1. 问题
为什么HDFS中有数据文件,查询却没有数据,show partitions也不能看到完整的表分区
2. 分析
所有的Impala Catalog相关的操作都可以在fe目录下的代码包:com.cloudera.impala.catalog中找到。Impala有几种情况会涉及到元数据的同步操作:
1. Impala启动时
所有表都会放到 TableLoadingMgr.tableLoadingDeque_ 队列中,按队列进行加载,队列的声明为:
private final LinkedBlockingDeque<TTableName> tableLoadingDeque_ = new LinkedBlockingDeque<TTableName>();
TableLoadingMgr.java:278] Loading next table. Remaining items in queue: 16124
private void startTableLoadingThreads() { ExecutorService loadingPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numLoadingThreads_); try { for (int i = 0; i < numLoadingThreads_; ++i) { loadingPool.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { loadNextTable(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error loading table: ", e); // Ignore exception. } } } }); } } finally { loadingPool.shutdown(); } }
if (req.isIs_refresh()) { modifiedObjects.second = catalog_.reloadTable(req.getTable_name()); //执行REFRESH语句 } else { wasRemoved = catalog_.invalidateTable(req.getTable_name(), modifiedObjects); //执行INVALIDATE语句, } //catalog_对象为:com.cloudera.impala.catalog.CatalogServiceCatalog
不管那种操作,涉及到从Hive MetaData中加载表元数据信息时,最终都会调用到HdfsTable的load方法,从这个方法中就可以看到Impala到底需要加载和缓存那些元数据:
public void load(Table cachedEntry, HiveMetaStoreClient client, org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table msTbl) throws TableLoadingException { numHdfsFiles_ = 0; totalHdfsBytes_ = 0; // 打印加载日志,该日志在catalog.INFO日志中是经常看见的 LOG.debug("load table: " + db_.getName() + "." + name_); // turn all exceptions into TableLoadingException try { // set nullPartitionKeyValue from the hive conf. nullPartitionKeyValue_ = client.getConfigValue( "hive.exec.default.partition.name", "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); // set NULL indicator string from table properties nullColumnValue_ = msTbl.getParameters().get(serdeConstants.SERIALIZATION_NULL_FORMAT); if (nullColumnValue_ == null) nullColumnValue_ = DEFAULT_NULL_COLUMN_VALUE; // populate with both partition keys and regular columns List<FieldSchema> partKeys = msTbl.getPartitionKeys(); List<FieldSchema> tblFields = Lists.newArrayList(); String inputFormat = msTbl.getSd().getInputFormat(); if (HdfsFileFormat.fromJavaClassName(inputFormat) == HdfsFileFormat.AVRO) { .... 这里省去一段AVRO表的表列信息加载逻辑 } else { fs.setType(avroType); } fs.setComment("from deserializer"); tblFields.add(fs); i++; } } } else { tblFields.addAll(msTbl.getSd().getCols()); } List<FieldSchema> fieldSchemas = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>( partKeys.size() + tblFields.size()); fieldSchemas.addAll(partKeys); fieldSchemas.addAll(tblFields); // The number of clustering columns is the number of partition keys. numClusteringCols_ = partKeys.size(); //这儿加载列以及列的统计信息,其中也包括分区列, 上面两行代码有添加 loadColumns(fieldSchemas, client); // Collect the list of partitions to use for the table. Partitions may be reused // from the existing cached table entry (if one exists), read from the metastore, // or a mix of both. Whether or not a partition is reused depends on whether // the table or partition has been modified. List<org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition> msPartitions = Lists.newArrayList(); if (cachedEntry == null || !