• 3.SSM整合_多表_一对多的增删改查



    public interface CategoryMapper {
    	public void addCategory(Category category);
    	public void delCategory(String id);
    	public void updateCategory(Category cateory);
    	public List<Category> selectCategory(String name);
    	public List<Category> selectAll();
    	public Category selectById(String id);
    	public List<News> getNewsWithCate(String id);


    <mapper namespace="com.demo1.mapper.CategoryMapper">
    	<!-- 添加 -->
    	<insert id="addCategory" parameterType="Category">
    		insert into t_category(name, createtime) 
    			value(#{name}, #{createtime});
    	<!-- 删除  -->
    	<delete id="delCategory" parameterType="String">
    		delete from t_category 
    			where id = #{id}
    	<!-- 更新 -->
    	<update id="updateCategory" parameterType="Category">
    		update t_category 
    			set name = #{name}, createtime = #{createtime} 
    			where id = #{id}
    <!-- 查询:一对多,多表查询 -->
    	<!-- 方式一:嵌套结果,一条SQL多表连表查询,所有的字段都做映射 -->
    	<resultMap type="Category" id="categoryResultMap">
    		<id column="Id" property="id"/>
    		<result column="Name" property="name"/>
    		<result column="Createtime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createtime" javaType="String"/>
    		<!-- 没有外键字段 -->
    		<collection property="news" javaType="ArrayList" ofType="News">
    			<id column="NewId" property="id"/>
    			<result column="Title" property="title"/>
    			<result column="Author" property="author"/>
    	<!-- 根据name模糊查询 -->
    	<select id="selectCategory" parameterType="String" resultMap="categoryResultMap">
    		select t1.id Id, t1.name Name, t1.createtime Createtime, 
    			   t2.id NewId, t2.title Title, t2.author Author 
    			from t_category t1 
    				left join t_news t2 
    				on t1.id = t2.category_id 
    			where t1.name like "%"#{name}"%"
    	<!-- 查询所有 -->
    	<select id="selectAll" resultMap="categoryResultMap">
    		select t1.id Id, t1.name Name, t1.createtime Createtime, 
    			   t2.id NewId, t2.title Title, t2.author Author 
    			from t_category t1 
    				left join t_news t2 
    				on t1.id = t2.category_id
    	<!-- 方式二:嵌套查询,两条SQL,单独查询 -->
    	<resultMap type="Category" id="categoryResultMap2">
    		<id column="id" property="id"/>
    		<result column="name" property="name"/>
    		<result column="createtime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createtime" javaType="String"/>
    		<!-- 这个column属性不是外键,是分类的主键,其值为id为selectById的select标签查询出的id字段 -->
    		<collection column="id" property="news" javaType="ArrayList" ofType="News" select="getNews">
    	<select id="getNews" parameterType="int" resultType="News">
    		select id, title, author 
    			from t_news 
    			where category_id = #{id}
    	<!-- 根据id查询 -->
    	<select id="selectById" parameterType="String" resultMap="categoryResultMap2">
    		select id, name ,createtime 
    			from t_category 
    			where id = #{id}
    	<!-- 查询分类下的所有信息 -->
    	<select id="getNewsWithCate" resultMap="categoryResultMap2">
    		select * 
    			from t_news 
    			where category_id = #{id}


    public class Category {
    	private Integer id;
    	private String name;
    	private String createtime;
    	private List<News> news;


    public interface NewsMapper {
    	public void addNew(News news);
    	public void delNew(String id);
    	public void updateNew(News news);
    	public List<News> selectNew(String name);
    	public List<News> selectAll();
    	public News selectById(String id);
    	public List<String> getCategoryName();


