

    5.1 命令行异步任务


    # 发起任务,返回job id:JID
    salt -G 'os:windows' --async test.ping
    # 根据JID查询任务状态及结果
    salt-run jobs.lookup_jid "$jid" --output=json


    5.2 python中执行异步任务


    import salt.client
    local = salt.client.LocalClient()
    local.cmd_async(tgt, fun, kwarg)


    In [1]: import salt.runner
    In [2]: opts = salt.config.master_config('/etc/salt/master')
    In [3]: runner = salt.runner.RunnerClient(opts)
    In [4]: a = runner.cmd(fun='jobs.lookup_jid', kwarg={'jid': '20181102114908937128'})
        Fri Nov  2 11:49:09 CST 2018
        Fri Nov  2 11:49:39 CST 2018
    In [5]: a
    Out[5]: {'salt-srvns-01': 'Fri Nov  2 11:49:09 CST 2018
    Fri Nov  2 11:49:39 CST 2018'}


        kwarg={'jid': '20181102133130044435'}
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