• Scalaz(24)- 泛函数据结构: Tree-数据游览及维护

      上节我们讨论了Zipper-串形不可变集合(immutable sequential collection)游标,在串形集合中左右游走及元素维护操作。这篇我们谈谈Tree。在电子商务应用中对于xml,json等格式文件的处理要求非常之普遍,scalaz提供了Tree数据类型及相关的游览及操作函数能更方便高效的处理xml,json文件及系统目录这些树形结构数据的相关编程。scalaz Tree的定义非常简单:scalaz/Tree.scala

    * A multi-way tree, also known as a rose tree. Also known as Cofree[Stream, A].
    sealed abstract class Tree[A] {
      import Tree._
      /** The label at the root of this tree. */
      def rootLabel: A
      /** The child nodes of this tree. */
      def subForest: Stream[Tree[A]]


    final class TreeOps[A](self: A) {
      def node(subForest: Tree[A]*): Tree[A] = Tree.node(self, subForest.toStream)
      def leaf: Tree[A] = Tree.leaf(self)
    trait ToTreeOps {
      implicit def ToTreeOps[A](a: A) = new TreeOps(a)


    trait TreeFunctions {
      /** Construct a new Tree node. */
      def node[A](root: => A, forest: => Stream[Tree[A]]): Tree[A] = new Tree[A] {
        lazy val rootLabel = root
        lazy val subForest = forest
        override def toString = "<tree>"
      /** Construct a tree node with no children. */
      def leaf[A](root: => A): Tree[A] = node(root, Stream.empty)


    object Tree extends TreeInstances with TreeFunctions {
      /** Construct a tree node with no children. */
      def apply[A](root: => A): Tree[A] = leaf(root)
      object Node {
        def unapply[A](t: Tree[A]): Option[(A, Stream[Tree[A]])] = Some((t.rootLabel, t.subForest))


     1  Tree("ALeaf") === "ALeaf".leaf                  //> res5: Boolean = true
     2   val tree: Tree[Int] =
     3     1.node(
     4       11.leaf,
     5       12.node(
     6         121.leaf),
     7      2.node(
     8       21.leaf,
     9       22.leaf)
    10      )                                            //> tree  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    11   tree.drawTree                                   //> res6: String = "1
    12                                                   //| |
    13                                                   //| +- 11
    14                                                   //| |
    15                                                   //| +- 12
    16                                                   //| |  |
    17                                                   //| |  `- 121
    18                                                   //| |
    19                                                   //| `- 2
    20                                                   //|    |
    21                                                   //|    +- 21
    22                                                   //|    |
    23                                                   //|    `- 22
    24                                                   //| "


    sealed abstract class TreeInstances {
      implicit val treeInstance: Traverse1[Tree] with Monad[Tree] with Comonad[Tree] with Align[Tree] with Zip[Tree] = new Traverse1[Tree] with Monad[Tree] with Comonad[Tree] with Align[Tree] with Zip[Tree] {
        def point[A](a: => A): Tree[A] = Tree.leaf(a)
        def cobind[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(f: Tree[A] => B): Tree[B] = fa cobind f
        def copoint[A](p: Tree[A]): A = p.rootLabel
        override def map[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(f: A => B) = fa map f
        def bind[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(f: A => Tree[B]): Tree[B] = fa flatMap f
        def traverse1Impl[G[_]: Apply, A, B](fa: Tree[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[Tree[B]] = fa traverse1 f
        override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Tree[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = fa.foldRight(z)(f)
        override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = (fa.flatten.reverse: @unchecked) match {
          case h #:: t => t.foldLeft(z(h))((b, a) => f(a, b))
        override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Tree[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
        override def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = fa.flatten match {
          case h #:: t => t.foldLeft(z(h))(f)
        override def foldMap[A, B](fa: Tree[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B = fa foldMap f
        def alignWith[A, B, C](f: (&/[A, B]) ⇒ C) = { 
          def align(ta: Tree[A], tb: Tree[B]): Tree[C] =
            Tree.node(f(&/(ta.rootLabel, tb.rootLabel)), Align[Stream].alignWith[Tree[A], Tree[B], Tree[C]]({
              case &/.This(sta) ⇒ sta map {a ⇒ f(&/.This(a))}
              case &/.That(stb) ⇒ stb map {b ⇒ f(&/.That(b))}
              case &/.Both(sta, stb) ⇒ align(sta, stb)
            })(ta.subForest, tb.subForest))
          align _
        def zip[A, B](aa: => Tree[A], bb: => Tree[B]) = {
          val a = aa
          val b = bb
            (a.rootLabel, b.rootLabel),
            Zip[Stream].zipWith(a.subForest, b.subForest)(zip(_, _))
      implicit def treeEqual[A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[Tree[A]] =
        new TreeEqual[A] { def A = A0 }
      implicit def treeOrder[A](implicit A0: Order[A]): Order[Tree[A]] =
        new Order[Tree[A]] with TreeEqual[A] {
          def A = A0
          import std.stream._
          override def order(x: Tree[A], y: Tree[A]) =
            A.order(x.rootLabel, y.rootLabel) match {
              case Ordering.EQ =>
                Order[Stream[Tree[A]]].order(x.subForest, y.subForest)
              case x => x


