Lab 4 Browsing the Filesystem
Sequence 1: Directory and File Organization
1. Log in as user student with the password student.
2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd
3. ls
ls -a
ls -al
-a option includes files whose names begin with a period and used for storing configuration information
The fifth column of ls -l's output displays the file's size.
4. [student@stationX ~]$ touch {report,graph}_{jan,feb,mar}
5. [student@stationX ~]$ ls
6. Make directory
[student@stationX ~]$ mkdir Projects
[student@stationX ~]$ mkdir Projects/graphs
[student@stationX ~]$ cd Projects
[student@stationX Projects]$ mkdir reports
[student@stationX Projects]$ cd reports
[student@stationX reports]$ mkdir ../Backups
[student@stationX reports]$ cd
[student@stationX ~]$ ls -l
[student@stationX ~]$ ls Projects
7. Move files
[student@stationX ~]$ mv graph_jan Projects/graphs
[student@stationX ~]$ mv graph_feb graph_mar Projects/graphs
[student@stationX ~]$ ls -l Projects/graphs/
8. Move the files in one command:
[student@stationX ~]$ mv report_jan report_feb Projects/reports
[student@stationX ~]$ ls -l Projects/reports
9. Remove the remaining report file:
[student@stationX ~]$ rm report_mar
[student@stationX ~]$ ls
10. Copy one using an absolute pathname and the other using a relative pathname:
[student@stationX ~]$ cd Projects/Backups
[student@stationX Backups]$ pwd
[student@stationX Backups]$ cp ../reports/report_jan .
[student@stationX Backups]$ cp /home/student/Projects/graphs/graph_jan .
[student@stationX Backups]$ ls -l
11. exit
Sequence 2: Managing Files with Nautilus
1. If you have not already, log into the graphical environment.
2. Double-click on the student's Home icon on your desktop.
3. Double-click on Projects, then graphs.
4. With the graphs window selected, press Ctrl-Shift-w to close the parent directory windows.
5. Press Ctrl-a to select all three graphs.
6. Press Ctrl-c to copy the files.
7. Press Ctrl-l (the letter l, not the number 1) to display the Open Location dialog. Type /tmp
(note that you can use tab-completion) and press Enter to open a new window displaying /
8. Press Ctrl-Shift-n or right-click on the window background and select Create Folder to
create a new directory.
9. Type in Stuff_for_Bob as the new directory's name and double-click the directory to
open it
10. Press Ctrl-v to paste your graphs into /tmp/Stuff_for_Bob.
11. Press Ctrl-q to close all Nautilus windows
Sequence 3: Backing-up your system configuration
1. Log in on tty1 as user root with the password of redhat.
2. [root@stationX ~]# mkdir ~/backups
3. recursively copy
cp -rpv /etc/sysconfig ~/backups/sysconfig-20071231
cp -av /etc/sysconfig ~/backups/sysconfig-20071231
4. cp -av /etc/sysconfig ~/backups/sysconfig-20071231
5. cp -av /etc/sysconfig ~/backups/sysconfig-20071231
be prompted for confirmation before overwriting