• 黑暗中的生物:利用奇技淫巧快活生存




    Q1: 如何判断一根树枝是否健康?

    Q2: 形容词“Stygian”的首字母为什么要大写?

    Q3: 生活在黑暗之中的生物面临着怎样的威胁?


    Meet the creatures that thrive in the dark 


    The pale-throated sloth, from the northern Amazon forests, has evolved in an unusual way to survive the dangers of swinging through trees in total darkness. The nocturnal bear-like creature has developed a sense of smell so sensitive it can tell whether branches nearby are emitting whiffs of sap or not. 


    注:  pale:苍白的;无力的。throat:咽喉。swing:秋千;摇摆,摆动。nocturnal:夜的,夜间的。emit:发出,发射。

    “That allows them to swing only on to branches that are healthy,” said Professor Geoff Boxshall of the Natural History Museum in London. “They can avoid grabbing one that is sapless and dead, which might break, causing them to fall out of a tree and injure themselves.” 


    Another remarkable creature of the night is the blind aquatic salamander Proteus anguinus–or olm. These animals spend their lives in total darkness in caves in central and south-eastern Europe. They grow up to 30cm long, can live for up to a century and have no vision – instead they have evolved a technique for detecting the bioelectric fields of their main prey, cave shrimps, so they can hunt in total darkness. 

    另外还有一种夜晚出没的奇异生物,那就是水栖盲螈——或称洞螈。这些动物生活在欧洲中部或东南部的洞穴里,在彻头彻尾的黑暗中度过它们的一生。它们身长可达 30 厘米,能够活到一个世纪并且没有视力——相反,它们已经进化出了一种技术来探测它们的主要猎物——洞穴虾的生物电场,如此,它们就可以在完全的黑暗中捕猎。


    “Our own senses are utterly dominated by information from our eyes, but countless other creatures can happily survive without this input. Their approach to lack of light gives us a new way to explore nature.” 


    However, the Stygian world that shelters these creatures is under threat. As humanity spreads, we carry light pollution with us. For example, the nocturnal boat-billed heron of Peru and Brazil will not eat in the presence of any light source, and this is a growing problem as urbanisation spreads. “Life in the dark is a delicate business,” Boxshall concludes. “We should not take it for granted.” 

    然而,这个为这些生物提供庇护的黑暗世界正面临着威胁。随着人类活动范围扩大,光污染也伴随着人类的脚步而蔓延。例如,在秘鲁和巴西,夜晚出没的船嘴鹭不会在任何有光源存在的情况下进食,随着城市化规模的扩大,这成为了一个日益严重的问题。“在黑暗中生活是一件很微妙的事情,” 博克斯总结道,“我们不应该觉得这是理所当然(动词)的事。”


    —————  文章来源 / 卫报 


    thrive     /θraɪv/   v. 欣欣向荣;茁壮成长   e.g.   New businesses thrive in this area.

    sloth    /sloʊθ/    n. 树懒(南美洲热带动物,行动缓慢)

    nocturnal    /nɑːkˈtɜːrnl/   adj. 夜间活动的

    whiff    /wɪf/     n.  一阵;一股(气味)    e.g.    catch a whiff of perfume:闻到一股香水味

    sap    /sæp/    n. (植物体内运送养分的)汁液    sapless:枯萎的;无价值的;无精神的;没趣味的。

    salamander    /ˈsæləmændər/    n. 蝾螈(两栖动物,形似蜥蜴)

    olm   n.  洞螈

    bioelectric   /ˌbaɪoʊ-ɪˈlektrɪk/   adj. 生物电的

    prey    /preɪ/不可数名词     n. 猎物    e.g.   The lion often stalks its prey for hours.             stalk:追踪,偷偷接近。

    utterly    /ˈʌtərli/   adv. 全然;完全地;彻底地

    Stygian   /ˈstɪdʒiən/   adj. 黑黢黢的;阴森的

    urbanisation   /ˌɜːrbənəˈzeɪʃn/  n.  城市化

    Proteus anguinus  洞螈(亦称盲螈)

    boat-billed heron      船嘴鹭(热带美洲地区的一种涉水禽鸟)

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