var json: ISuperObject; i: Integer; jsonList, jsonRow: ISuperObject; begin json := SO(); jsonList := SO('[]'); try try for I := 0 to EventList.Count - 1 do begin jsonRow := SO('{}'); jsonRow.S['strGUID'] := EventList[I].strEventID; jsonRow.S['strCaption'] := EventList[i].EventProperty.GetEventTypeName; jsonRow.I['nTriggerLC'] := EventList[i].nTriggerGLB; jsonRow.I['nSectionBeginLC'] := EventList[i].nSectionBeginGLB; jsonRoW.I['nSectionEndLC'] := EventList[i].nSectionEndGLB; jsonList.AsArray.Add(jsonRow); end; json.I['cmdtype'] := ord(esuctNew); json.O['EventList'] := jsonList; m_IdUDPClient.Send(json.AsString); except on e: Exception do begin AddLog('新的演练命令错误:' + e.Message); end; end; finally json := nil; end;
var dd: TSuperArray; i: Integer; Eventobj: TQuestionEvent; json: ISuperObject; begin json := SO(strMsg); try cmdType :=json.I['cmdtype']; dd := json.O['EventList'].AsArray; for I := 0 to dd.Length - 1 do begin EventObj := TQuestionEvent.Create; Eventobj.strEventID := dd[i].S['strGUID']; Eventobj.strOptHint := dd[i].S['strCaption']; Eventobj.nTriggerGLB := dd[i].I['nTriggerLC']; Eventobj.nSectionBeginGLB := dd[i].I['nSectionBeginLC']; Eventobj.nSectionEndGLB := dd[i].I['nSectionEndLC']; EventList.Add(Eventobj); end; finally end;