     1 // 是 Functor...
     2     (tree map { v: Int => v + 1 }) ===
     3     2.node(
     4       12.leaf,
     5       13.node(
     6         122.leaf),
     7      3.node(
     8       22.leaf,
     9       23.leaf)
    10      )                                            //> res7: Boolean = true
    12  // ...是 Monad
    13     1.point[Tree] === 1.leaf                      //> res8: Boolean = true
    14     val t2 = tree >>= (x => (x == 2) ? x.leaf | x.node((-x).leaf))
    15                                                   //> t2  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    16     t2 === 1.node((-1).leaf, 2.leaf, 3.node((-3).leaf, 4.node((-4).leaf)))
    17                                                   //> res9: Boolean = false
    18     t2.drawTree                                   //> res10: String = "1
    19                                                   //| |
    20                                                   //| +- -1
    21                                                   //| |
    22                                                   //| +- 11
    23                                                   //| |  |
    24                                                   //| |  `- -11
    25                                                   //| |
    26                                                   //| +- 12
    27                                                   //| |  |
    28                                                   //| |  +- -12
    29                                                   //| |  |
    30                                                   //| |  `- 121
    31                                                   //| |     |
    32                                                   //| |     `- -121
    33                                                   //| |
    34                                                   //| `- 2
    35                                                   //|    |
    36                                                   //|    +- 21
    37                                                   //|    |  |
    38                                                   //|    |  `- -21
    39                                                   //|    |
    40                                                   //|    `- 22
    41                                                   //|       |
    42                                                   //|       `- -22
    43                                                   //| "
    44  // ...是 Foldable
    45     tree.foldMap(_.toString) === "1111212122122"  //> res11: Boolean = true


      def pathTree[E](root: E, paths: Seq[Seq[E]]): Tree[E] = {
        root.node(paths groupBy (_.head) map {
          case (parent, subpaths) =>
            pathTree(parent, subpaths collect {
              case pp +: rest if rest.nonEmpty => rest
        } toSeq: _*)


     1   val paths = List(List("A","a1","a2"),List("B","b1"))
     2                                                   //> paths  : List[List[String]] = List(List(A, a1, a2), List(B, b1))
     3   pathTree("root",paths) drawTree                 //> res0: String = ""root"
     4                                                   //| |
     5                                                   //| +- "A"
     6                                                   //| |  |
     7                                                   //| |  `- "a1"
     8                                                   //| |     |
     9                                                   //| |     `- "a2"
    10                                                   //| |
    11                                                   //| `- "B"
    12                                                   //|    |
    13                                                   //|    `- "b1"
    14                                                   //| "
    15  val paths = List(List("A","a1","a2"),List("B","b1"),List("B","b2","b3"))
    16              //> paths  : List[List[String]] = List(List(A, a1, a2), List(B, b1), List(B, b2,
    17                                                   //|  b3))
    18   pathTree("root",paths) drawTree                 //> res0: String = ""root"
    19                                                   //| |
    20                                                   //| +- "A"
    21                                                   //| |  |
    22                                                   //| |  `- "a1"
    23                                                   //| |     |
    24                                                   //| |     `- "a2"
    25                                                   //| |
    26                                                   //| `- "B"
    27                                                   //|    |
    28                                                   //|    +- "b2"
    29                                                   //|    |  |
    30                                                   //|    |  `- "b3"
    31                                                   //|    |
    32                                                   //|    `- "b1"
    33                                                   //| "


