• FTP上传文件夹

     1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Diagnostics;
      4 using System.IO;
      5 using System.Linq;
      6 using System.Net;
      7 using System.Text;
      8 using System.Threading.Tasks;
     10 namespace ImageResize
     11 {
     12     public class FtpClient
     13     {
     14         public string ftpUser = string.Empty;
     15         public string ftpPassword = string.Empty;
     16         public string ftpRootURL = string.Empty;
     17         public bool isFlag = true;
     18         public string baseFolderPath = null;
     20         public FtpClient(string url, string userid, string password)
     21         {
     22             this.ftpUser = userid; 
     23             this.ftpPassword = password;
     24             this.ftpRootURL = url;
     25         }
     27         /// <summary>
     28         /// 文件夹上传
     29         /// </summary>
     30         /// <param name="sourceFolder"></param>
     31         /// <param name="destFolder">ftpRootUrl + ftpPath</param>
     32         /// <returns></returns>
     33         public bool foldersUpload(string sourceFolder, string destFolder, string detailFolder)
     34         {
     35             bool isFolderFlag = false;
     36             if (isFlag)
     37             {
     38                 baseFolderPath = sourceFolder.Substring(0, sourceFolder.LastIndexOf("\\"));
     39                 isFlag = false;
     40             }
     42             string selectFolderName = sourceFolder.Replace(baseFolderPath, "").Replace("\\", "/");
     44             if (selectFolderName != null)
     45             {
     46                 string ftpDirectory = destFolder + selectFolderName;
     47                 if (ftpDirectory.LastIndexOf('/') < ftpDirectory.Length - 1)
     48                 {
     49                     ftpDirectory = ftpDirectory + "/";
     50                 }
     51                 if (!FtpDirectoryIsNotExists(ftpDirectory))
     52                 {
     53                     CreateFtpDirectory(ftpDirectory);
     54                 }
     55             }
     57             try
     58             {
     59                 string[] directories = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(sourceFolder).ToArray();
     60                 if (directories.Length > 0)
     61                 {
     62                     foreach (string d in directories)
     63                     {
     64                         foldersUpload(d, destFolder, sourceFolder.Replace(baseFolderPath, "").Replace("\\","/"));
     65                     }
     66                 }
     68                 string[] files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceFolder).ToArray();
     69                 if (files.Length > 0)
     70                 {
     71                     foreach (string s in files)
     72                     {
     74                         string fileName = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("\\")).Replace("\\", "/");
     76                         if(selectFolderName.Contains("/"))
     77                         {
     78                            if(selectFolderName.LastIndexOf('/') < selectFolderName.Length -1)
     79                            {
     80                                selectFolderName = selectFolderName + '/';
     81                            }
     83                         }
     84                         ftpRootURL = destFolder;
     86                         fileUpload(new FileInfo(s), selectFolderName , fileName.Substring(1,fileName.Length -1));
     88                     }
     89                 }
     90                 isFolderFlag = true;
     92             }
     93             catch (Exception ex)
     94             {
     95                 Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message);
     96             }
     97             return isFolderFlag;
     98         }
    101         /// <summary>
    102         /// 上传
    103         /// </summary>
    104         /// <param name="localFile">本地文件绝对路径</param>
    105         /// <param name="ftpPath">上传到ftp的路径</param>
    106         /// <param name="ftpFileName">上传到ftp的文件名</param>
    107         public bool fileUpload(FileInfo localFile, string ftpPath, string ftpFileName)
    108         {
    109             bool success = false;
    110             FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = null;
    112             FileStream localFileStream = null;
    113             Stream requestStream = null;
    115             try
    116             {
    117                 // 检查FTP目标存放目录是否存在
    118                 // 1.1 ftp 上目标目录
    119                 string destFolderPath =  ftpRootURL + ftpPath;
    121                 if (!FtpDirectoryIsNotExists(destFolderPath))
    122                 {
    123                     CreateFtpDirectory(destFolderPath);
    124                 }
    126                 string uri = ftpRootURL + ftpPath + ftpFileName;
    127                 ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(uri));
    128                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    129                 ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = true;
    131                 ftpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
    132                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
    133                 ftpWebRequest.ContentLength = localFile.Length;
    135                 int buffLength = 2048;
    136                 byte[] buff = new byte[buffLength];
    137                 int contentLen;
    139                 localFileStream = localFile.OpenRead();
    140                 requestStream = ftpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();
    142                 contentLen = localFileStream.Read(buff, 0, buffLength);
    143                 while (contentLen != 0)
