• 关于mybatis如何返回list<Object>类型的解决



    type 写相关model的全路径。id是这个resultMap的唯一标识,方便待会我们调用这个定义好的 resultMap

     <resultMap type="model.Student" id="studentList">
          <result column="stu_id" property="id"/>
          <result column="ope_id"  property="opeId"/>
          <result column="stu_no"  property="stuNo"/>
          <result column="stu_sex" property="stuSex"/>
          <result column="stu_name" property="stuName"/>
          <result column="stu_birth"  property="stuBirth"/>
          <result column="stu_pic" property="stuPic"/>
          <result column="cla_id"  property="claId"/>        

    然后把上面的id,写在你相关操作数据库的语句中的 resultMap中。。这就可以实现了。。

    <!-- select 区域  -->
        <select id="selectStudent" parameterType="model.Student" resultMap="studentList">
              SELECT * FROM student
                  <if test="id != null">
                      stu_id = #{id}
                  <if test="opeId != null">
                      And ope_id = #{opeId}
                  <if test="stuNo != null">
                      And stu_no = #{stuNo}
                  <if test="stuSex != null">
                      And stu_sex = #{stuSex}
                  <if test="stuName != null">
                      And stu_name = #{stuName}
                  <if test="stuBirth != null">
                      And stu_birth = #{stuBirth}
                  <if test="stuPic != null">
                      And stu_pic = #{stuPic}
                  <if test="claId != null">
                      And cla_id = #{claId}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tjc1996/p/7093892.html
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