(cachedEntry instanceof HdfsTable) || cachedEntry.lastDdlTime_ != lastDdlTime_) { //如果还没有缓存或表上有更改,则从HIVE METASTORE中加载所有的分区信息 msPartitions.addAll(MetaStoreUtil.fetchAllPartitions( client, db_.getName(), name_, NUM_PARTITION_FETCH_RETRIES)); } else { // The table was already in the metadata cache and it has not been modified. Preconditions.checkArgument(cachedEntry instanceof HdfsTable); HdfsTable cachedHdfsTableEntry = (HdfsTable) cachedEntry; // Set of partition names that have been modified. Partitions in this Set need to // be reloaded from the metastore. Set<String> modifiedPartitionNames = Sets.newHashSet(); // If these are not the exact same object, look up the set of partition names in // the metastore. This is to support the special case of CTAS which creates a // "temp" table that doesn't actually exist in the metastore. if (cachedEntry != this) { // Since the table has not been modified, we might be able to reuse some of the // old partition metadata if the individual partitions have not been modified. // First get a list of all the partition names for this table from the // metastore, this is much faster than listing all the Partition objects. modifiedPartitionNames.addAll( client.listPartitionNames(db_.getName(), name_, (short) -1)); } int totalPartitions = modifiedPartitionNames.size(); // Get all the partitions from the cached entry that have not been modified. for (HdfsPartition cachedPart: cachedHdfsTableEntry.getPartitions()) { // Skip the default partition and any partitions that have been modified. if (cachedPart.isDirty() || cachedPart.getMetaStorePartition() == null || cachedPart.getId() == DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID) { continue; //跳过默认的或需要重新加载的分区 } org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition cachedMsPart = cachedPart.getMetaStorePartition(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(cachedMsPart); // This is a partition we already know about and it hasn't been modified. // No need to reload the metadata. String cachedPartName = cachedPart.getPartitionName(); if (modifiedPartitionNames.contains(cachedPartName)) { //这儿虽然也将不需要刷新的分区增加到了列表中,但下面的刷新方法会跳过这些分区的一些操作。 msPartitions.add(cachedMsPart); modifiedPartitionNames.remove(cachedPartName); //将不需要重新加载的分区都从列表中移除 } } LOG.info(String.format("Incrementally refreshing %d/%d partitions.", modifiedPartitionNames.size(), totalPartitions)); //这一行日志打印了增量刷新了多少个分区 // No need to make the metastore call if no partitions are to be updated. if (modifiedPartitionNames.size() > 0) { //列表中剩下的分区就是需要重新加载的分区 // Now reload the the remaining partitions. msPartitions.addAll(MetaStoreUtil.fetchPartitionsByName(client, Lists.newArrayList(modifiedPartitionNames), db_.getName(), name_)); } } Map<String, List<FileDescriptor>> oldFileDescMap = null; if (cachedEntry != null && cachedEntry instanceof HdfsTable) { HdfsTable cachedHdfsTable = (HdfsTable) cachedEntry; oldFileDescMap = cachedHdfsTable.fileDescMap_; hostIndex_.populate(cachedHdfsTable.hostIndex_.getList()); } /* * 加载分区,该方法完成的工作包括:加载分区信息,加载分区下的文件列表,及文件的Block信息 * 大家可以在Catalog.INFO日志中看到如下日志信息: * HdfsTable.java:323] load block md for xxx_table_name file 000094_0 */ loadPartitions(msPartitions, msTbl, oldFileDescMap); // load table stats numRows_ = getRowCount(msTbl.getParameters()); //加载表上的统计信息 LOG.debug("table #rows=" + Long.toString(numRows_)); // For unpartitioned tables set the numRows in its partitions //这个注释和下面的操作不符啊!! // to the table's numRows. if (numClusteringCols_ == 0 && !partitions_.isEmpty()) { // Unpartitioned tables have a 'dummy' partition and a default partition. // Temp tables used in CTAS statements have one partition. Preconditions.checkState(partitions_.size() == 2 || partitions_.size() == 1); for (HdfsPartition p: partitions_) { //这儿为每个分区设置分区记录数 p.setNumRows(numRows_); } } } catch (TableLoadingException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { //这个异常非常非常恼火啊,因为经常看到它。 throw new TableLoadingException("Failed to load metadata for table: " + name_, e); } }
3. 最后
从上面的源码分析,可以看出Impala Catalog干的事情非常多啊,要缓存的信息也非常多,虽然说能者多劳,但这样干早晚也得出事啊。它包括
在表的元数据同步失败时,就会造成最开始提出的第2个问题,查不出数据或看不到分区,这种情况可能是内存溢出造成,此时可以在catalog.ERROR中看到OutOfMemoryError异常, 也可能是期问题引起,除了增大Catalog的运行内存外,需要从源头上避免该问题发生,应该在程序设计和执行时采用以下方法: