1. LCEPI summary
Quick Sort: in C and in Haskell
2. G's slides
NP-Complete: salesmanknapsack(encrypted)
Salesman: enumeration solution: n!. DP: n^2 * 2^n
encrypted knapsack problem is NP-Complete. 01-KnapsackComplete-Knapsack is not (classic DP).
Algorithm: A*: http://www.cnblogs.com/technology/archive/2011/05/26/2058842.html
For each node: f = g(actual) + h(estimated). Everytime we pick min f.
IDA*: http://blog.csdn.net/urecvbnkuhbh_54245df/article/details/5856756
To avoid hashsorting in A*: like a water-level control based pruning strategy(on h())
Sorting proscons
Combinatorics: k out of n
Graph: data structure's proscons (pointers, matrix, adjacent list)
OS: process vs threads: http://www.360doc.com/content/09/1204/02/536925_10319687.shtml
Threads share global valmemcode.
System Design: network basics: router, DNS, load balancer, firewalls etc.
TCPIP: general knowledge http://www.baike.com/wiki/TCP%2FIP%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE
Papers: Google SpannerChubby
3. My own resume
4. Misc.
Binary tree problems:
LCA problem: