Vanilla <input type="checkbox" name="ice" value="Vanilla">
Chocolate <input type="checkbox" name="ice" value="Chocolate">
Strawberry <input type="checkbox" name="ice" value="Strawberry">
Vanilla <input type="checkbox" name="ice[]" value="Vanilla">
Chocolate <input type="checkbox" name="ice[]" value="Chocolate">
Strawberry <input type="checkbox" name="ice[]" value="Strawberry">
8am-Noon<input type="radio" name="time" value="1">
Noon-4pm<input type="radio" name="time" value="2" checked="checked">
4pm-8pm<input type="radio" name="time" value="3">
<select name="veg" size="1">
<option value="Peas">Peas</option>
<option value="Beans">Beans</option>
<option value="Carrots">Carrots</option>
<option value="Cabbage">Cabbage</option>
<option value="Broccoli">Broccoli</option>
<select name="veg" size="5" multiple="multiple">
<option value="Peas">Peas</option>
<option value="Beans">Beans</option>
<option value="Carrots">Carrots</option>
<option value="Cabbage">Cabbage</option>
<option value="Broccoli">Broccoli</option>
function sanitizeString($var)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$var = stripslashes($var);
$var = strip_tags($var);
$var = htmlentities($var);
return $var;
function sanitizeMySQL($connection, $var)
$var = $connection->real_escape_string($var);
$var = sanitizeString($var);
return $var;
<?php // convert.php
$f = $c = '';
if (isset($_POST['f'])) $f = sanitizeString($_POST['f']);
if (isset($_POST['c'])) $c = sanitizeString($_POST['c']);
if (is_numeric($f))
$c = intval((5 / 9) * ($f - 32));
$out = "$f °f equals $c °c";
$f = intval((9 / 5) * $c + 32);
$out = "$c °c equals $f °f";
else $out = "";
echo <<<_END
<title>Temperature Converter</title>
Enter either Fahrenheit or Celsius and click on Convert
<form method="post" action="convert.php">
Fahrenheit <input type="text" name="f" size="7">
Celsius <input type="text" name="c" size="7">
<input type="submit" value="Convert">
function sanitizeString($var)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$var = stripslashes($var);
$var = htmlentities($var);
$var = strip_tags($var);
return $var;
<?php // formtest.php
echo <<<_END
<title>Form Test</title>
<form method="post" action="formtest.php">
What is your name?
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit">
<?php // formtest2.php
if (!empty(($_POST['name']))) $name = $_POST['name'];
else $name = "(Not Entered)";
echo <<<_END
<title>Form Test</title>
Your name is: $name<br>
<form method="post" action="formtest.php">
What is your name?
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit">
<form method="post" action="calc.php"><pre>
Loan Amount <input type="text" name="principle">
Monthly Repayment <input type="text" name="monthly">
Number of Years <input type="text" name="years" value="25">
Interest Rate <input type="text" name="rate" value="6">
<input type="submit">