    144                 {
    145                     // 把内容从file stream 写入upload stream
    146                     requestStream.Write(buff, 0, contentLen);
    147                     contentLen = localFileStream.Read(buff, 0, buffLength);
    148                 }
    150                 success = true;
    151             }
    152             catch (Exception)
    153             {
    154                 success = false;
    155             }
    156             finally
    157             {
    158                 if (requestStream != null)
    159                 {
    160                     requestStream.Close();
    161                 }
    162                 if (localFileStream != null)
    163                 {
    164                     localFileStream.Close();
    165                 }
    166             }
    168             return success;
    169         }
    172         /// <summary>
    173         /// 上传文件
    174         /// </summary>
    175         /// <param name="localPath">本地文件地址(没有文件名)</param>
    176         /// <param name="localFileName">本地文件名</param>
    177         /// <param name="ftpPath">上传到ftp的路径</param>
    178         /// <param name="ftpFileName">上传到ftp的文件名</param>
    179         public bool fileUpload(string localPath, string localFileName, string ftpPath, string ftpFileName)
    180         {
    181             bool success = false;
    182             try
    183             {
    184                 FileInfo localFile = new FileInfo(localPath + localFileName);
    185                 if (localFile.Exists)
    186                 {
    187                     success = fileUpload(localFile, ftpPath, ftpFileName);
    188                 }
    189                 else
    190                 {
    191                     success = false;
    192                 }
    193             }
    194             catch (Exception)
    195             {
    196                 success = false;
    197             }
    198             return success;
    199         }
    202         /// <summary>
    203         /// 下载文件
    204         /// </summary>
    205         /// <param name="localPath">本地文件地址(没有文件名)</param>
    206         /// <param name="localFileName">本地文件名</param>
    207         /// <param name="ftpPath">下载的ftp的路径</param>
    208         /// <param name="ftpFileName">下载的ftp的文件名</param>
    209         public bool fileDownload(string localPath, string localFileName, string ftpPath, string ftpFileName)
    210         {
    211             bool success = false;
    212             FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = null;
    213             FtpWebResponse ftpWebResponse = null;
    214             Stream ftpResponseStream = null;
    215             FileStream outputStream = null;
    216             try
    217             {
    218                 outputStream = new FileStream(localPath + localFileName, FileMode.Create);
    219                 string uri = ftpRootURL + ftpPath + ftpFileName;
    220                 ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(uri));
    221                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    222                 ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = true;
    223                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
    224                 ftpWebResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    225                 ftpResponseStream = ftpWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
    226                 long contentLength = ftpWebResponse.ContentLength;
    227                 int bufferSize = 2048;
    228                 byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
    229                 int readCount;
    230                 readCount = ftpResponseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
    231                 while (readCount > 0)
    232                 {
    233                     outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount);
    234                     readCount = ftpResponseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
    235                 }
    236                 success = true;
    237             }
    238             catch (Exception)
    239             {
    240                 success = false;
    241             }
    242             finally
    243             {
    244                 if (outputStream != null)
    245                 {
    246                     outputStream.Close();
    247                 }
    248                 if (ftpResponseStream != null)
    249                 {
    250                     ftpResponseStream.Close();
    251                 }
    252                 if (ftpWebResponse != null)
    253                 {
    254                     ftpWebResponse.Close();
    255                 }
    256             }
    257             return success;
    258         }
    261         /// <summary>
    262         /// 重命名
    263         /// </summary>
    264         /// <param name="ftpPath">ftp文件路径</param>
    265         /// <param name="currentFilename"></param>
    266         /// <param name="newFilename"></param>
    267         public bool fileRename(string ftpPath, string currentFileName, string newFileName)
    268         {
    269             bool success = false;
    270             FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = null;
    271             FtpWebResponse ftpWebResponse = null;
    272             Stream ftpResponseStream = null;
    273             try
    274             {
    275                 string uri = ftpRootURL + ftpPath + currentFileName;
    276                 ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(uri));
    277                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    278                 ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = true;
