• vue + echarts 实现中国地图 展示城市




    npm install echarts -S


    import echarts from 'echarts'
    Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts








      1     chinaConfigure() {
      2         var _this = this
      3         let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.platform); //这里是为了获得容器所在位置
      4         var geoCoordMap = {};
      5         var mapName = 'china'
      6         myChart.showLoading();
      7         var mapFeatures = city.features;
      8         myChart.hideLoading();
      9         mapFeatures.forEach(function(v) { // 地区名称
     10           var name = v.properties.name; // 地区经纬度
     11           geoCoordMap[name] = v.properties.cp;
     12         });
     13         var data = []
     14         data = this.mapData
     15         var max = 480,
     16           min = 9; // todo
     17         var maxSize4Pin = 100,
     18           minSize4Pin = 20;
     19         var convertData = function(data) {
     20           var res = [];
     21           for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
     22             var geoCoord = geoCoordMap[data[i].name];
     23             if (geoCoord) {
     24               res.push({
     25                 name: data[i].name,
     26                 count: data[i].count,
     27                 value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value),
     28               });
     29             }
     30           }
     31           console.log(geoCoord)
     32           return res;
     33         };
     34         window.onresize = myChart.resize;
     35         myChart.setOption({ // 进行相关配置
     36           backgroundColor: "transparent",
     37           tooltip: {
     38             trigger: "item",
     39             backgroundColor: "#1540a1",
     40             borderColor: "#FFFFCC",
     41             showDelay: 0,
     42             hideDelay: 0,
     43             enterable: false,
     44             transitionDuration: 0,
     45             extraCssText: "z-index:100",
     46             formatter: function(params, ticket, callback) {
     47               // if (ticket.indexOf('散点') != -1) {
     48               let index = params.dataIndex
     49               console.log(_this.mapData)
     50               let name = params.name
     51               var tipHtml = '';
     52               tipHtml =
     53                 '<div style="280px;height:200px;background:rgba(22,80,158,0.8);border:1px solid rgba(7,166,255,0.7)">' +
     54                 '<div style="100%;height:40px;line-height:40px;border-bottom:2px solid rgba(7,166,255,0.7);padding:0 20px">' +
     55                 '<i style="display:inline-block;8px;height:8px;background:#16d6ff;border-radius:40px;">' +
     56                 '</i>' + '<span style="margin-left:10px;color:#fff;font-size:16px;">' + name + '</span>' +
     57                 '</div>' + '<div style="padding:20px">' + '<p style="color:#fff;font-size:12px;">' +
     58                 '<i style="display:inline-block;10px;height:10px;background:#16d6ff;border-radius:40px;margin:0 8px">' +
     59                 '</i>' + '机器总数:' + '<span style="color:#f48225;margin:0 6px;">' + _this.mapData[index].count +
     60                 '</span>' +
     61                 '个' + '</p>' + '<p style="color:#fff;font-size:12px;">' +
     62                 '<i style="display:inline-block;10px;height:10px;background:#16d6ff;border-radius:40px;margin:0 8px">' +
     63                 '</i>' + '正常运行机器数:' + '<span style="color:#f48225;margin:0 6px;">' + _this.mapData[index].good +
     64                 '</span>' +
     65                 '个' + '</p>' + '<p style="color:#fff;font-size:12px;">' +
     66                 '<i style="display:inline-block;10px;height:10px;background:#16d6ff;border-radius:40px;margin:0 8px">' +
     67                 '</i>' + '待修机器数:' + '<span style="color:#f48225;margin:0 6px;">' + _this.mapData[index].bad +
     68                 '</span>' +
     69                 '个' + '</p>' + '</div>' + '</div>';
     70               return tipHtml;
     71               // }
     73             }
     74           },
     75           visualMap: {
     76             show: false,
     77             min: 0,
     78             max: 200,
     79             left: '10%',
     80             top: 'bottom',
     81             calculable: false,
     82             seriesIndex: [1],
     83             inRange: {
     84               color: ['#04387b', '#467bc0']
     85             }
     86           },
     87           geo: {
     88             map: mapName,
     89             label: {
     90               normal: {
     91                 show: false
     92               },
     93               emphasis: {
     94                 show: true
     95               },
     96               color: '#fff'
     97             },
     98             roam: true,
     99             zoom: .6,
    100             scaleLimit: { //所属组件的z分层,z值小的图形会被z值大的图形覆盖
    101               min: .6, //最小的缩放值
    102             },
    103             layoutCenter: ["50%", "50%"], //地图位置
    104             layoutSize: "180%",
    105             itemStyle: {
    106               normal: {
    107                 areaColor: '#0083ce', //地图颜色
    108                 borderColor: '#0066ba' //省份边界颜色
    109               },
    110               emphasis: {
    111                 borderColor: '#0066ba', //选中省份边界颜色
    112                 areaColor: "#0494e1", //选中省份颜色
    113                 shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)', //选中省份投影
    114                 shadowBlur: 10
    115               }
    116             }
    117           },
    118           series: [{
    119             name: '散点',
    120             type: 'effectScatter',
    121             coordinateSystem: 'geo',
    122             data: convertData(this.mapData),
    123             rippleEffect: {
    124               //涟漪特效
    125               period: 4, //动画时间,值越小速度越快
    126               brushType: "stroke", //波纹绘制方式 stroke, fill
    127               scale: 4 //波纹圆环最大限制,值越大波纹越大
    128             },
    129             hoverAnimation: true,
    130             symbolSize: 5,
    131             label: {
    132               normal: {
    133                 formatter: '{b}',
    134                 position: 'right',
    135                 show: true
    136               },
    137               emphasis: {
    138                 show: false
    139               }
    140             },
    141             itemStyle: {
    142               normal: {
    143                 color: '#fff'
    144               }
    145             }
    146           }, {
    147             name: '散点',
    148             type: 'effectScatter',
    149             coordinateSystem: 'geo',
    150             data: convertData(this.mapData.sort(function(a, b) {
    151               return b.count - a.count;
    152             }).slice(0, 5)),
    153             symbolSize: 8,
    154             showEffectOn: 'render',
    155             rippleEffect: {
    156               //涟漪特效
    157               period: 3, //动画时间,值越小速度越快
    158               brushType: "stroke", //波纹绘制方式 stroke, fill
    159               scale: 4 //波纹圆环最大限制,值越大波纹越大
    160             },
    161             hoverAnimation: true,
    162             label: {
    163               normal: {
    164                 formatter: '{b}',
    165                 position: 'left',
    166                 show: false
    167               }
    168             },
    169             itemStyle: {
    170               normal: {
    171                 color: 'yellow',
    172                 shadowBlur: 10,
    173                 shadowColor: 'yellow'
    174               }
    175             },
    176             zlevel: 1
    177           }]
    178         })
    179       },

