• 转:Oracle中Update的一个写法,注意异常ORA01779


    SQL> create table a ( id int, a1 varchar2(25) );
    SQL> create table b ( id int, b1 varchar2(25) );
    SQL> insert into a values ( 1, 'Hello' );
    SQL> insert into a values ( 2, 'xxxxx' );
    SQL> insert into b values ( 2, 'World' );
    SQL> commit;
    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set a1 = b1;
    set a1 = b1
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
    SQL> alter table b add constraint b_key primary key(id);
    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set a1 = b1;

    1 row updated.


    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set b1 = a1;
    set b1 = a1
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
    SQL> alter table b drop constraint b_key;
    SQL> alter table a add constraint a_key primary key(id);
    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set b1 = a1;

    1 row updated.
    SQL> alter table a drop constraint a_key;
    SQL> alter table a add constraint a_key primary key(id,a1);
    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set b1 = a1;
    set b1 = a1
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
    If the user has update permission on table A, but only has select permission on table B, they cannot update via the first example.  Oracle will return ORA-01031 (insufficient privileges).
    SQL> create user x identified by x;
    SQL> grant create session on x;
    SQL> grant select,update on a to x;

    SQL> grant select on b to x;

    SQL> create public synonym a for wangxiaoqi.a;
    SQL> create public synonym b for wangxiaoqi.b;
    SQL> conn x/x
    SQL> update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
      2  set a1 = b1;
    update ( select a1, b1 from a, b where a.id = b.id )
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    SQL> update a set a1 = (select b1 from b where b.id=a.id);
    2 rows updated.
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