• Latex论文写作-Texsdudio 快捷键总结

    Latex论文写作-Texsdudio 快捷键总结 



    The keyboard shortcuts can be modified at Options -> Shortcuts.

    The following list is a rough overview of the defaults keyboard shortcuts. Depending on the operating system, there may be some deviations to adapt for OS-specific shortcut conventions.

    • "File" menu :
      • New : Ctrl+N
      • Open : Ctrl+O
      • Save : Ctrl+S
      • Save as: Ctrl+Alt+S
      • Save all: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S
      • Close : Ctrl+W
      • Print Source Code : Ctrl+P
      • Exit : Ctrl+Q
    • "Edit" menu :
      • Undo : Ctrl+Z
      • Redo : Ctrl+Y
      • Copy : Ctrl+C
      • Cut : Ctrl+X
      • Paste : Ctrl+V
      • Select All : Ctrl+A
      • Expand Selection to Word : Ctrl+D
      • Expand Selection to Line : Ctrl+L
      • Delete Line : Ctrl+K
      • Delete to End of Line : Alt+K
      • Find : Ctrl+F
      • Find next : F3 / Ctrl+G
      • Find prev : Shift+F3 / Ctrl+Shift+G
      • Replace : CTrl+R
      • Go to line : Ctrl+G
      • Go to previous change: Ctrl+H
      • Go to to next change: Ctrl+Shift+H
      • Go to Bookmark 0..9: Ctrl+0..9
      • Set Bookmark 0..9: Ctrl+Shift+0..9
      • Set Unnamed Bookmark: Ctrl+Shift+B
      • Next Marker: Ctrl+Down
      • Previous Marker: Ctrl+Up
      • Go Back : Alt+Left
      • Go Forward : Alt+Right
      • Insert Unicode Character : Ctrl+Alt+U
    • "Idefix" menu :
      • Erase Word/Cmd/Env: Alt+Del
      • Paste as LaTeX: Ctrl+Shift+V
      • Show preview : Alt+P
      • Comment : Ctrl+T
      • Uncomment : Ctrl+U
      • Next Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Down
      • Previous Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Up
      • Next Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Down
      • Previous Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Up
      • Go to definition: Ctrl+Alt+F
      • Normal Completion: Ctrl+Space
      • egin Completion: Ctrl+Alt+Space
      • Normal Text Completion: Alt+Shift+Space
      • Close Last Open Environment: Alt+Return
      • Remove Placeholders: Ctrl+Shift+K
    • "Tools" menu :
      • Build & View : F5
      • Compile : F6
      • View : F7
      • Bibliography : F8
      • Glossary : F9
      • Check spelling : Ctrl+:
      • Thesaurus : Ctrl+Shift+F8
    • "LaTeX" menu :
      • item : Ctrl+Shift+I
      • Italic : Ctrl+I
      • Slanted : Ctrl+Shift+S
      • Bold : Ctrl+B
      • Typewriter : Ctrl+Shift+T
      • Small caps : Ctrl+Shift+C
      • Emphasis : Ctrl+Shift+E
      • New line : Ctrl+Return
      • begin{environment} : Ctrl+E
      • Insert reference to next label : Ctrl+Alt+R
    • "Math" menu :
      • Inline math mode : Ctrl+Shift+M
      • Display math mode : Alt+Shift+M
      • Numbered equations : Ctrl+Shift+N
      • Subscript : Ctrl+Shift+D
      • Superscript : CTrl+Shift+U
      • Frac : Alt+Shift+F
      • Dfrac : Ctrl+Shift+F
      • Sqrt : Ctrl+Shift+Q
      • Left : Ctrl+Shift+L
      • Right : Ctrl+Shift+R
    • "User" menu :
      • User tags : Shift+F1...Shift+F10
      • User commands : Shift+Alt+F1...Shift+Alt+F10
    • "View" menu :
      • Previous Document : Ctrl+PgDown
      • Next Document : Ctrl+PgUp
      • Focus Editor : Ctrl+Alt+Left
      • Focus Viewer : Ctrl+Alt+Right
      • Close Something : Esc
      • Editor Zoom In : Ctrl++
      • Editor Zoom Out : Ctrl+-
      • Fullscreeen Mode : F11



    1. LaTeX转word


    可以转换的文件类型有: reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, Txt2Tags, Microsoft Word docx, LibreOffice ODT, EPUB, or Haddock markup, 等等

    pandoc,这儿有个demo online



    我用的CTex套件,貌似已经集成了latexdiff,并且已经加入环境变量。不然可以用WinEdit中Tex–>MiKTex–>MiKTex Package Manager 来自动安装latexdiff。




    3. 对LaTeX进行语法修正工具






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tsingke/p/5827767.html
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