• 容斥定理


    •  131072K

    Teemo decides to use his money to conquer the universe.

    It is known that there are m planets that humans can reach at present. They are numbered from 1 to m. Teemo bought n kinds of gateways. Their IDs are a1, a2, ..., an, the gateway whose ID is ai can transmit Teemo to the stars numbered ai,2ai, 3ai, ..., k*ai (1<=k*ai<=m, k is a positive integer), now Teemo wants to know, how many planets can he reach?

    Input Format

    On the firstline one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 20. After that per test case:

    • One line contains two integers n and m, (1 <= n <= 15, 1<= m < = 1e9), respectively represent the number of the gateway, the number of the stars that humans can reach.
    • One line contains integers, the i-th integer a[i], indicating that the ID of the  i-th gateway is a[i], (2<=a[i]<=1e9).

    Ouput Format

    Per test case:

    • One line contains an integer, which indicates how many planets Teemo can reach at most.


    2 15
    2 3
    5 100
    2 3 4 5 6



    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <string>
    #include <deque>
    #include <map>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stack>
    using namespace std;
    #define  ll long long 
    #define  N   29
    #define  M 1000000000
    #define  gep(i,a,b)  for(int  i=a;i<=b;i++)
    #define  gepp(i,a,b) for(int  i=a;i>=b;i--)
    #define  gep1(i,a,b)  for(ll i=a;i<=b;i++)
    #define  gepp1(i,a,b) for(ll i=a;i>=b;i--)    
    #define  mem(a,b)  memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
    #define  ph  push_back
    int、long long类型都可以,需要注意的是两个类型必须要相同
    ll lcm(ll a,ll b){ ll c=__gcd(a,b); return a/c*b; } int t; ll n,m,a[N]; //C(n,1)+C(n,2)+C(n,3)+……+C(n,n)==(2^n)-1 int main() { scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&m); ll sum=0; gep(i,0,n-1) scanf("%lld",&a[i]); gep(i,1,(1<<n)-1){//最大(1<<n)-1,C(n,n) ll cnt=0,ans=1; gep(j,0,n-1){//j从0开始 if(i&(1<<j)){ cnt++;//C(n,cnt) ans=lcm(ans,a[j]); if(ans>m) break; } } sum+=cnt%2?m/ans:-m/ans;//容斥定理+1-2+3-4…… } printf("%lld ",sum); } return 0; }
    如果被计数的事物有A、B、C三类,那么,A类和B类和C类元素个数总和= A类元素个数+ B类元素个数+C类元素个数—既是A类又是B类的元素个数—既是A类又是C类的元素个数—既是B类又是C类的元素个数+既是A类又是B类而且是C类的元素个数。
    (A∪B∪C = A+B+C - A∩B - B∩C - C∩A + A∩B∩C)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tingtin/p/9512276.html
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