• Oracle 数据文件(Datafile ) 大小 限制 说明


    先看Oracle 官网的说明, 看的是Oracle 10gR2的文档:

    Physical Database Limits


    Type of Limit

    Limit Value

    Database Block Size


    2048 bytes; must be a multiple of operating system physical block size

    Database Block Size


    Operating system dependent; never more than 32 KB

    Database Blocks

    Minimum in initial extent of a segment

    2 blocks

    Database Blocks

    Maximum per datafile

    Platform dependent; typically 2^22 - 1 blocks


    Number of control files

    1 minimum; 2 or more (on separate devices) strongly recommended


    Size of a control file

    Dependent on operating system and database creation options; maximum of 25,000 x (database block size)

    Database files

    Maximum per tablespace

    Operating system dependent; usually 1022

    Database files

    Maximum per database


    May be less on some operating systems

    Limited also by size of database blocks and by the DB_FILES initialization parameter for a particular instance

    Database extents

    Maximum per dictionary managed tablespace

    4 GB * physical block size (with K/M modifier); 4 GB (without K/M modifier)

    Database extents

    Maximum per locally managed (uniform) tablespace

    2 GB * physical block size (with K/M modifier); 2 GB (without K/M modifier)

    Database file size


    Operating system dependent. Limited by maximum operating system file size; typically 2^22 or 4 MB blocks


    Default value

    Derived from tablespace default storage or DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter




    Redo Log Files

    Maximum number of logfiles

    Limited by value of MAXLOGFILES parameter in the CREATE DATABASE statement

    Control file can be resized to allow more entries; ultimately an operating system limit

    Redo Log Files

    Maximum number of logfiles per group


    Redo Log File Size

    Minimum size

    4 MB

    Redo Log File Size

    Maximum Size

    Operating system limit; typically 2 GB


    Maximum number per database

    64 K

    Number of tablespaces cannot exceed the number of database files because each tablespace must include at least one file

    Bigfile Tablespaces

    Number of blocks

    A bigfile tablespace contains only one datafile or tempfile, which can contain up to approximately 4 billion ( 2^32 ) blocks. The maximum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes (TB) for a tablespace with 32 K blocks and 32 TB for a tablespace with 8 K blocks.

    Smallfile (traditional) Tablespaces

    Number of blocks

    A smallfile tablespace is a traditional Oracle tablespace, which can contain 1022 datafiles or tempfiles, each of which can contain up to approximately 4 million (2^22) blocks.

    External Tables file

    Maximum size

    Dependent on the operating system.

    An external table can be composed of multiple files.








    2K Block size下,数据文件最大只能达到约8G

    8K Block size 下, 数据文件最大只能达到约4*8G

    32K Block size下,数据文件最大只能达到约16*8G.



           A bigfile tablespace contains only one datafile or tempfile, which can contain up to approximately 4 billion ( 232 ) blocks. The maximum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes (TB) for a tablespace with 32 K blocks and 32 TB for a tablespace with 8 K blocks.

           Bigfile tablespace 只允许一个数据文件,在大文件表空间下,Oracle使用32位来代表Block号, 每个文件最多可以容纳4G2^32)个Block。那么也就是说当Block_size2k时,数据文件可以达到8T Block_size8k时,数据文件可以达到32T block_size 32K时,数据文件可以达到128T



           一般不建议把单个数据文件建的太大。 因为太大的话,如果某个数据文件出现问题,恢复起来费时较长。


           一般都是把单个数据文件设成8G一个,如果表空间较大的话,可以多弄几个数据文件。 在上面的表格里也提到了。 单个表空间最大支持1022个数据文件。所以数据文件是绝对够用的。


            至于为什么设置8G,不是清楚,以前问过同事,说是和EXT3 的文件系统有关系。 刚才在metalink上也搜了一下, 想找到相关的官方证据。搜了半天,没有搜到相关的理论支持。 不过单个数据文件8G 是很通用的设法。 以后找到相关理论支持在补充。








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