    1   val paths = List(List("A"))           //> paths  : List[List[String]] = List(List(A))
    2   val gpPaths =paths.groupBy(_.head)    //> gpPaths  : scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[List[String]]] = Map(A-> List(List(A)))
    3   List(List("A")) collect { case pp +: rest if rest.nonEmpty => rest }
    4                                                   //> res0: List[List[String]] = List()


    1  "root".node(
    2        "A".node(List().toSeq: _*)
    3        ) drawTree                                 //> res3: String = ""root"
    4                                                   //| |
    5                                                   //| `- "A"
    6                                                   //| "


    1  "root".node(
    2      "A".node(List().toSeq: _*),
    3      "B".node(List().toSeq: _*)
    4      ) drawTree                                   //> res4: String = ""root"
    5                                                   //| |
    6                                                   //| +- "A"
    7                                                   //| |
    8                                                   //| `- "B"
    9                                                   //| "


     1   val paths = List(List("A","a1"))                //> paths  : List[List[String]] = List(List(A, a1))
     2   val gpPaths =paths.groupBy(_.head)              //> gpPaths  : scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[List[String]]] = Map(A
     3                                                   //|  -> List(List(A, a1)))
     4   List(List("A","a1")) collect { case pp +: rest if rest.nonEmpty => rest }
     5                                                   //> res0: List[List[String]] = List(List(a1))
     7 //化解成
     8  "root".node(
     9        "A".node(
    10           "a1".node(
    11            List().toSeq: _*)
    12            )
    13        ) drawTree                                 //> res3: String = ""root"
    14                                                   //| |
    15                                                   //| `- "A"
    16                                                   //|    |
    17                                                   //|    `- "a1"
    18                                                   //| "


     1   val paths = List(List("A","a1"),List("A","a2")) //> paths  : List[List[String]] = List(List(A, a1), List(A, a2))
     2   val gpPaths =paths.groupBy(_.head)              //> gpPaths  : scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[List[String]]] = Map(A
     3                                                   //|  -> List(List(A, a1), List(A, a2)))
     4   List(List("A","a1"),List("A","a2")) collect { case pp +: rest if rest.nonEmpty => rest }
     5                                                   //> res0: List[List[String]] = List(List(a1), List(a2))
     7 //相当产生结果
     8 "root".node(
     9        "A".node(
    10           "a1".node(
    11            List().toSeq: _*)
    12            ,
    13           "a2".node(
    14            List().toSeq: _*)
    15            )
    16        ) drawTree                                 //> res3: String = ""root"
    17                                                   //| |
    18                                                   //| `- "A"
    19                                                   //|    |
    20                                                   //|    +- "a1"
    21                                                   //|    |
    22                                                   //|    `- "a2"
    23                                                   //| "


    final case class TreeLoc[A](tree: Tree[A], lefts: TreeForest[A],
                                rights: TreeForest[A], parents: Parents[A]) {
    trait TreeLocFunctions {
      type TreeForest[A] =
      type Parent[A] =
      (TreeForest[A], A, TreeForest[A])
      type Parents[A] =


     1 /** A TreeLoc zipper of this tree, focused on the root node. */
     2   def loc: TreeLoc[A] = TreeLoc.loc(this, Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty)
     4  val tree: Tree[Int] =
     5     1.node(
     6       11.leaf,
     7       12.node(
     8         121.leaf),
     9      2.node(
    10       21.leaf,
    11       22.leaf)
    12      )                           //> tree  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    14   tree.loc                      //> res7: scalaz.TreeLoc[Int] = TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(),Stream())


      def root: TreeLoc[A] =
        parent match {
          case Some(z) => z.root
          case None    => this
      /** Select the left sibling of the current node. */
      def left: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = lefts match {
        case t #:: ts     => Some(loc(t, ts, tree #:: rights, parents))
        case Stream.Empty => None
      /** Select the right sibling of the current node. */
      def right: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = rights match {
        case t #:: ts     => Some(loc(t, tree #:: lefts, ts, parents))
        case Stream.Empty => None
      /** Select the leftmost child of the current node. */
      def firstChild: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = tree.subForest match {
        case t #:: ts     => Some(loc(t, Stream.Empty, ts, downParents))
        case Stream.Empty => None
      /** Select the rightmost child of the current node. */
      def lastChild: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = tree.subForest.reverse match {
        case t #:: ts     => Some(loc(t, ts, Stream.Empty, downParents))
        case Stream.Empty => None
      /** Select the nth child of the current node. */
      def getChild(n: Int): Option[TreeLoc[A]] =
        for {lr <- splitChildren(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, n)
             ls = lr._1
        } yield loc(ls.head, ls.tail, lr._2, downParents)


