功能 | search | database | filter |
命令 |
blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastx, tblastn, psiblast, rpsblast, and rpstblastn |
makeblastdb, blastdb_aliastool, makeprofiledb, and blastdbcmd |
segmasker, dustmasker, and windowmasker. |
makeblastdb:Application to create BLAST databases.
blastdbcmd: BLAST database client
blastdb_aliastool:Application to create BLAST database aliases.
makeprofiledb: Application to create databases for rpsblast, cobalt and deltablast
Segmasker is an application that identifies and masks low complexity regions of protein sequences.
The dustmasker application provides a similar functionality for nucleotide sequences.
Windowmasker uses a genome to identify sequences represented too often to be of interest to most users.