    View Code



        this.mapData = [
                  {name: "石家庄", number: 102, count: 2457, good: 2313, bad: 144},
                  {name: "秦皇岛", number: 169, count: 1931, good: 1869, bad: 62},
                  {name: "唐山", number: 164, count: 1291, good: 1200, bad: 91},
                  {name: "保定", number: 157, count: 2142, good: 2098, bad: 44},
                  {name: "太原", number: 256, count: 2331, good: 2070, bad: 261},
                  {name: "大同", number: 128, count: 2699, good: 2556, bad: 143},
                  {name: "阳泉", number: 136, count: 1277, good: 1051, bad: 226},
                  {name: " 呼和浩特", number: 138, count: 2108, good: 2085, bad: 23},
                  {name: "韶关", number: 266, count: 2734, good: 2609, bad: 125},
                  {name: "长沙", number: 133, count: 2938, good: 2746, bad: 192},
                  {name: "郴州", number: 252, count: 1604, good: 1306, bad: 298},
                  {name: "娄底", number: 270, count: 2885, good: 2639, bad: 246},
                  {name: " 武汉", number: 211, count: 1121, good: 964, bad: 157},
                  {name: "黄石", number: 120, count: 2534, good: 2432, bad: 102},
                  {name: "十堰", number: 125, count: 1581, good: 1540, bad: 41},
                  {name: "荆州", number: 186, count: 2926, good: 2730, bad: 196},
                  {name: " 郑州", number: 121, count: 1787, good: 1662, bad: 125}

    细节部分 可以一起探讨哦

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tongjiaojiao/p/11849355.html
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