     1  val tree: Tree[Int] =
     2     1.node(
     3       11.leaf,
     4       12.node(
     5         121.leaf),
     6      2.node(
     7       21.leaf,
     8       22.leaf)
     9      )                                            //> tree  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    10   tree.loc                                        //> res7: scalaz.TreeLoc[Int] = TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(),Stream())
    11   val l = for {
    12    l1 <- tree.loc.some
    13    l2 <- l1.firstChild
    14    l3 <- l1.lastChild
    15    l4 <- l3.firstChild
    16    } yield (l1,l2,l3,l4)                          //> l  : Option[(scalaz.TreeLoc[Int], scalaz.TreeLoc[Int], scalaz.TreeLoc[Int],
    17                                                   //|  scalaz.TreeLoc[Int])] = Some((TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(),Stream()),T
    18                                                   //| reeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(<tree>, <tree>),Stream((Stream(),1,Stream()),
    19                                                   //|  ?)),TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(<tree>, <tree>),Stream(),Stream((Stream(),1,Stre
    20                                                   //| am()), ?)),TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(<tree>, ?),Stream((Stream(<tree>,
    21                                                   //|  <tree>),2,Stream()), ?))))
    23   l.get._1.getLabel                               //> res8: Int = 1
    24   l.get._2.getLabel                               //> res9: Int = 11
    25   l.get._3.getLabel                               //> res10: Int = 2
    26   l.get._4.getLabel                               //> res11: Int = 21


      /** Select the nth child of the current node. */
      def getChild(n: Int): Option[TreeLoc[A]] =
        for {lr <- splitChildren(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, n)
             ls = lr._1
        } yield loc(ls.head, ls.tail, lr._2, downParents)
      /** Select the first immediate child of the current node that satisfies the given predicate. */
      def findChild(p: Tree[A] => Boolean): Option[TreeLoc[A]] = {
        def split(acc: TreeForest[A], xs: TreeForest[A]): Option[(TreeForest[A], Tree[A], TreeForest[A])] =
          (acc, xs) match {
            case (acc, Stream.cons(x, xs)) => if (p(x)) Some((acc, x, xs)) else split(Stream.cons(x, acc), xs)
            case _                         => None
        for (ltr <- split(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest)) yield loc(ltr._2, ltr._1, ltr._3, downParents)
      /**Select the first descendant node of the current node that satisfies the given predicate. */
      def find(p: TreeLoc[A] => Boolean): Option[TreeLoc[A]] =


     1   val tree: Tree[Int] =
     2     1.node(
     3       11.leaf,
     4       12.node(
     5         121.leaf),
     6      2.node(
     7       21.leaf,
     8       22.leaf)
     9      )                                            //> tree  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    10   tree.loc                                        //> res7: scalaz.TreeLoc[Int] = TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(),Stream(),Stream())
    11   val l = for {
    12    l1 <- tree.loc.some
    13    l2 <- l1.find{_.getLabel == 2}
    14    l3 <- l1.find{_.getLabel == 121}
    15    l4 <- l2.find{_.getLabel == 22}
    16    l5 <- l1.findChild{_.rootLabel == 12}
    17    l6 <- l1.findChild{_.rootLabel == 2}
    18   } yield l6                                      //> l  : Option[scalaz.TreeLoc[Int]] = Some(TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(<tree>, ?),St
    19                                                   //| ream(),Stream((Stream(),1,Stream()), ?)))