    279                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.Rename;
    280                 ftpWebRequest.RenameTo = newFileName;
    282                 ftpWebResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    283                 ftpResponseStream = ftpWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
    285             }
    286             catch (Exception)
    287             {
    288                 success = false;
    289             }
    290             finally
    291             {
    292                 if (ftpResponseStream != null)
    293                 {
    294                     ftpResponseStream.Close();
    295                 }
    296                 if (ftpWebResponse != null)
    297                 {
    298                     ftpWebResponse.Close();
    299                 }
    300             }
    301             return success;
    302         }
    305         /// <summary>
    306         /// 消除文件
    307         /// </summary>
    308         /// <param name="filePath"></param>
    309         public bool fileDelete(string ftpPath, string ftpName)
    310         {
    311             bool success = false;
    312             FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = null;
    313             FtpWebResponse ftpWebResponse = null;
    314             Stream ftpResponseStream = null;
    315             StreamReader streamReader = null;
    316             try
    317             {
    318                 string uri = ftpRootURL + ftpPath + ftpName;
    319                 ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(uri));
    320                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    321                 ftpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
    322                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile;
    323                 ftpWebResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    324                 long size = ftpWebResponse.ContentLength;
    325                 ftpResponseStream = ftpWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
    326                 streamReader = new StreamReader(ftpResponseStream);
    327                 string result = String.Empty;
    328                 result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    330                 success = true;
    331             }
    332             catch (Exception)
    333             {
    334                 success = false;
    335             }
    336             finally
    337             {
    338                 if (streamReader != null)
    339                 {
    340                     streamReader.Close();
    341                 }
    342                 if (ftpResponseStream != null)
    343                 {
    344                     ftpResponseStream.Close();
    345                 }
    346                 if (ftpWebResponse != null)
    347                 {
    348                     ftpWebResponse.Close();
    349                 }
    350             }
    351             return success;
    352         }
    354         /// <summary>
    355         /// 文件存在检查
    356         /// </summary>
    357         public bool fileCheckExist(string destFolderPath, string fileName)
    358         {
    359             bool success = false;
    360             FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = null;
    361             WebResponse webResponse = null;
    362             StreamReader reader = null;
    363             try
    364             {
    367                 ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(destFolderPath));
    368                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    369                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;
    370                 ftpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
    371                 webResponse = ftpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    372                 reader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
    373                 string line = reader.ReadLine();
    374                 while (line != null)
    375                 {
    376                     string ftpName = "test.jpg";
    377                     if (line == ftpName)
    378                     {
    379                         success = true;
    380                         break;
    381                     }
    382                     line = reader.ReadLine();
    383                 }
    384             }
    385             catch (Exception)
    386             {
    387                 success = false;
    388             }
    389             finally
    390             {
    391                 if (reader != null)
    392                 {
    393                     reader.Close();
    394                 }
    395                 if (webResponse != null)
    396                 {
    397                     webResponse.Close();
    398                 }
    399             }
    400             return success;
    401         }
    404         /// <summary>
    405         /// 创建FTP文件目录
    406         /// </summary>
    407         /// <param name="ftpDirectory">ftp服务器上的文件目录</param>
    408         public void CreateFtpDirectory(string ftpDirectory)
    409         {
    410             try
    411             {
    412                 FtpWebRequest ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpDirectory));
    413                 ftpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    414                 ftpWebRequest.UseBinary = true;
    415                 ftpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
    416                 ftpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory;
    418                 FtpWebResponse respFTP = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    419                 respFTP.Close();