    <mapper namespace="com.demo1.mapper.NewsMapper">
    	<!--  添加操作和单表添加差不多,唯一的区别就是外键字段 -->
    	<insert id="addNew" parameterType="News" >
    		insert into t_news(content, title, author, createtime, category_id) 
    	<delete id="delNew" parameterType="String">
    		delete from t_news where id = #{id}
    	<!-- 修改操作和单表修改差不多,唯一的区别就是外键字段 -->
    	<update id="updateNew" parameterType="News">
    		update t_news 
    				content = #{content}, 
    				title = #{title}, 
    				author = #{author}, 
    				createtime = #{createtime}, 
    				category_id = #{category.id}
    				id = #{id}
    <!-- 多对一(配置方式和一对一一样)多表查询 -->
    	<!-- 查询有两种方式, -->
    	<!--方式一嵌套结果: 就是把所有的字段都映射,一条SQL连表查询,其中外键使用 <association>标签映射-->
    	<resultMap type="News" id="newsResultMap">
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<id column="Id" property="id"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Content" property="content"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Title" property="title"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Author" property="author"/>
    		<!-- javaType的属性值设置为String是为了显示成:2018-12-5 12:30:10这样 -->
    		<result column="Createtime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createtime" javaType="String"/>
    		<!-- 映射外键字段,该标签的column属性值为表外键字段列名,而非列别名 -->
    		<association column="category_id" property="category" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="Category">
    			<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    			<id column="Categoryid" property="id"/>
    			<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    			<result column="Name" property="name"/>
    			<!-- 不管SQL语句中有没有查询某字段,如果别名同名,mySQL会自动在别名后加上序号,从1开始。
    			<!-- <result column="Createtime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createtime" javaType="String"/> -->
    	<!-- 根据name模糊查询,左链接查询,若外键无值,则字段为空 -->
    	<select id="selectNew" parameterType="String" resultMap="newsResultMap">
    		select t1.id Id, t1.content Content, t1.title Title, t1.author Author, t1.createtime Createtime, 
    			   t2.id Categoryid, t2.name Name 
    			from t_news t1 
    				left join t_category t2 
    				on t1.category_id = t2.id 
    			where t1.title like "%"#{name}"%"
    	<!-- 查询所有 -->
    	<select id="selectAll" resultMap="newsResultMap">
    		<!-- 连表查询:若外键无值,则整条记录去掉 -->
    		<!-- select t1.id, t1.content, t1.title, t1.author, t1.createtime, t2.name from t_news t1, t_category t2 where t1.category_id = t2.id -->
    		<!-- 左链接查询,若外键无值,则字段为空 -->
    		select t1.id Id, t1.content Content, t1.title Title, t1.author Author, t1.createtime Createtime, 
    			   t2.id Categoryid, t2.name Name 
    			from t_news t1 
    				left join t_category t2 
    				on t1.category_id = t2.id	
    	<!-- 方式二:嵌套查询,使用两条SQL执行查询,两条SQL单独查询 -->
    	<resultMap type="News" id="newsResultMap2">
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<id column="Id" property="id"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Content" property="content"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Title" property="title"/>
    		<!-- property 表示bean中的属性; column 表示表中的列别名 -->
    		<result column="Author" property="author"/>
    		<!-- javaType的属性值设置为String是为了显示成:2018-12-5 12:30:10这样 -->
    		<result column="Createtime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="createtime" javaType="String"/>
    		<!-- 映射外键字段,该标签的column属性值为表外键字段列名,而非列别名,其值为ID为selectById的select标签查询出的category_id字段 -->
    		<association column="category_id" property="category" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="Category" select="getCategory">
    	<select id="getCategory" parameterType="int" resultType="Category">
    		select id, name 
    			from t_category 
    			where id = #{id}
    	<!-- 根据id查询 :修改时调用
    	<select id="selectById" parameterType="String" resultMap="newsResultMap2">
    		select t1.id Id, t1.content Content, t1.title Title, t1.author Author, t1.createtime Createtime, t1.category_id category_id 
    			from  t_news t1 
    			where t1.id = #{id} 
    	<!-- 查询分类的name -->
    	<select id="getCategoryName" resultType="Category">
    		select id, name 
    			from t_category


    public class News {
    	private Integer id;
    	private String content;
    	private String title;
    	private String createtime;
    	private Category category;//外键
    	private String author;
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