      /** Replace the current node with the given one. */
      def setTree(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, lefts, rights, parents)
      /** Modify the current node with the given function. */
      def modifyTree(f: Tree[A] => Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = setTree(f(tree))
      /** Modify the label at the current node with the given function. */
      def modifyLabel(f: A => A): TreeLoc[A] = setLabel(f(getLabel))
      /** Get the label of the current node. */
      def getLabel: A = tree.rootLabel
      /** Set the label of the current node. */
      def setLabel(a: A): TreeLoc[A] = modifyTree((t: Tree[A]) => node(a, t.subForest))
      /** Insert the given node to the left of the current node and give it focus. */
      def insertLeft(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, lefts, Stream.cons(tree, rights), parents)
      /** Insert the given node to the right of the current node and give it focus. */
      def insertRight(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, Stream.cons(tree, lefts), rights, parents)
      /** Insert the given node as the first child of the current node and give it focus. */
      def insertDownFirst(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, downParents)
      /** Insert the given node as the last child of the current node and give it focus. */
      def insertDownLast(t: Tree[A]): TreeLoc[A] = loc(t, tree.subForest.reverse, Stream.Empty, downParents)
      /** Insert the given node as the nth child of the current node and give it focus. */
      def insertDownAt(n: Int, t: Tree[A]): Option[TreeLoc[A]] =
        for (lr <- splitChildren(Stream.Empty, tree.subForest, n)) yield loc(t, lr._1, lr._2, downParents)
      /** Delete the current node and all its children. */
      def delete: Option[TreeLoc[A]] = rights match {
        case Stream.cons(t, ts) => Some(loc(t, lefts, ts, parents))
        case _                  => lefts match {
          case Stream.cons(t, ts) => Some(loc(t, ts, rights, parents))
          case _                  => for (loc1 <- parent) yield loc1.modifyTree((t: Tree[A]) => node(t.rootLabel, Stream.Empty))


     1   val tr = 1.leaf                                 //> tr  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
     2   val tl = for {
     3     l1 <- tr.loc.some
     4     l3 <- l1.insertDownLast(12.leaf).some
     5     l4 <- l3.insertDownLast(121.leaf).some
     6     l5 <- l4.root.some
     7     l2 <- l5.insertDownFirst(11.leaf).some
     8     l6 <- l2.root.some
     9     l7 <- l6.find{_.getLabel == 12}
    10     l8 <- l7.setLabel(102).some
    11   } yield l8                                      //> tl  : Option[scalaz.TreeLoc[Int]] = Some(TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(<tree>, ?),S
    12                                                   //| tream(),Stream((Stream(),1,Stream()), ?)))
    14   tl.get.toTree.drawTree                          //> res8: String = "1
    15                                                   //| |
    16                                                   //| +- 11
    17                                                   //| |
    18                                                   //| `- 102
    19                                                   //|    |
    20                                                   //|    `- 121
    21                                                   //| "


     1   val tree: Tree[Int] =
     2     1.node(
     3       11.leaf,
     4       12.node(
     5         121.leaf),
     6      2.node(
     7       21.leaf,
     8       22.leaf)
     9      )                                            //> tree  : scalaz.Tree[Int] = <tree>
    10    def modTree(t: Tree[Int]): Tree[Int] = {
    11       val l = for {
    12         l1 <- t.loc.some
    13         l2 <- l1.find{_.getLabel == 22}
    14         l3 <- l2.setTree { 3.node (31.leaf) }.some
    15       } yield l3
    16       l.get.toTree
    17    }                                              //> modTree: (t: scalaz.Tree[Int])scalaz.Tree[Int]
    18    val l = for {
    19    l1 <- tree.loc.some
    20    l2 <- l1.find{_.getLabel == 2}
    21    l3 <- l2.modifyTree{modTree(_)}.some
    22    l4 <- l3.root.some
    23    l5 <- l4.find{_.getLabel == 12}
    24    l6 <- l5.delete
    25   } yield l6                                      //> l  : Option[scalaz.TreeLoc[Int]] = Some(TreeLoc(<tree>,Stream(<tree>, ?),St
    26                                                   //| ream(),Stream((Stream(),1,Stream()), ?)))
    27   l.get.toTree.drawTree                           //> res7: String = "1
    28                                                   //| |
    29                                                   //| +- 11
    30                                                   //| |
    31                                                   //| `- 2
    32                                                   //|    |
    33                                                   //|    +- 21
    34                                                   //|    |
    35                                                   //|    `- 3
    36                                                   //|       |
    37                                                   //|       `- 31
    38                                                   //| "


















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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/5111882.html
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