    420             }
    421             catch (Exception ex)
    422             {
    423                 Debug.WriteLine("FTP创建目录失败" + ex.Message);
    424             }
    426         }
    431         /// <summary>
    432         /// 获取目录下的详细信息
    433         /// </summary>
    434         /// <param name="localDir">本机目录</param>
    435         /// <returns></returns>
    436         public List<List<string>> GetDirDetails(string localDir)
    437         {
    438             List<List<string>> infos = new List<List<string>>();
    439             try
    440             {
    441                 infos.Add(Directory.GetFiles(localDir).ToList());
    442                 infos.Add(Directory.GetDirectories(localDir).ToList());
    443                 for (int i = 0; i < infos[0].Count; i++)
    444                 {
    445                     int index = infos[1][i].LastIndexOf(@"\");
    446                     infos[1][i] = infos[1][i].Substring(index + 1);
    447                 }
    448             }
    449             catch(Exception ex)
    450             {
    451                 Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message);
    452             }
    453             return infos;
    454         }
    457         public void UploadDirectory(string localDir, string ftpPath, string dirName, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword)
    458         {
    459             if (ftpUser == null)
    460             {
    461                 ftpUser = "";
    462             }
    463             if (ftpPassword == null)
    464             {
    465                 ftpPassword = "";
    466             }
    468             string dir = localDir + dirName + @"\";
    470             if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
    471             {
    472                 return;
    473             }
    475             //if (!CheckDirectoryExist(ftpPath, dirName))
    476             //{
    477             //    MakeDir(ftpPath, dirName);
    479             //}
    481             List<List<string>> infos = GetDirDetails(dir); //获取当前目录下的所有文件和文件夹
    482             //先上传文件
    483         //    MyLog.ShowMessage(dir + "下的文件数:" + infos[0].Count.ToString());
    484             for (int i = 0; i < infos[0].Count; i++)
    485             {
    486                 Console.WriteLine(infos[0][i]);
    487              //   UpLoadFile(dir + infos[0][i], ftpPath + dirName + @"/" + infos[0][i], ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    488             }
    489             //再处理文件夹
    490           //  MyLog.ShowMessage(dir + "下的目录数:" + infos[1].Count.ToString());
    491             for (int i = 0; i < infos[1].Count; i++)
    492             {
    493                 UploadDirectory(dir, ftpPath + dirName + @"/", infos[1][i], ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    494             }
    495         }
    497         /// <summary>
    498         /// 判断Ftp上待上传文件存放的(文件夹)目录是否存在
    499         /// 注意事项:目录结构的最后一个字符一定要是一个斜杠
    500         /// </summary>
    501         /// <param name="destFtpFolderPath">Ftp服务器上存放待上传文件的目录</param>
    502         private  bool FtpDirectoryIsNotExists(string destFolderPath)
    503         {
    504             try
    505             {
    506                 var request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(destFolderPath);
    507                 request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
    508                 request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;
    509                 FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    510             }
    511             catch (WebException ex)
    512             {
    513                 FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)ex.Response;
    514                 if (response.StatusCode == FtpStatusCode.ActionNotTakenFileUnavailable)
    515                 {
    516                     response.Close();
    517                     return false;
    518                 }
    519                 else
    520                 {
    521                     response.Close();
    522                 }
    523             }
    524             return true;
    525         }
    527         /// <summary>
    528         /// 解析文件所在的路径(即当前文件所在的文件位置)
    529         /// </summary>
    530         /// <param name="destFilePath">需要存储在FTP服务器上的文件路径,如:</param>
    531         /// <returns></returns>
    532         public string FtpParseDirectory(string destFilePath)
    533         {
    534             return destFilePath.Substring(0, destFilePath.LastIndexOf("/"));
    535         }
    538         // 验证文件类型
    539         public bool IsAllowableFileType(string fileName)
    540         {
    541             //从web.config读取判断文件类型限制
    542             string stringstrFileTypeLimit = string.Format(".jpeg|*.jpeg|*.*|All Files");
    543             //当前文件扩展名是否包含在这个字符串中
    544             if (stringstrFileTypeLimit.IndexOf(fileName.ToLower()) != -1)
    545             {
    546                 return true;
    547             }
    548             else
    549             {
    550                 return false;
    551             }
    552         }
    554         //文件大小
    555         public bool IsAllowableFileSize(long FileContentLength)
    556         {
    557             //从web.config读取判断文件大小的限制
    558             Int32 doubleiFileSizeLimit = 1232;
    560             //判断文件是否超出了限制
    561             if (doubleiFileSizeLimit > FileContentLength)
    562             {
    563                 return true;
    564             }
    565             else
    566             {
    567                 return false;
    568             }
    569         }
    573     }
    574 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tianjinquan/p/3189028.html
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